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[BEC高级] 2011年商务英语考试:高级阅读指导10

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Is Your Company Really Market-driven?$ }$ q8 `9 c! g$ `3 y( Q; l! Q
We now know that being customer-oriented is only part of what it means to be market-driven. About fifty years ago, Peter Drucker, the management philosopher, appeared to __0__ what it means to be market-driven when he described the so-called “marketing concept”. He __21__ marketing with customer orientation. He said that to be market-driven meant always __22__ the customer first and continuously improving the value of the service to the customer. Profit was the reward for creating a satisfied customer. Drucker used General Electric as an example of the new marketing __23__. The US company has __24__ its new product development process so that it begins with research into customers’ needs and wants, rather than by __25__ market-testing ideas which have been developed in laboratories.$ m4 _6 ^9 H! @* J
Unfortunately, Drucker’s marketing concept __26__ strategic guidance. He described an organizational culture – a set of values and beliefs about the importance of the customer – which makes a company customer-oriented. However, he did not offer any __27__ on how to become market-driven: that is, knowing which customers to serve or how to go about serving them.( A& V% B0 k( f/ S# q5 }
In recent years, marketing scholars have __28__ the definition of being market-driven to include not just customer orientation but also __29__ of competitors’ product offerings and the discipline of profit orientation in the analysis of product/market opportunities. This broader concept of market orientation __30__ that of customer orientation., G, C3 x) q+ E: a
0. a. summarize b. conclude c. point d. draw
( C" n; J% E1 ]8 B21. a. referred b. concerned c. equated d. balanced  i1 f2 Q- k# j8 w
22. a. having b. putting c. doing d. taking8 C# p( f4 C/ S: Q8 C% F4 Q
23. a. instance b. means c. occurrence d. approach
1 z5 L, ^% T: Y7 P24. a. differed b. fitted c. modified d. transferred
' T" X9 ~2 g1 d4 f5 F) c25. a. simply b. easily c. clearly d. barely" p8 z6 e/ g! u! B
26. a. lacked b. missed c. deducted d. subtracted2 I! v' t- z; {6 \: s0 w  F" s
27. a. aspects b. issues c. ways d. guideline
( f, O1 B" v( o9 Z% {1 s- ~( Z" k28. a. grown b. expanded c. spread d. prolonged* [2 Z) g5 a% M& _1 Q. J! K9 @$ |6 b
29. a. compensation b. account c. consideration d. attention# o: b6 b% N8 l4 B( n) h8 L3 |7 j
30. a. returns b. substitutes c. replaces d. supplies

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