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[BEC高级] 商务英语辅导:名师辅导商务英语写作讲解(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Write relocation company should Fenway choose? Write a report comparing the two companies and making your recommendation. Write 120-140 words.
2 r2 Y% u5 t5 J3 L  首先我们要明白题目是什么意思?丰威公司应该选择哪家安迁公司?写一份报告,把两家安迁公司作一比较并提出建议。字数在120-140之间。9 w: K* Z" e! w% F* E
' l4 [$ t1 d4 U2 S* _. w$ w  1、商务报告要简洁明了,符合固定的格式规范。报告要有标题,每个部分还有简短的小标题,如事由、结论、建议等,令人一目了然。
1 Z$ |' [4 }+ Y. y) c: b  2、商务报告的语言一般不需要过于正式,但表达一定要明晰。1 G+ F, [: }/ I) F1 z  z" T
  商务报告一般包含introduction事由,findings调查结果,conclusion结论及recommendations建议这几个部分。; X5 B/ p$ w% f4 s
' d3 e$ b% Q, {4 d7 O  introduction 事由部分必备句型
) C3 t" \8 U4 k1 L' @  The aim/purpose of this report is to...本报告旨在......
3 n9 S6 `8 w9 D; \. ?, M. T  The report set out to...本报告试图......
2 n& y5 w! S7 Y5 F  conclusion 结论部分必备句型" v5 G, y, F- P( G" @+ ]' g# K9 m
  It was decided/agreed/felt that...决定、同意、认为......
' r& g" N0 e; \8 I  No conclusions were reached regarding...关于......尚未得出结论。
! s9 A  V9 x' [+ G+ M; G# v* T  recommendations 建议部分必备句型
$ \4 g8 q- r7 D$ x! c  m  We would recommend that...我们建议......+ I) B9 w5 S$ g* J' @& T1 L1 z! N
  It is suggested that...建议......

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