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[BEC高级] 商务英语辅导:名师辅导商务英语写作讲解(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命弗朗西斯卡女士为公司总部的销售经理。* A$ u, t% x, i* n; `6 y$ M- U
  给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录:9 n! n, G' y1 T
  (1)宣布对弗朗西斯卡女士的任命。3 z" F1 T4 ?# {
( j. ]/ K5 c0 c# B1 ?  (3)要求总部员工准备欢迎她。
- F9 ^9 m* Y7 ~* ]- l  BEC名师:张梦琳老师,担任商务英语听说、企业团训听说主讲,曾在知名企业担任首席口译。从事听说教学十年之久,最乐意与同学分享职场经历,她的教学理念是:Enjoy learning English in the rest of your life!, Y* H0 m' W3 \2 X5 S  q! v
) j6 f3 g- x# K1 R2 J  首先,我们要了解一篇memo的基本格式:7 a6 V: k1 S5 @( @! g$ S7 l+ u
2 f  C6 ^5 o/ b8 U6 s+ p  From: Olive HR Manager To: All staff
- h) c6 |- f2 K" U! |, @  Date: 12 June, 2008 Subject: Appointment of Francisco
' g3 v- k) @# }" Q  ^- ]' s5 R1 G1 M  Here we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.
2 q) K/ r$ i% q# Z' q  其次,写一篇作文,我们说任何形式的BEC作文,都要考虑如下因素:
2 a6 p8 u" J: O3 ]: `  @  Who is going to read my memo?! s9 D  Q: h4 @' @0 t9 V6 U
  What has the reader already known about this?
6 b9 t/ a  z* Q* x+ G, P" o" M  What does the reader need to know?
2 Y* r1 f& L7 `7 x7 ^  How is the reader going to respond my memo?0 x' n! s% T/ u9 `8 x' o
9 \' R6 T0 I9 t& y9 H0 f- e( ~  第四,字数超,memo使用词汇要简短干练,确保大家都看得懂。+ `2 T; M" Y5 h- a- y, K- Z+ g
3 P; c8 }; K. J9 |# @; j  Suggested answer:(134 words)
4 ~+ X, u' ]; ~! p. I) R  A comparison of ERS and Worldwide Relocation0 p1 t9 ]( X; w# d" M
7 g7 t( Q. P; s8 B/ t! P  The aim of this report is to assess which of the two companies, ERS or Worldwide Relocation, would be the most suitable for the relocation of Fenway employees and their families from Seattle to Dublin.' ]  Z! r0 _& Q/ N+ e
0 |  }' W/ a1 f/ w; e$ @# {  Both ERS and Worldwide Relocation offer an accommodation and school search services. Both companies can organise visas and work permits. In addition to these basic services, ERS also offers removal and shipping assistance whereas Worldwide Relocation offers an integration programme and assistance with partner employment. The latter is a key requirement for Fenway.
3 j' t- R; L5 R3 P% r/ k  Conclusion
8 @( l# f1 [, m" s0 X; O+ Z  It was concluded that both companies go some way to fulfilling Fenway's needs, but neither meets all its needs.
4 k; E9 l1 \' k% O" `: g& ~* [9 Z  Recommendation
6 @. o9 p) N5 n8 C4 I  We would recommend that Worldwide Relocations be chosen to facilitate the relocation process as its services match Fenway's requirements more closely that ERS' do.

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