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[BEC高级] BEC考试辅导:2011年商务英语(高级)难词解析汇编(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. bullet point “弹头“圆点,弹点,文件中用来导引各要点的园点符号,亦作bullet。
2 \5 {7 Y# N1 l/ h/ x  e.g. These points for discussion are indicated by bullet points./ i: w" e. B0 H. j" W  x
  这些讨论要点由“弹头”圆点标明。+ I" G7 i+ n* j7 h# ?7 g
  9. business concept 经营理念
! e: Z: ?( O1 _$ b7 k% D5 h: j  e.g. This business concept has proved over the years to be extremely popular with British and international tourists alike.7 z9 W- \# c; T* P
6 M8 v3 e7 h  ?, Z  P+ A; k  10. business district 商务地段,商务区(指写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店集中的区域或地段),亦作commercial district, commercial area, corporate business area1 K. _+ u0 D  p- ~. h
  e.g. The hotel is only a five-minute walk from the business and shopping districts.0 ?( |  k" \( `2 a! K0 x
4 l( ~6 H+ H/ C3 Z- l; A  7. business class (飞机、车、船等的)公务舱,头等舱,亦作first class,与条件稍次、票价较低的economy class(经济舱)相对
6 p  j: d8 F8 k% v2 u  e.g. The small airline has beaten the huge Royal Dutch KLM airline, and other national state air companies, to win the title of Europe's best usiness class service.
1 p7 z# a4 Y' I) Z% U3 u  那家小型航空公司击败强手英国皇家荷兰航空公司及其他国家级豪华航空公司,荣获欧洲最佳商务舱服务的称号。1 O1 {5 i( h' G# |/ M# |* R5 L! H/ J
  3. business-format franchising 经营模式特许权(特许授予者向特许经营者提供一个完整的经营模式,其中包括商标的使用、提供销售的商品或服务,经营手法、品质控制、市场策划、选择经营地点及其他必要的服务等,较显著的例子是麦当劳餐厅)3 C: `, q3 `9 k0 F5 |/ O
  4. business hours 营业时间、办公时间1 {! @) d) W! y4 k
  e.g. Normal business hours are between 9 am and 5 pm.
1 y1 ~, D) a# E8 l' o2 s- K6 u8 B  正常营业时间是上午9点到下午5 点。$ {& v- y% F2 _% a3 _4 s( D
  2. business overdraft 商业透支,业务透支(银行提供给客户的短期贷款,使客户可支取多于其在银行帐户的金额)
; D% V# `2 D. @' ~) j# {7 ?; f# A( ]  e.g. A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.
7 @3 t0 H6 t! ?/ y  商业透支项目最适合短期贷款。
& I& l5 {# `( b, A+ V2 u/ ?  3. business partner 商业伙伴
" Q$ P4 A' v3 Z  e.g. We work for lasting relationship with our business partners.
- S3 {  T; m( j' R, c  我们努力与商业伙伴建立永久关系。1 B( v4 q' w, Z5 B& ?
  4. business plan 经营计划(包括在一定时期提高销量、开发新产品,以及如何筹措资金、资源等)
/ v. E% \5 ~5 x& w3 R3 w- @  e.g. The bank manager wants to see a business plan before agreeing to lend money.* \8 {5 H5 B- e5 M% V
  银行经理要求先看该公司的业务规划再考虑是否准予贷款。6 U! `2 V8 E2 N6 W7 t0 ^4 Q
  5. business practice 经营方式! q5 {! e; x" M7 v( I) R0 ?6 r" K4 X
  e.g. Changing business practice have encouraged companies to move to brand-new premises.+ k1 y! ^: G' v' M4 s
1 V& _3 \7 Y- x/ y  6. business process(ing) re-engineering 业务流程重组,简称BPR

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</p>  7. business sense 商业头脑,经商能力6 e& W" w5 C0 l1 P7 o4 C
  e.g. We need to employ someone with (a) good business sense and social skills.3 e$ M6 T1 R$ y1 `5 a
  我们需要雇用懂得经商之道及社交技巧的人。4 L2 c6 n3 k% S4 q
  8. business teams 企业管理团队' E' O2 g- j4 X! s+ c$ a3 Q/ a( a
  e.g. Today’s business teams take many forms and handle many tasks.
$ g; P: n; z5 C  当今企业管理团队有多种形式,担当多种任务。
- ^( Q; W! H2 A: f4 S  9. Business Telecard International 国际商务电话卡,简称BTI
( ?) {2 ?( z+ r" L  e.g. You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the UK.
7 v0 B; P7 j7 a3 x  在英国任何一部卡式电话机上,都可以使用国际商务电话卡。2 p! ~% |* \* \7 u& g1 S5 _) E
  10. business trip 公务旅行,出差4 A4 ]% h- ?7 Q/ e
  e.g. She’s gone to Paris on a business trip.
