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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(109)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法律事务——法律行为(1)1 D( H2 p- F8 `" n* O4 k8 _4 H
  1.Attorney 律师
+ C3 \' \1 M) h; I8 }  A: Why do we call our lawyer an attorney?) ~! L7 x$ M# k" @% L
  B: Attorney is a more formal and respectable name for a lawyer.
$ x, ^. Z* d1 Y+ U  A:我们为什么管我们的律师叫attorney呢?- S$ x& S1 M$ U. ]
  B:Attorney是对律师的正式的尊称。0 I; a6 Y+ Y7 [2 e7 t
  2.Accuse 控告
6 w+ |- `8 h' c  g+ W' U, P9 u  A: Did his brother accuse him of mailing bombs?
% h$ ~& j& ^5 k( ?! M" K  B: Yes. His brother did the right thing. Or he will kill more people.
$ _8 _4 l5 u$ ^3 R% ~+ J  A:是他哥哥控告他邮寄炸弹的吧?
% A4 G  w4 H; X1 J3 j# A+ p0 M$ f  B:是的,他哥哥做得对,要不然他会害死更多的人。# ~2 I, W. c# V5 s, j% P/ P0 ^
  3.Arrest 逮捕/ x( c) n8 F/ L9 Q, u& ]! g
  A: Did he get arrested in South Carolina?
, P  R) W# z0 F: G/ _  B: Yes.How amazing. It was more than a thousand miles away from where he committed the crime.
& Q7 r: }5 y; P  A:他在南卡洛林娜州被逮捕的吧?1 C. s: d" y  ~- s; s5 F
  B:是的,真神奇啊,距离他犯罪的地方有一千多英里。* [  R5 H" p. |: F' a7 D" v* T
  4.Civil Court 民事法庭# K3 {" z6 s; ^% {
  A: What is a Civil Court?
8 L# P5 V6 F1 q1 i' c$ c  B: Civil court is different from a Criminal Court. It deals with the cases where no crimes are involved." J8 v* c5 n  |  F6 T
+ Z; S7 _& s. ?" u1 b  B:民事法庭与刑事法庭不同,专门受理不是刑事犯罪的案件。
7 B5 |8 y% p3 f& S3 o% _3 y- h9 D  5.Court appeal 上诉
# `1 O" J: _1 p+ l0 _5 ?. \  A: Why do the sentenced appeal?
9 G+ O' f' P) Z4 t$ @# j+ _' X0 ^& Y  B: If they think the court judgement is not right, they can appeal with certain time.
8 J" y- T% L  X  A:判刑的人为什么要上诉?, n; t7 }  q0 o( n- h& N- A; q( Z

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