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[BEC高级] 2012剑桥商务英语高级阅读理解精选题10

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 u0 [8 c/ R6 Q4 w) Z9 q, F# R8 S Lebrun Steel Facing up to Tough Times
: b' J- d, [0 e  0 After 98 years of trading, the steel manufacturer Lebrun knows from experience as how: g% J  q3 l% f2 ^1 I( J
  00 difficult fluctuations in the economic cycle can be for suppliers such as themselves." ^6 l2 q& R) \% [- @
  34 Since many of the nation's largest production companies which are its customers,
- I/ j0 g$ {: U  35 Lebrun is adversely affected by any change for the worse in the economy. Yet Lebrun
' R& x* C) @) H9 d( j  w  36 has managed to keep on sales steady (in the region of approximately $2.5 billion)$ o; T0 e* y) g6 c
  37 and has recorded only one annual loss during the difficulties of the past five
( z2 k/ v* }0 x% L' `  38 years, but despite the effects of the ongoing industrial slowdown. James Griffith,
# W( F$ `: Z6 u  39 president of Lebrun, now has the task of turning up survival into growth, and
3 H$ z( ]4 ?& N4 A  40 his strategy is already becoming clear to those industry observers. In February of0 L  y& k4 s* K8 V( {& z  P
  41 this year, the company acquired Bronson pic, additionally a one-time competitor.
1 H, ]. m1 o) m' j& e1 g& P% s" a  42 This merger will greatly expand the size of both Lebrun's labour force, and) B; A( [& y7 X9 z; z
  43 Griffith estimates it will boost its revenue by nearly 50%, while too increasing8 ]! m+ B0 ~& o  O
  44 the number of plants and R&D centres in much a similar way. Griffith is
, p# v, t5 S- \( R7 t7 K" \8 E+ l- R1 B) H2 F
  45 optimistic that while the steel industry is about to pull out of recession, and he wants Lebrun to be ready for this.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


这篇文章是介绍一个生产商面临的困境及所采取的措施。 </p>
! `% N+ N* f, @9 ^8 O- w  34题,这个句子并不是定语从句,主谓宾都很齐全,主语companies,谓语are,宾语its customers.所以which是多余的
' v: s8 a+ e# t* z  k6 z  35题,正确的5 W- Y: {! h" N
  36题,keep on doing继续做什么,接名词的话直接用keep,keep sales steady保持销售平稳,on多余。
) G4 C9 b3 ]3 }1 ?  D5 ~3 G  37题,正确的' Q' K6 ^6 y) }4 y
5 n5 m+ v$ ~* H4 f9 E  39题,turn… into 变为,成为。固定词组。turning survival into growth变生存为增长。Up多余。( j( t3 }1 t9 D. q; ]( p
1 [2 S. r3 A/ d) X$ }/ X  41题,a one-time competitor是修饰前面的Bronson pic ,additionally是另外的,附加的意思,用在这里意思和用法都不通,所以去掉。
' w1 Y& b% Z% I$ }! }  C  42题,both表并列,而这个句子前后是没有并列的含义的,只说了扩展规模。所以both多余。
7 U! E! L: q% n* w/ D& k  43题,too是副词,在这里用法不对
# y2 p9 w( i% f* O$ N0 d' q  44题,in a similar way固定用法,much多余& v  [9 Y' l* u) h& b2 S: |( K- l
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