- l8 G! T! r# Y, m! v* m( W  她出差到巴黎去了1. buyer's market (供过于求的)买方市场
9 a( L/ C0 O' O8 P  e.g. An unusually good summer created a buyer's market in tomatoes.* v, j2 W* f, j7 u
( _! }8 L" e9 W- M8 [" s* w  When there is a buyer's market, the provision of a bond can be made an essential condition for the granting of the contract./ c+ B& _) o6 e/ f
  如果是买方市场,则提供保函可作为同意签订合同的必要条件。- s3 Q  W' x5 O& x; {2 K
  2. buy-out 全面收购(产权或股份等),全部买下市场产品
4 J8 |: S2 l8 }+ C: L0 j  e.g. The buy-out seemed to benefit both companies, sending shares in both soaring around 15%.2 W$ c. `& [5 z, m6 ]6 c$ c
  该全面收购行为似乎队两个公司都有利,双方股票均飞升了约15%。8 P( |8 T& |3 H6 L
  5. capacity 生产能力" G1 B" r# A3 L
  e.g. There will be the capacity problem when the company is already producing the maximum quantity possible, but there is demand for more.8 \0 Z  V: e+ c3 m9 [3 c
% z) ^: W7 O3 Q0 x  6. capital allowance 投资税额减免(给予某些资本投资,如机器、车辆等折旧的减免优惠)! \6 A) q7 U$ z' m: ?* `# T
  e.g. To encourage greater capital investment the government has announced higher [capital allowances in the coming year.
  d% X4 s, ^9 d9 w6 m, z. j+ W  为鼓励更多的资本投资,政府宣布来年增加投资税额减免。  ~; t) y, {( ]$ [9 b( T2 B
  7. capital asset 资本资产(属于企业、预期可以长期使用的土地、机器、车辆等)  h7 L8 Z: z; Z* ~
  e.g. The company has capital assets worth £3 million.
3 ]) @1 Q+ K5 [: l  公司拥有价值300万英镑的资本资产。/ S  v' {% T1 b* X
  8. capital expenditure 资本投资,基本建设投资(用于生产所需的土地、建筑物、机器、运输工具及原料等)0 i5 f0 B: w( d8 ~0 k" ^! H1 z
  e.g. The capital expenditure in the canteen, sports center and staff room will benefit the whole company.
- j5 h8 l" h- _3 j4 x  用在食堂、健身中心和休息室的基本建设投资将为整个公司带来好处。. }) W- j" h: D: U% C
  9. capital growth 资本增值
' t" M6 b$ w/ T8 C6 W  e.g. An investment in shares with a low income may be acceptable if the chances of capital growth look good.
6 K0 r1 m8 `* W* [. m  如果资本增值潜力大,即便是投资收益股票也可以接受。
# m) Z" J( u9 S, M, h  10. capital-intensive 资本密集1 c0 G4 t+ U$ ?$ s" Z1 n
  e.g. “Capital-intensive” refers to an industry needing a large amount of capital to produce its products, e.g. the petroleum industry, the electricity industry.
# @7 N" b6 g9 l* ^  “资本密集”指的是需要大量资本投入产品生产的产业,比如石油产业和电力产业3 Y. R. _! Q  t$ z$ G
  1. capital investment 资本投资,基本建设投资(用于生产所需的机器、厂房等)
, Y  w5 Z' c3 a! h" C: s  e.g. Capital investment for the year stands at £6000.) V  V5 Y2 b8 L2 D
$ T5 K, P( ]/ T6 F  2. capital sum (保险公司在指定日期给被保险人的)一次性总付,总括性付款. ~  r6 q( e3 t, f; e
  e.g. When the insurance policy matures, the insured person will receive the capital sum agreed.: n! ^4 \2 P+ i1 K
3 Q" `1 w; R+ k) M) m4 y8 {: d  3. captive market 垄断市场(产品或供应商方面缺乏选择)
1 ^& x! ^7 ^: u7 E$ Z  e.g. The water company which supplies the region, having no competitors, enjoys a captive market.
( _. U! h1 h# A1 m- r  这个地区的自来水供应公司没有竞争对手,独享垄断市场。1 c7 W9 i# w( H) u0 _$ w
  4. cardaholic 习惯用信用卡透支购物的人( M0 s6 A% k" d( r& f5 T
  5. career development 职业发展0 |, a# m2 k" W! J- p1 _" c5 Q2 L
  e.g. Most employees have come to accept that career development is not always the same thing as upward promotion and a higher salary.
, h3 L1 E  I! j9 l) e9 a  如今大多数员工已普遍认为,职业发展并不完全等同于升职和加薪。
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