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[BEC高级] 2011年商务英语考试:BEC高级阅读指导(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part two
& s; D3 `9 J, m$ ~, CQuestions 13-22
4 y. \2 }8 a7 D- z●You will here five different business people talking about trips they have recently been on.
9 P5 o3 z: q& G4 y$ B1 [" Q1 x6 V13! X. ]. w9 b$ n. a* q( z
149 X# a. I( _0 w4 e4 E6 J
15& X( k) b* G1 `3 h) e( h5 Q
16; {3 q: p1 T% T/ A8 g
6 l$ H. J/ V- f4 Q0 o/ dA to supervise staff training/ K" D! F* B8 D; Z
B to hold job interviews
9 W5 ^& I0 G% fC to introduce new policy& B) j" Z" @$ ?- e5 w
D to visit possible new premises
0 K8 R" {" c7 l6 M2 C/ l  H9 G+ gE to observe working practices
9 h* @) s5 \9 u7 x' VF to meet a new manager
0 n8 d  E3 t; j' A5 j4 `G to sign a new contract
; n- O# s5 H5 CH to deal with a complaint5 [' M- U0 ]1 P- D$ D- C# f
Task two-problem
" g' ?8 p+ o% F7 a●For question 18-22, match the extracts with the problem, listed A –H
. R; i) [4 x0 w1 h$ c4 H●For each extract, choose the problem described* U. s* u. }7 x- W8 q# t9 K9 L
● write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract: E2 z/ n/ W  ?4 C
& \% m- u! @/ Q19" L) ^! g& V& E: V
20: @' ~; d$ A$ [$ P  S) p
21* y+ C& w  ~1 j: o
8 J& k/ m* z7 `% U% q' aA I forgot a document2 I" L4 O5 T% z3 P1 q# |* w
B My hotel was noisy
$ j& p: c5 P8 m" [5 t8 L9 ZC I was late for meeting.
0 ]/ X2 X: k2 h* E8 A( E0 ]- iD I didn’t understand some figures.) Y+ ^! O. f# m9 \- m; D* K  [' B
E The service at my hotel was bad.
, k3 `9 B' H# x* fF I had some wrong information1 q- I( U9 t5 @' a' e/ Z: {1 `
G I didn’t have an interpreter.
; X- `3 R! K9 C# w' e5 d; ^H I experienced computer problems.8 p9 g. ^6 A2 f1 o- c2 p* E% Q# x
PART THREE+ E4 _4 Z, V# h# P5 v3 f
Question 23-30.
0 ?2 \* H  _# s3 M●You will hear part of a conversation between a management consultant and the Human Resources manager of Jenkins, a company which manufactures children’s clothing.
8 R' s- U6 |! f3 n6 z* t23 What is said about the ownership of Jenkins?
" P( C( {4 O8 @$ \. h6 h( Q. u) dA the founder has sold the company to someone else., z; ]" t6 X" M* s
B Jenkins has merged with another company
2 Y. m: k% N2 N9 M5 a3 v, m/ WC There has been no change of ownership.
1 R" s' ~% j; V% m24 What does the Human Resources manager see as the main external threat to Jenkins?1 J( Z  a" \! d0 a; b. k; k
A Their retailers are becoming less willing to pay their prices., E" I% j) r3 `4 X9 `
B Consumers are buying more top-of-the-range children’s clothes.1 k8 Y0 T# A, h( n0 W
C More and more companies are producing children’s clothes.' ?- s+ }' z9 O% t1 m+ o$ X. Z
25 The Human Resources manager sees the company’s main strength as the fact that) r" a# f4 y5 |
A It has several long-term contracts
" W. j; ^2 `0 \% A: v* v; yB it makes products of high quality
4 y/ a  u7 t& P2 A3 T+ J0 NC its distribution system is efficient$ d- H2 h8 Z6 v4 S6 E$ N9 ~7 a' Z
26 The Human Resources manager believes that Jenkins’ main weakness at present is that
9 z8 C" g1 [  j! ]A the machinery is inadequate for current requirements
/ l8 C" L2 m% t2 {3 fB the management style is out of line with modern demands( B9 m! Z+ ^+ }$ T: n7 Y
C the relation between management and workers are poor.
