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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(122)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 办公室行为及情感表达——建议(1)% M% H: ]; M/ j! N4 h( w
  1.Don't you want to ...? 你不想……?$ X; @  y- H* ]% ]  \4 O
  A: Don't you want to join the army?& P1 b# L) Q2 ]# c
  B: Yes, I do. But my mom won't let me.- z( R# S' \" a
  A:你不想当兵吗?8 Y; G1 k) V; [; p3 x! |1 U
  B:想啊,但我妈妈不同意。" W/ {0 g3 t; B1 o/ F1 ~" J% j
  2.I think you should 我想你应该
7 j' n( R) G6 B  A: I think you should call the police.2 u7 e9 R2 U+ {# V
  B: Won't I get in trouble doing that?
( G6 B6 f! |3 f5 w! \, k  A:我想你应该报警。
5 f0 Q' d" U" C) J) A  B:报警不会惹来麻烦吗?
8 m6 K3 w! \$ u: {. l% f  3.I suggest 我建议
$ O& v2 A+ l4 X) ]  A: I suggest that we call a meeting to discuss this.2 O  f: G; z, |8 \) r& {
  B: Good idea. Why don't you organize the meeting?% m3 N* `$ ~' S
  A:我建议我们开个会对此进行一下讨论。2 A) w0 }# Q0 y. d$ E, s! d5 c
  B:好主意!你来组织一下会议吧!, p8 T0 L! A/ F1 y9 E
  4.It would be better if 如果……会好一些7 x3 M* t8 L$ {( a, S* S
  A: It would be better if you could come with us.0 x) l% Q% A* S0 I. n
  B: I don't know. I need some time alone.7 ]$ M+ F2 [1 T$ ]/ u/ a+ a
  A:如果你能和我们一起去也许能好些。5 A( M  {% Y& ~: C; |
  B:我不知道,我需要一个人静一静。. c2 N. x% I, f6 q
  5.If I were you, I'd ... 如果我是你的话,我就……
2 g# c" y% z8 w( ^  A: If I were you, I'd beat him up.( f6 g4 ~3 X2 @) w! a, Y$ q) O
  B: Sometimes you need to learn how to walk away. Don't let rage take control.4 G9 o6 y$ A" T& r) `% E& ^4 j8 C
3 J/ A$ G. q2 j/ {$ _  B:有时你需要学会忍让,不要让愤怒控制自己。

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