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[BEC高级] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC高级高频词汇解析4

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 R( j& r% Q3 _( }6 O  ]【商务语境】 5 S. }7 ^! u, U, R, U
) ]# V1 f" \  S9 _1 @商务短语 2 _4 j* u5 F  L/ L, r9 n
accrued and deferred account 应计和递延帐户
3 F( a2 u* p5 F  V' g* Raccrued asset 增值资产,应计资产   b8 G9 @  ]: p
accrued bond interest receivable 应计实收
" ]3 a: Q9 X4 B0 l# ~4 maccrued charge 应计费用
0 }: L  J- x8 t& }' H0 `accrued commission 应计佣金
% j/ C( [4 s, q; m/ A7 saccrued debit account 应收款帐户
9 W# L5 K" u9 ?3 J' e7 \! F6 vaccrued interest 应计利息 1 }+ A, y$ q9 K$ ^  h( _
accrued rent 应计租金 8 X1 U$ ~+ T1 [
accrued salary 应计薪金 0 f; s4 G2 i. g7 N& T+ ^
- Q2 J/ ^: u8 D8 b
accumulate   L  h! e$ V4 `5 T: J
2 c, h' L$ w3 I( Y9 pvt.&vi.积聚,积累
! H4 C" z: }# o4 |accumulated 0 `* T) t; N4 g5 E  `2 S
/ v) Q: V- C3 i$ |3 W( _7 T1 o% Aadj.累积的
' [! l1 y2 ?. J7 J商务短语
% ?" T, S0 ~; {0 S6 O/ Laccumulated capital 累计资本
$ g& t- T6 T$ |& _+ r6 {! P; a" \5 baccumulated deficit 累计亏损 3 ]2 H5 ^& m8 J  L( x" S: a
accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 # s+ o* u* F( m; a$ D
accumulated income 累计收入 - ~8 f) A+ t* N/ S
accumulated interest 累计利息
  c3 P4 |: K9 b0 ?- ~+ laccumulated profit 累计利润
/ g- s' [7 Z9 B* c" W0 a* Z
7 Z2 ?  X& [( j; }# Z9 G2 Laccumulation ( e1 z1 y5 N3 _$ a  ]! _4 G
【商务语境】 ' ~( N( O/ r& V+ g+ g8 W' ]6 d
. n( G( p" Y% y商务短语 7 R2 V+ k. K7 v+ r  F% l5 r2 j- J
accumulation account 累积帐款
& u5 f; \/ ^# Y( j& a! L5 y7 ?accumulation schedule 累积表 / }! M) _  O/ n; F7 ?- [2 j

/ z$ R6 o: c- ^+ D9 Laccumulative ' c1 g0 V2 g. s! I. s
4 s* G3 ?* p8 A/ z3 B/ }adj.累积的 : _6 h( ?; m9 w9 e
商务短语 2 Y8 |# _- I5 s
accumulative sinking fund 累积偿债基金
6 b  Z% M* e2 w0 X5 Eaccumulative stock 股息累计股本 8 r, s: b! ~8 C& q( y
应用: / c! k/ B0 H+ ^( a; J7 c: D) j
1. 所有自然增长的债务到年底要偿还。 / E- ^; N# N6 b
All charges accruing are payable at the end of the year.
( N6 a! m7 @( Z2. 三年内他靠炒买股票积聚了大量财富。  
% x4 ~8 _' G: N$ K4 aWithin three years he accumulated great wealth by speculations in stocks.
( g* M1 Q- `3 q( J; D acknowledge
( ^+ {4 |: w$ d( \3 [常用短语 , ^: I' c- ?  O" k; M
/ ~% {! Y! R1 U5 |
acknowledge oneself (to be) 自认为是 # G9 o: z; a6 J# n- L& B
3 o6 d8 `: {7 V8 ^4 ~$ W. W# Pvt.①承认,认可
4 y# k3 ?9 t) G8 Y% ~0 O例句 2 F, R3 Y* x8 s: G
He is acknowledged to be the most successful entrepreneur. 他被认为是最成功的企业家。 $ a+ a# `/ `+ B
②告知收到,确认收到 * g; _  [) y# I. e0 q/ ~4 b
例句 - u1 @  r/ Z* N3 z& n1 B$ I3 H
Please acknowledge receipt of the above consignment. 请告知收到以上货物。 & C; x% m( p/ ^) n* m8 s. w8 g$ H
商务短语 8 H3 C; y1 j% i$ R9 V8 G
acknowledge a deed 公证一项契约
4 Y% Z' X5 U4 {/ ?/ @3 Tacknowledge one’s letter 收到某人来信
$ s; r, L# x# ]" N* i' J) v! I- gacknowledge orders 接受订单 + q8 j$ W: i" I
acknowledge receipt 证实收到

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