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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(105)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法律事务——商法(2)8 B( `* {, Q. V9 N
  1.Foreign investment 外商投资
  j4 u, U) i) p  A: Is foreign investment encouraged in China?
: [7 O, B; x. \% w# N, V4 H9 F  B: Yes. China wants to attract as much investment as possible.  z" ~& N3 d0 \: Q
; y+ S# x6 W7 y- E  B:是的,中国想要尽可能吸引投资。  u7 Z$ T2 k( u
  2.Misconduct 违法行为/ ~; `1 K7 r5 S6 z' ?7 r
  A: There was some misconduct of the Enrun Company officials.. n0 z9 x# R  f, ^2 Y6 z7 Q
  B: Yeah. They took money and run.
7 g" R1 x3 F( H  A:Enrun公司的官员有一些违法行为。
2 M/ ]4 d$ `9 e8 Q, h9 Z  B:是的,他们携款潜逃了。8 |7 n4 f" k, @7 ]: c; E" S
  3.Monopoly 垄断6 V' w& x  A5 M% L
  A: Is it allowed to become a monopoly?  |" _) b5 X8 W5 X+ p0 O
  B: No. It's not allowed under the business law.4 \0 [( ]0 w' W: Q. i
  A:垄断是允许的吗?2 c, R. @: w1 ~/ ~7 F8 r9 B( U
  B:不是,商法是不允许垄断的。+ F0 `+ V  R3 _1 z! L+ k3 ]: o$ E& F
  4.Registration 注册登记
9 Y* u- V' o% z3 z  t  A: Did you register your business?$ H5 M. O( G8 c$ _. G
  B: I sure did. Look at the license on the wall.
' R, ~. e" d, d4 r  A:你的商店注册了吗?
% f  O1 u5 V0 E  F- C: s& I' M  B:当然,你看执照就挂在墙上。
3 W7 ~4 g  g  X0 p/ C7 ~  5.Scope of business 业务范围
4 N% E  t( [7 P1 N+ }- \! w6 V6 Q) l  A: So what is the scope of your business?% k* A) c) y, x8 [& J3 q/ O
  B: Import and export of industrial products.
- q" _( s. ^3 k- }  A:那么你的业务范围是什么?
/ V- e& p1 `. y  B:工业产品的进出口业务。

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