- |6 V- ^! D9 l: y27 According to the Human Resources manager, why do many machinists choose to leave?9 {* ]( a+ ~# j9 [. |
A They think that they can get better paid work elsewhere.' ?5 E, c$ l' ?/ q. A! T  n
B They feel that too much is expected of them0 h- n" \/ Q2 J2 |1 w1 s& Y/ |
C They lack confidence in the company’ future
, K0 x4 N$ N( b" _' I6 ~28 When working to produce a batch of clothes
7 ~* w9 m$ N' S( KA each team is responsible for a particular operation
! Y% M* v" f8 T  e/ `8 E6 @B each member of the team produces a complete item, z8 N. h0 K# q2 h+ i( O: y/ {2 h
C each person carries out one part of the production process
8 A. `7 g9 t2 V/ }$ l29. What change has been made to range of goods?, ]+ M, ^  R, e+ C, i' M  K
A A smaller number of items is produced
4 W% u1 h  y+ P) `/ p, oB Each item is now made in smaller quantities.
+ b2 m# G1 k( N! G6 x! `% ^# I# SC Fewer new styles are introduced each year.
# r, P$ r2 I) j: f& B6 h30 What is said about the machinists?7 M- e+ |" s2 a! u
A More of their work is falling below the required standard.8 R  h- T! Z5 B% y2 I; o6 I
B Some of them are earning less than they used to.3 a( H1 E# _$ c6 d
C They have to spend longer learning to operate new machines.1 @# _. n9 X$ X0 x0 `) u0 g; W
That is the end of the Listening test. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers
& P& z* [, B2 P8 u: R) XSpeaking 16 minutes% S" f5 d7 }+ f6 f& Z: r
Part one:" Z; K* ?5 S- [
In this part, the interlocutor asks question on a number of work-related and non-work related subjects to each candidate in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.- q1 v5 U8 X+ M0 [* f. L7 v6 _
Part two8 q& u/ e/ U. K* U9 U/ i) X( m" U
The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for approximately one minute. One minute’s preparation time is allowed.
& m( @6 j$ D$ }3 @$ q. |A Customer relations: the importance of making customers feel valued
; ?6 N$ b- A9 ~# ~, IB company growth : the importance to a company of controlling expansion7 U: B( I- O. \% }
C Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company5 o+ z3 O* }& e5 {% Z
Part Three:
% a5 U' g: [3 m/ ^1 cIn this part of the test, candidates are given a topic to discuss and are allowed 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, before talking together for about three minutes.
* r) u  r" |  `' |Afterwards, the examiner asks more questions related to the topic.* O* o0 D! V4 d0 }% c1 d, ?
For two candidates
( G" E3 W: J$ u2 A- o( bStaff Suggestion Scheme6 ?7 t7 x) T! h
Your company is planning to introduce a suggestion scheme and to encourage members of staff at all levels to contribute ideas. You have been asked to consider ways of setting up the scheme.
* O' l; i+ |2 Q8 M7 X* gDiscuss, and decide together:/ E9 k- Y1 H# w9 a6 R: o
●How to set up the scheme so that all staff feel they can contribute
* ]$ ?6 n: a+ b6 f4 W1 R●How suggestions from members of staff could be evaluated.! b  R. n( F0 F7 h
For three candidates
1 v9 \/ t, b- L5 ]Staff suggestion scheme:/ j! v+ T& l0 _+ \& a1 r
You company is planning to introduce a suggestion scheme and to encourage members of staff at all levels to contribute ideas. You have been asked to consider ways of setting up the scheme.
; c6 ]0 r: c7 F: o5 t3 cDiscuss, and decide together:
* m# s; q3 t; H●How to set up the scheme so that all staff feel they can contribute
' |* q- @  M1 I- R$ [●How suggestions from members of staff could be evaluated
. i& O. X$ G, [$ F8 w- f8 N  k●What kinds of rewards would be suitable for suggestions made.考试用书
) M2 k2 X# t( a( ^* _Follow-on questions :8 v) l6 I  p' J! Q
●Which kinds of companies can benefit most from suggestion schemes?
' Z' d3 F- _$ v" \7 \& {. a. b(why?)●What other methods can companies use to generate ideas for improvements?
  g' N; a& b$ `5 v0 g5 I●What other ways are there of increasing staff involvement in a company?7 `$ k1 [% Z; A  l; K
●In what ways can companies obtain suggestion or comments from customers?
. I; v$ n1 V. P! O. ]●How important are new ideas for companies in maintaining competitiveness? Why

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