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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(111)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
庆祝——迎婴聚会- {7 @% v; Z/ X7 V: Z( _6 _
  Note:Baby shower is held before the baby is born. Only women friends of the expecting mom attend the baby shower, offering gifts and good wishes to her.
/ d" s0 g/ {7 h' \  注:迎婴聚会是在婴儿出生前举行的,只有待产妈妈的女朋友参加,给她礼物和美好的祝愿。5 F4 u6 g% i4 r
  1.Deliver/Delivery 分娩,接生
1 w7 z3 p  M4 m  A: Do you know which doctor will deliver for you?8 U( q1 L/ @$ N. j5 r! q' L
  B: They have four doctors. Whoever on duty will deliver.$ {2 H9 t- `# O! Q5 v* L0 b1 _! `
  A:你知道哪个医生会帮你接生吗?! O' ?% Z5 q, m/ ^, V
  n. d+ b( {7 u' d5 x* e) N3 W  2.Pregnant 怀孕
. w2 e+ l3 S0 O4 g0 o  A: Does it feel good being pregnant?
! E9 K( q) n1 Y% a& [# j0 m5 U  f  B: I was so happy at first. But now I suffer quite a bit, throwing up a lot.' b; ?9 M' o. P- w9 v' f, A9 ], u
  A:怀孕的感觉好吗?$ D# g4 N8 e$ Z/ c3 r9 c7 N
5 S5 V2 @  q/ t1 e) I  3.Ultrasound 超声波检查4 s* R: |7 K/ [
  A: When do you have your ultrasound?" v6 r5 D3 v2 P; B
  B: The first day I went to the hospital.! c; I" Z- |" ~- a4 h" G; o
, Z0 K  o8 x. d8 s" [) T1 P" U  B:第一次去医院的时候。
8 ]8 D3 \! ~% U( {/ P0 W  4.Water break 羊水破了
& n1 f" t0 B8 F" b# b( Q  A: I think my water break.2 T/ ^" c- E- k) I8 A. h3 l0 F
  B: Let's go.
' Q4 }0 a* b* e5 b  A:我想我的羊水破了。! |4 d, L, g- t6 u" }: q" V+ C
  B:我们去医院。* c! u0 k6 F# S9 O1 p; ?
  5.Overdue 迟生,过了预产期
5 |. z/ [! p, t  A: When is the baby due?
" v+ O* V% T  y9 E! k" Q! E0 `5 p  B: Yesterday. It is already overdue.
2 P9 c* W# {/ R: h6 {1 ]" ?* `  A:孩子预产期是什么时候?1 i; D1 U- o5 T& a8 D2 C/ c

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