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[BEC高级] BEC阅读词汇:中国日报汉英词汇表三十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
震级 earthquake magnitude
. E/ S& V3 ~6 [6 b震区 seismic zone/ U' k( x# X, J( \
震源 focus (of an earthquake), seismic origin
/ Y- B0 t9 l9 o# M9 c  P震中 epicenter
. F9 f) Z  K' m0 D6 ?5 I震中烈度 epicentral intensity1 q  i2 L7 I4 V: B0 R
震中区 epicentral area8 [0 m6 d$ |1 l% {
争端解决机构 dispute settlement body& \) [" C7 X* z' g9 J
争议地区 disputed area  H+ m7 }2 m7 a! r. @) M+ c
正气 uprightness; integrity; probity; rectitude
7 K- I. a, h( `. P6 B1 `正式会计师 Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
5 l" y4 w# @: W  d+ G8 m+ N, ^2 b1 D正式照会 formal note
! G( C( ~4 p/ [$ @  R证券化 securitisation* T% s! L! ]8 n0 ]( t  \
证券监督管理委员会 securities supervision commission# B" P2 S5 Z* [- T
证券交易委员会 Securities and Exchange Commission: }7 p. e/ c  k
证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange
/ p. b# Z0 ^1 G6 q0 G! S政策倾斜 policy support; d  R( \  b7 u
政策性贷款 policy-based lending; policy-related loan
' q: F# `% M5 z3 H& N- \政策性亏损 policy-related losses; losses incurred due to policy decisions
; T; o7 t$ k; @* c; A! f- D政策性住房 "policy-related house, policy-based house"
7 o. q! l8 {! Z# p政策银行 policy banks
) [& i- [# E6 S- j6 H政策组合 policy mix
, ?4 a& b& i# ]4 C政法委 politics and law committee" W1 Q5 _+ U3 k6 Z% j4 |
政府采购 government procurement$ e5 ]$ e+ K& l+ i, `
政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 "Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show. "
; r: Y0 P2 o) z. k, X6 O政府干预 government intervention
, c) V4 c. H2 ~. ~1 f2 v) T政府工作报告 government work report
3 P1 }( e  r5 X" N" P6 M政府廉洁高效 a clean and efficient government
3 S' O# ~/ P0 s- I" K5 d% ]( h政府上网工程 Government Online Project
7 ^% n1 e  u$ F* `( v0 ^& G* x政府特殊津贴获得者 winner of special government allowance5 L6 B, @; M$ q! y8 G6 d
政府贴息贷款 discount government loans
4 u5 o6 o6 A+ V1 b# {6 [政府职能转变 transform/shift the government functions" @' u# K6 P; j( P9 l/ i/ a( c* n
政改方案(英国对香港) constitutional package
. J4 N1 q; H( I" S% B  r' P/ @政企不分 without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises; the functions of the government and enterprises mixed up
0 y% u+ J; E2 G, N( `8 G政企分开 separate government functions from enterprise management
. z8 @! q8 A- r$ h9 {- j政务公开 make government affairs public
; R3 U$ q9 t, e  M8 w政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良, 纪律严明,保障有力 "be qualified politically and competent militarily, have a fine style of work, maintain strict discipline and be assured of adequate logistical support"( {, h  d1 q$ c' n' B
政治局 politburo
6 S) g5 |3 T# ]( E# L0 V政治局常委 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau
# T1 P: ?/ b! u7 k( E政治迫害 political persecution; witch hunt
9 t: c. p. b( S$ c! R* _- G& A政治体制改革 political restructuring* Y+ f  q) Y9 V+ [$ E+ d
政治协商、民主监督、参政议政 exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs
$ M, f( Y! _/ Y/ C: l$ N支付能力 payment capacity# d) u' Q; f. f; y
支原体 mycoplasma
) C# w; B, X3 U: P" y* K2 t* O支柱产业 pillar / cornerstone industry) f+ U" q; b4 l4 k, A8 b5 o
知己知彼,百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
% V  _# [& z2 M) h& E" T知识产权 intellectual property
& V# t* T- n7 U/ a- F7 G+ a: s/ ~5 z) x" U知识经济 knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy
6 |: n) L) Y7 P  F+ I* `知识就是力量 Knowledge is power.
& S+ Q; _2 ~; l% k9 z; C知识密集 knowledge-intensive
: T& Q  q$ K( t. L; v5 J; R知识转让 transfer of knowledge
. J. |1 _8 D1 ]: {6 f* P" v) t9 j知识资本 knowledge capital$ Z. d1 L6 [" @) f# y  f" D- B; t& u
执法人员 law enforcement officials; law-executor; law enforcer
3 \9 t+ [& R: `  p2 N; \直播 "live broadcast, live telecast"
; R- o/ S# q  {& f直接道歉 a straight-out apology: Q4 K7 d, q" W+ k  h
直接三通与双向交流 three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trade) and bilateral exchanges
! R+ R  @/ _5 K" D/ k; _直接选举 direct election
. L8 H: B) y# d9 a. y: F1 M直辖市 municipality directly under the Central Government
$ u: ]/ I; c7 G2 ?, K" d直销 direct marketing; door-to-door sale
% |6 n; m( _! `/ {+ y" ^职称 professional title

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