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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:报盘五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
151. In compliance with your request, we are now offering you 2000 dozen magnifiers at $36 per dozen CIF San Francisco, September shipment.7 @( y4 \) }! p0 X9 ?  }- u
9 |5 r+ T. n% D0 h( e( r8 h152. You will note that we are in position to offer you 50 long tons of tin toil sheets at the attractive price of $135 per long ton C&F Shanghai.
) q: ?9 m4 Q2 g1 k2 u+ S你们可以发现我们向你们所报50英吨锡箔纸的价格是非常诱人的,每英吨为上海到岸价135美金。
( q- v. z, u$ ]8 N; O153. We offer you 1500 tons of Canada Oats at the price of $400 per ton.3 o/ y  R" _5 c+ e: E) R7 y/ `6 j2 S" H
+ \: w- V$ C" o7 S' L9 @$ h154. We can quote you a price of $75 a typewriter and a 10% discount on shipping.0 D9 p9 A# `0 {. e
我方可以给贵方75美元一台打字机的一个报价,运输方面可以给贵方打10%的折扣。. X# u2 K2 K2 F4 _" W
155. Our average wholesale price is $180 per unit.% G1 j* K- r4 v2 c5 |

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