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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(114)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
庆祝——升职5 b! C% ^9 B( b8 ^
  1.Added responsibilities 职责增加
5 m6 [. a$ y6 G2 e& B0 n  A: Mark, congratulations on your added responsibilities!
. y, i% H( z6 a; {  L- Y  B: Thank you, Steve!
+ X, `, i/ M9 T% X8 K  A:马克,恭喜你又多负责一些业务!
+ l+ K* S1 q& f) b# g  P; p  B:谢谢你,史蒂夫!
, C! d& K7 h- g2 v+ j$ h+ L) ]  2.Effective 生效
; Y5 q: U! Y% \) b( ~0 }8 D  J& w  A: Charles, your promotion is effective on April 1st.
4 k9 P3 r) f0 @5 ^# e) d  B: Is it a joke? That's April Fool's Day!
! S: r' F! j8 o8 e. g  A:查尔斯,你的升职从4月1日开始生效。
5 w! {1 t) x3 G! w/ p0 G  B:不会是开玩笑吧?那可是愚人节啊!8 B# b0 l8 i# q5 \9 c! y& ?6 I
  3.Promoted to 提升为……
, j) ^- U4 o3 a, U6 C5 j  A: Did you know that Kevin got promoted to Lab Manager?
3 d1 {; g* e% c. Q) K" u  B: Yes, I did. He's a good guy.
" A* E( ]' h8 e) l; b  A:你知道吗?凯文提升为实验室经理了。
- I* U7 U8 ~0 s. n$ _5 B  B:是的,听说了,他是个好人。* q" J" _) y2 J3 b
  4.Promotion 提升、升职5 G  X& z* N5 Z( B
  A: Congratulations on your promotion!+ M3 t& m9 E* A( z" z9 \
  B: Thank you so much. I couldn't have done it without your help." ^8 w, C  `6 H7 s. U9 x2 v5 h
7 l2 e  ]  {  u+ f, o9 y( P  B:太感谢你们了,没有你们的帮助,我也没有今天。7 l  N6 y7 d8 W# L0 a( _( t& u
  5.Set goals 确立目标
7 E* H( ?1 {) f/ }: N4 W! `$ R0 N9 N  A: Now with your promotion, it's a good time to set goals for next year.
9 P, O- x7 P9 {0 j& U" K8 M* T  B: That's for sure. I'm working hard on them right now." |$ C' @. Z* P5 Y0 k6 U9 d+ @' ?0 s* S
* `3 C8 R8 p8 u' G) I  B:那是,我正在认真做。

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