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[BEC高级] 2011年商务英语辅导:BEC高级难点词汇解析(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. bright collor 亮领,成功职业人士& V; F+ t7 R0 E5 t( Y
2. brochure* {/ Y0 `( j# R/ W' h: D
a. They provide free travel brochures
& Z4 q& f) `9 r& s他们免费提供旅游小册子
6 c6 H8 W5 s2 \% f9 Jb. All holidays described in our brochure are advertised by us in good faith and every care is taken to ensure their accuracy.. m; |3 b, v% m1 k
小册子中所宣传的均为我们诚意推广的度假计划,我们尽量保证内容准确无误.. L( d* W2 Y* W5 S
3. broken lot 零星散股
6 L2 |2 ?/ `! F# F4. broker
( Z2 `+ `( h1 H! Q1 C( {3 BThe broker will tell you which policy he or she thinks you should take out.! {1 o) p& N/ c5 _& G: U3 u: D
6 I2 N6 @. X2 s( w# Z* `5. broker's commission
) r9 O  U3 a. j! p& {$ H, OTo deal in shares on the Internet incurs none of the regular broker's commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buy and sell shares more regularly.! Y+ I: w" z0 P
/ h( `2 O8 X4 r: {6. brokerage fee* g3 ?/ f2 u5 D1 U9 i5 g
One reliable way of managing investments is through a broker, who charges a brokerage fee in the form of a percentage of the money invested.' y- K2 H9 K6 F, K
投资理财的一个可靠的途径是通过经纪人办理,他们按投资额的某个百分比收取佣金: Y% n/ D7 A4 k5 E  D" T
" ~; {# o. t! R9 x$ ?1 B4 }The Internet is very flexible and allows companis to update their news bulletins very
% `5 \5 g4 _. H3 q( [- A# Pquickly.
5 l* S" `3 O/ p& Q8 j' G. ~bulletin board+ D) \5 T. Y! V* N0 W& G% n
America Online is home to hundreds of electronic bulletin boards.+ U% o8 T3 v0 {. {) u
7. brokerage industry
; g- O$ Z2 Y; JThe broderage industry is booming these few years.
2 M* `) I: X; t8 c2 f( ?$ k5 D这些年中介业蓬勃发展
# E# q& P( Z) O  D3 s8. brown goods: s8 ^+ ^( ^' {/ Z5 Z2 s. P
Manufacturers of brown goods have to face competition from Japan.
/ J. d' F/ _4 }% F# u茶色商品生产商要面对来自日本的竞争.* \3 G/ A. V6 d# w
9. brunch4 D! D* C7 e0 b8 {; Q4 H
Brunch is a meal which you eat in the late morning.- u1 e% L8 Y8 H- t7 A- g, q' ~0 X2 @# y
& K1 ^+ |  E3 f* N7 U10.bubble economy
: W" E+ o& K, ]  gDuring the ~ yeas of rapid growth in the late 1980s, some bureaucrats outrageously greedy.0 {" V  n8 ]$ j3 H+ `# m
$ C6 N6 p! F6 x3 z& b% \bubble wrap
0 s5 n) Z  E" ^0 v& gThanks to the bubble wrap, these books arrived in pretty good shape
, ]! h; d* Y3 nbudget priced goods
9 }6 X. d# L9 D* M1 FBudget priced goods are low-priced goods.
$ n3 F0 t. o' @% Y5 ~- E; K6 Q, ~& d& Gbuffet reception
& Q2 K( d3 }7 |3 n$ J' DBuffet receptions offer good chances for doing useful networking, r* P3 X: K/ S0 m, N
. l/ j' x+ [' d, ]Built-ins now include playstations, Internet access and televisions.7 i6 d2 Z" _* v( `
bulk5 n+ ~+ q7 o) Y# @6 _" ?' ~
1. These grains were shipped in bulk.; @- d" \+ u# ]
2. They were able to buy in bulk and to sell at low margins., g4 j4 Y& _; P' i- G( j# I+ Y
Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)

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