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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(112)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
庆祝——公司年终宴会(1)# |# s, {4 W* A
  1.Award 颁奖% m0 X, s4 k9 l* r- ^$ q. n. g; Q
  A: Are we going to have award ceremony at the Annual Party?
' v# K" a: o$ z; R6 ]  B: Yes, kill two birds with one stone.
  S- I0 t3 l7 I5 V, U  A:我们年终宴会上会有颁奖仪式吗?
4 r' n0 y& j: g; w) Y  B:有啊,一举两得。3 u8 T7 ?$ j$ u
  2.Beer 啤酒; x0 T& v# N( J, b6 H5 [  V1 O' U8 m0 u
  A: How about beer?
) y4 w9 l. ~9 k/ x2 g9 ]* `/ c  B: Beer is fine. I have no problem with it, but it's better to cold.
, h8 |8 b( n- b  A:那么,喝啤酒呢?
# I  y$ j3 f) M& M7 n) C% [  B:啤酒还好了,应该没问题,但最好是冰镇的。
' C. b3 N2 w  [% W/ ^! E  3.Christmas party 圣诞晚会
; s( [1 g0 [" {/ z  h  A: In the West, the company annual party is always around the Christmas, right?
% _) o9 Q2 }' {" m* D3 c' A  B: It's always before the Christmas.7 `; d+ u, f2 I; c! j" J4 t- l8 O9 \
  A:西方公司里的年终宴会是不是一般都在圣诞节前后?0 k: _0 t9 r" Y6 ^3 P% v& U1 }2 G
  B:都在圣诞节前。/ Q9 @3 G! ~: F
  4.Dance 跳舞# Y5 h- W5 F! }! q7 n2 T+ h! _
  A: What do they do after eating?
9 [: p7 `# r  t9 l1 A: M  B: They would dance.
4 G- d+ K8 o8 m/ E; D. X* Y  A:他们吃过晚饭做什么?
0 q. R; E, K  u/ S, J  B:他们会跳舞。
+ S0 @8 S7 R6 [; A. g  5.Dress up 盛装打扮
+ g2 T) p: L5 L- o# V) Z# N& k  A: What is the dress code for the party?
/ d' g0 j0 ~" f; l# h9 ^4 ]  B: Man can have suit and tie, and women can wear evening gowns.. x% ~3 A. p6 I. {
  A:聚会的时候该穿些什么?1 p0 Z+ \5 ?; k- X$ [

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