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[BEC高级] 2011年商务英语考试:高级阅读指导6

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Techniques of Market Analysis
/ P$ T) y! b; q8 y" ?There are a number of techniques of market analysis which __0__ in sophistication. Some may be suited only to larger firms. One important point, however __21__ to them all, is that none is a substitute for careful thinking about a firm’s situation. Indeed, the choice of technique depends on a clear understanding of this __22__ of the issue. Furthermore, analyzing your situation and making a choice of technique must be done on the basis of some theory. It is not a case of all techniques being more or less suitable for all situations. Nor can you interpret the results of a technique without taking into __23__ how markets differ for different kinds of product.7 x) X& J$ g: p( ~
For example, one technique that may be used is to conduct a pilot run of a product as a market test before committing the firm to full __24__. How we interpret the results of such a test, however, depends on how we think markets __25__. For example, there may be considerable customer __26__ to a product in its early days. If we believe this to be the case with the product in question, then fairly modest sales in the first __27 __ of the launch many be taken as an indication that better sales __28__ will follow if the product is given a longer __29__. On the other hand, other products, such as children’s comics, have a high novelty __30__ and unless sales are promising almost immediately, there is little prospect of a successful future., }7 ^7 [! z7 S4 B* Y* {
20. a. diverge b. range c. alter d. vary
5 o6 D9 R/ E' k- e1 J; [21. a. usual b. common c. typical d. habitual4 S. c' A5 ]8 i3 ~, N1 h/ v* K
22. a. position b. angle c. aspect d. section
" h! }; {: K$ F( F4 i/ W4 m6 Z23. a. account b. mind c. reason d. record
( j* h- |) b. v24. a. manufacture b. output c. supply d. production1 v* C! o$ }  {5 W+ x
25. a. are b. behave c. act d. go# a& }6 [4 N" a
26. a. resistance b. disapproval c. refusal d. disinterest. M2 T7 h. i' s- W& E5 B
27. a. parts b. points c. steps d. stages5 I% U1 _1 x& y. w) o& x3 X
28. a. peaks b. degrees c. levels d. heights1 X! Z+ @4 a& Q- p5 s! J& S
29. a. trial b. course c. attempt d. proof% z* Q% F6 C: _
30. a. rank b. value c. status d. merit

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