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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:业务范围介绍六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
86.   Our corporation is a group enterprise integrating scientific research, business, production and service.4 ^+ C2 a5 q- R
我们的公司是一家企业集团,集科研、业务、生产和售后服务为一体。- F, w, _; B& n/ z  @
87.   As a joint venture, our corporation has won a prominent position in the fields of home electronics, computers and telecommunications in China.* v3 Q6 R9 W4 c0 L& g6 l
作为一家合资企业,在中国境内,我们公司在家用电器、计算器、电讯等领域处领先地位。4 Z+ {8 [' Q) ^. F
88.   We are prepared to accept orders for goods with customers’ own trade marks or brand names.( H% @9 o% b; `- v+ W+ S
7 C. f" _! c- r: X8 Z8 {; y89.   We have been handling leather shoes and gloves for more than 20 years.
& H" F: N  Y9 k* O我们经营皮鞋和手套已经有20多年了。1 s/ x$ ?/ L  i5 o; Y  w$ m) I
90.   We have been engaged for two decades in the manufacture of such equipment.& ?' I3 z+ r$ E

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