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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:请求代理并说明代理理由及代理能力三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
361. We ask to be the sole agent for your clock in our territory.
. Y/ K6 p  e4 }  E( h. R我方要求在我方地区独家代理贵方的时钟。; M& |* h1 y0 R) o6 h8 d/ `' S
362. We’d appreciated very much if you could give us the opportunity to act for you in this city.
' Z+ q1 Q) B4 E2 M如果贵公司能给我方在本市做你方代理的机会,我方会感激不尽的。* z! e  L! |' ?) {1 J
363. We can represent your chemical products if you agree.0 A( b: P7 }: a0 S! x+ ~- o6 ?4 U( X
如果贵方同意的话,我方可以代理销售你们的化工产品。' [) R( N! ?! K5 V
364. We’d like to offer our service in the sale of your refrigerators.
9 |; x: s2 Y% v+ Q! [; b$ M我方希望能代理销售你们的冰箱。
! ?8 b# r+ Q$ ~: c365. We shall be very much pleased to act as your sole agent in China for your products.- r: \0 G6 Z# w5 l

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