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[BEC高级] BEC考试辅导:2011年商务英语(高级)难词解析汇编(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Attorney 法律事务代理人, 律师
4 i8 g% M. L1 E* [8 g2 U, T  e.g. We need to use attorneys and other specialists in the area to smooth the way and prevent mistakes. 我们需要使用法律事务代理人和业内专家帮助铺平道路,避免出错.- [9 S) d* g: `& j% K& Q; i: B8 D  a
  Attrition 人员自然损耗,人员自然削减 (如自然退休, 死亡等,而不是人为的辞退,裁员
3 b* P5 ?/ N, c! }0 x  Let's do better than our best!
. o0 B) j$ T0 `; }( L  ?& {' }" J  独乐乐,不如与人乐乐~~~~~~
. g+ ]; H+ n! K1 G) s' X2 N! O  Attrition 人员自然损耗,人员自然削减 (如自然退休, 死亡等,而不是人为的辞退,裁员)0 Q4 ?) U( i+ n5 F7 _
  e.g. By a quite practice of attrition we were able to reduce our staff size and cut our annual expenses while not firing anyone and risking a decrease in employee morale. 通过正常的人员自然损耗,我们得以减少员工人数并削减年度费用, 同时也避免了因采取解聘行为而导致员工士气降低的风险.8 y. w/ i; _/ \7 r# `
  Audio conference 电话会议- {) [4 |) p6 d  L8 k6 r( N- w
  Attribute 品质, 特性
+ Z( a8 g* U5 |: m. Y  e.g. They have the appropriate attributes for effective team leadership. 他们具备有效领导团队的应有品质。& J. s3 J. J- v( b
  Audio typing 听录音打字
+ r, K1 H; u8 a8 [! P* y: R9 }% W  e.g. Because my boss is away from the office a lot he often dictates on to a cassette tape, so I have to learn audio typing. 因为我老板难得在办公室,常常把话留在口述记录机里,因此我得学会听录音打字。
' i' }/ I0 o7 }: R" p4 c8 F$ a  Audit 审计  M. l8 b7 J  ?3 K( ~- d5 ^9 a
  e.g. The audit is known, colloquially, as “checking the book.” 审计,就是人们平时口头上说的查帐。
* ~5 A5 {/ p! Y) X7 u9 Y1 {  Auditor 审计员,审计师,稽核员3 A- S; e  ^* g
  e.g. The auditor is responsible for checking the reason for any changes in the accounts. 审计员负责核查账目中任何改动的原因。
- a9 A3 U) \9 n  J  Authorized dealer 特约经销商, 授权经销商9 X; L. H3 u# G
  e.g. The applicant company is appointed by Ford Motor Company as an authorized dealer. 该申请公司被指定为福特汽车公司的特约经销商。
, H0 D# D+ S  A; B# i. g9 E7 ?  Authorized share capital 法定股本,也称作nominal capital
: k. h- r$ j# d: h+ w  e.g. The company is allowed to issue a total amount of shares known as the authorized share capital or nominal capital. However, the issued capital may be less than that. 公司获准发行一定数目。- w' K* n5 u% g2 T, e
  Auto hire company 汽车出租公司- ~" Y; R1 u, n
  Auto insurance 汽车保险
! `4 p; e( }9 ?* S( e, s  e.g. For auto insurance, this information includes complete driving history-accidents or tickets-the kind of car, and the purposes for which it is to be used. 办理汽车保险所需信息包括完整的驾车历史记录—事故或罚单记录—以及车的种类、用途等。& Q% H) H4 `! z, p# R/ T, c  b; A
  Awareness 意识,认识程度
  z8 F) N+ P5 ~) C6 I  e.g. The booklet helped raise public awareness of the product. 这本小册子有助于提高该产品的知名度。
: d% s3 j& [2 o. H! R8 {+ f  e.g. The old company started extensive advertising on radio to increase awareness among young people who had not been the company’s traditional customers. 这家老牌子公司开始在电台大做广告,以使从前不是其传统消费者的年轻人提高对产品的认识。
7 m% U# U2 g! ^! U! u  Axe 1 大幅削减
# d' h4 K7 x' q. A  e.g. In an effort to save money our company president aced the promotions budget. 为节省开支,我们公司的总裁大幅削减了推广活动的预算。" Z& a( P0 P/ b& p! Z) n  c
  Axe 2 裁员; s/ k, J7 P' D, J' N( |' a
  e.g. Three people in the marketing department were axed last week and are now looking for new positions. 市场营销部的三名员工上周被解雇了,他们目前正在寻找新的工作
+ O% i; X9 _7 j; r% i! F: f  Backup 2 为……做备份,亦作back up
! v; H; {9 g( d6 a) v4 _  e.g. You can backup accounting records, business plans charts, graphs or confidential information on CDs for decades-safe and secure. 你可以把帐目记录,业务计划,图表或机密情报备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。
7 ^- F  e: K$ z& _1 H; A  Back-up facility 支持设备,辅助设备
4 V4 L% G8 E' P3 X) R& j: f; v  e.g. The latest development is the use of the virtual office to provide essential back-up facilities to the self-employed. 目前,虚拟办公室的最新进展是被用来为个体经营者提供基本的支持设备。4 G' W6 ~! \$ r) i& @' T# D8 N
  Bad debt 坏帐, 呆帐, 倒账(无法收回的应收账款)) z+ \7 F$ ^" C: o
  e.g. The bank wrote off one million pounds in bad debt. 银行注销了100万的呆帐。
* I, n5 M/ n! k' W  Bad publicity 负面影响, w5 C- q+ o0 E$ F& z
  e.g. When they started to raise prices, they might create bad publicity, which would hurt their brands. 当他们开始提价时,就可能造成负面宣传,损害其品牌。
  c8 g7 f3 L: f3 A/ |" [8 b) J) R+ @  Baggage allowance 行李重量限额
" [9 E# f+ J6 l9 a5 ]  e.g. If the boss is traveling with a lot of heavy equipment he will probably exceed the baggage allowance by the airline. 假如老板携带很重的设备出差,很可能会超过航空公司规定的行李重量限制。
2 ^  A1 W. ?* n3 S  _4 z2 X& U  Bagstuffer 公告传单, 小型宣传品,通常在街头散发或在付款台前塞进顾客购物袋。7 a6 }9 N8 |, F1 B3 o
  Balance 余额,平衡
( ^0 q4 U* O2 @6 u- t/ V  e.g. If you choose not to use all of your Additional Benefit Funding for benefits, you’ll be paid the balance in cash, as part of your monthly pay. 如果员工不愿把所有附加福利金都花在支付各种福利项目上,余额将作为工资的一部分现金支付给员工。

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