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[BEC高级] BEC阅读词汇:中国日报汉英词汇表十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- b/ ^  `6 Y( x! T9 `; v# U回到顶部3 o+ F6 O' s0 a7 F. L4 a. L
海关完税价值 customs value
$ p* @* G( ^. m4 M: A' e海量存储 mass memory: G, N6 f- ^( v3 x+ c1 F& p1 V+ @8 A1 z
海上救助船 salvage ship
5 E5 O% V& m+ o& j$ Y海市蜃楼,镜花水月,无稽之谈 a mare’s nest
9 S: S; W: \$ q& z海湾战争综合症 the complexities of the Gulf War
2 U; [: e, V( P  \' y海峡两岸关系协会(海协会) the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)
: I! `: e, e2 w8 R) |, R* D  z海峡两岸交流基金会(海基会) Strait Exchange Foundation of (Taiwan, China)(SEF)
& D1 J: L0 v6 @( y4 z2 L1 ]函授大学 correspondence university
8 p8 k$ R( ~$ c* Y+ T# h9 J8 |寒带 frigid zone
3 u( }* X$ Z$ ?( w; D/ |汉字处理软件 Chinese character processing software
8 A( ]! t0 B9 i8 N% f7 u' f6 Z旱地滑雪场 mock skiing park
0 ]- q9 v7 L8 q% T3 P/ W' x- e航母 aircraft carrier) t/ X4 z) X7 v6 {+ H; p
航向错误,奉行错误方向 on the wrong tack2 `( m7 J& g7 b# R
豪赌 unrestrained gambling+ }# U( V! v6 Q, ^2 T" e0 [
好出风头的运动员 "exhibitionist, grandstander "* Y7 G1 P4 x% l8 U' u( G' r$ l
好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster; P7 a" m$ i6 d
好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more
1 w. Q" N" _2 W+ [好球 Strike
! B0 h5 p+ U! U8 r好事不出门,恶事传千里 "Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. "9 ]5 N% t$ F) S/ \  f) z
合理引导消费 guide rational consumption+ ^4 ~$ {1 Q5 L" u
合业经营 combined operation/ management& T7 w- b* [3 S
合议庭 collegiate bench
% t+ Q7 m* a6 M3 s和服 Kimono+ M% U- ~8 |/ I4 t; L1 z2 Z
和平共处五项原则: 互相尊重领土完整和主权、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence- W* I: ?1 |7 [0 m% o5 x
和平演变 peaceful evolution
  `+ a3 C5 j$ x- L1 r" q和气生财 Harmony brings wealth& j2 c; l# Z8 j- @8 M# X! O
河道整治 dredging waterway
2 {2 Z6 a6 p# O/ ], w核军火库 nuclear arsenal
* }; S* d; j, P  M# n5 f' ?核武器数量 Nuclear Arsenal Size/ F0 s) J% n9 ]
核销 cancel after verification  i" X$ X( Q. C. _7 A
核心/非核心资产 core / non-core assets
# }0 _, @. ^) C6 V6 ]核心竞争力 core competitiveness
+ }: `5 b6 p% g* ~盒饭 packed meal; box lunch
/ ~! M: k+ C/ V+ K  f贺岁片 New Year's Film9 g: |/ b! \! b* g8 D+ H
黑车 black taxi (a taxi that carries passengers illegally and without a business license)
- X7 `; \* {9 b' |2 @+ x- m" Z黑店 gangster inn
; P5 ^& B" x+ ~; }& j! v8 M0 M, t黑客 hacker% U  G3 U* ]1 ?# }
黑哨 black whistle/ j* i" E4 y2 Y: x) N
黑社会 Mafia-style organizations; gangland
8 ^+ P! S- H/ r黑心棉 shoddy cotton! C' P+ @& m8 c
弘扬和培育民族精神 Carry forward and cultivate the national spirit( l/ |, Y- u- Y  g8 M6 d
红白喜事 wedding and funeral  ~3 S  h: }6 e1 j7 l
红包 convert payment; (neutral) red paper containing money as a gift, (derogative) bribe, kickback$ D/ \( h( p$ g* [, m$ }& u( g
红筹股 red chips7 n0 I8 i9 d" _2 \
红股 bonus share* w5 Y7 D. J  O- {& f( z
红马甲 floor broker; floor trader
5 z/ z; z- r# ]9 Y红帽子企业 red cap enterprise (refers to the reputation a private enterprise enjoys by becoming attached to a government department and doing business in the name of a state-run or collective-run enterprise)
: X. G+ m& u6 l' e6 A9 ^+ m/ f& R红旗单位 advanced (model) establishment5 {& U8 a/ n  M
红细胞生成素 Erythropoietin (EPO)- ]4 B# ]. z: h( O' j1 F
宏观调控 macro-control! n/ p+ q$ z+ R5 {6 H$ G
鸿门宴 Hongmen banquet--a feast or meeting set up as a trap for the invited
  F. m+ I' @: I* U6 d9 G喉舌 mouthpiece

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