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[BEC高级] 2012剑桥商务英语阅读理解专项练习(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 [! j5 X+ O! o  \" r  U, dThe Career Forum
# o% e( q% J9 w/ k. F. M1 u2 v  0 If you work in the city centre then a visit to the Career Forum, is the" \, M9 {! e  o9 I$ F. \
  00 city's most successful recruitment exhibition, will give you the information
; c1 O( [3 V5 S" Y$ v9 P  34 you need to determine whether you are making up the most of yourself.
6 q- Z  @* c' V' o# G3 J  35 Currently, there are advertising many new vacancies on the job market.$ ^! V6 L0 t3 C7 K" w
  36 With good skills and a healthy work record in greater demand than ever, it is
# y* A9 }. \7 y4 W2 A- m  37 the ideal time to ensure that your career is being on the right track. The Career
# m) |2 t- T+ a  S/ f, i  38 Forum has been responsible for helping many thousands of the people& c- r* W  k" t) t
  39 improve their job potential, and it can do something the same for you.1 {/ n+ ]* T7 b
  40 Some of the best jobs in town never reach out the advertising pages, so
. ^% c3 A# p! n  41 to be considered for one of these top jobs as they become available,' x1 O+ ^! W* l( D
  42 you will need to make closely contact with the employers' agents. The Career
" C  r# Q- L  {5 L# t# Z" M+ r  43 Forum is making the perfect opportunity. It is set in an informal atmosphere1 t2 b! N; c1 w. j9 w7 J3 T
  44 and there is no pressure put; you can choose which agents you talk to./ X9 c5 M* p/ M' e6 x% f
; A) u% t" \- I$ L" ]7 f
  45 So if you are looking for a new job, come and join us at the Career Forum.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


《The Career Forum》,职业论坛。这篇文章其实是一则广告,为这个什么职业论坛做宣传的。 </p>2 S# A; x6 F; F' W9 R3 u7 e
  34题,make the most of yourself,固定说法。貌似爱默生的名言:Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you。这里UP是多余的。
% b# g% o$ R0 ?3 M  35题,advertising在这里明显多余。很完整的句子,there主语,are谓语,many new vacancies是宾语,没有多余的位置给advertising。
7 f( ^: F" t: i2 [& n  36题,正确的
5 G: X( K! K2 S! v  37题,be on the right track,在正确的轨道上。Being多余。- [2 z# |! U0 T% ^# E3 i
  38题,帮助成千的人找到工作。people这里不是特指,前面不需要定冠词the。# {' d/ V( }- t! J) i
  39题,do the same for you,固定的说法,为你做同样的。something是多余的。www.Examw.com
0 F' S+ M9 f; l! Z/ Y) z  40题,reach out是伸出援助之手的意思,在这个句子里不是这个意思,只是说好的工作从未到达广告页,所以去掉out。
; W) P8 B4 p% B8 Q- V' f  41题,正确的
6 d6 x( ?" e( v7 c' D2 a  42题,make contact with,如果要用也是用close,不能用closely,去掉
! w3 `: ]# w7 E* B9 }  43题,making在这里很别扭,一个完整的主谓宾齐全的句子,forum是主语,is是谓语,opportunity是宾语,没有多余的地方给making。  D4 X7 T$ v* q4 J- ^2 V
1 W7 }5 m8 ]: g/ u& E  45题,正确的。
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