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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(120)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
庆祝——年度员工日(1)% d7 `. M, ~8 v
  1.Barbecue 烤肉
9 g# e/ l+ K6 O* }+ w7 l; A  A: What are we going to have?+ Q3 U8 J- O) l' R4 {( K, A
  B: Barbecue. Steaks, French fries, and soft drinks.
' C. o8 o) C# c/ |. m- l  A:我们吃什么?
" g( M! M. j" k# A0 F  B:烤肉。牛排、炸薯条和汽水。2 r& s9 m1 X. M9 M8 i9 k
  2.Bread 面包
- w3 C- d3 c& @& V( d0 i  A: Would you like some bread to go with the hot dog?
, s' f* O5 @$ ?. c3 u  B: Yes. Thank you.
$ H- r7 ?3 G' z  A:你要不要热狗面包?5 M& O: c  r' l! D
  B:好的,谢谢你。; L' F: e, s" k5 ?
  3.Corn 玉米' q& ^" n( a+ }* B8 F
  A: I saw some corn.
" Q+ x, v9 b* \4 o& _  B: Those are good, healthy stuff.! G0 k& P, Q  ?" ^% @
  A:我看到一些玉米。. n7 V5 @7 G% |( ^2 l& m2 ]
  B:玉米好,是健康食品。# {; y; n. Z- M$ C9 a, L
  4.Director 总监9 B+ O! i, M: n) T) ~. h2 P
  A: I saw that the Directors and Vice Presidents are busy at the barbecue.
: F  _2 K/ V* A; l) A/ G. @  B: Yeah, they want to show their appreciation.
3 E. L; [' k" ?* \) {$ x! s3 p  A:我看到总监们和副总裁们在忙着烤肉。( Q0 K/ a: A7 Q! ?7 H, i$ m
( Z: [& A  h+ f  s) e9 z* [  5.How do you want your steak cooked? 你想要几分熟的牛排?
8 B0 @, n, T) W/ i# X  A: How do you want your steak cooked?
. d- S, i3 Y( q  @8 a) r  B: Medium well.
8 O* Y' c' B$ |7 Z9 I" Z8 x  A:你想要几分熟的牛排?
6 d) C5 a; N, n  B:半熟就好。

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