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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:双方让步四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
306. We are pleased to grand you a 7% discount from the original offer since you agree to increase the order.5 |( |9 a) t/ x3 i+ M
既然你们同意增加订购数量,我们也很高兴给予你们原报价的7%的折扣。6 {& w+ p) ]- @# ]
307. To get business underway, we agree to take this as an exceptional case.6 M* ?% ^& H3 E1 Y9 N
为了促成这笔生意,我们同意将它作为一个特例来处理。1 N9 O+ x) W. C0 r# a3 j1 r5 h+ G
308. We are prepared to reduce the price to $7.21
  @+ u- C7 {. `- I0 Q" {$ H我方准备把价格降至7.21美元。
9 ]+ t- e- K: A. ~8 l0 m309. 10% is out of the question, but we are prepared to offer you 8%.
- a- i/ [& T) M( e3 @- P& ^10%是不可能的,但我们准备给你们8%的优惠。
4 d; U4 }) q; B/ _* _4 j0 v- e( h310. As a special accommodation, we agree to your D/P payment terms, but only for once./ V) }% {1 H; ~, `  @! C7 @' X

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