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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对代理请求的回应四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
396. We are not inclined to consider any questions concerning agents.
7 B9 [  p, p5 x( z% j% n7 r( t我方不打算考虑任何与代理有关的问题。
6 T7 r1 b1 w/ Q; C' j397. We are not prepare to point a agent for your district.0 u* J+ D) {& q/ S* G7 X/ N
: x, V, e. \  K2 w! ^8 B# Q6 F398. We have no intention of considering exclusive sells in your market at present.
! J* `) w! E  N1 [  g  {  e目前我们还没有在贵方市场指定独家代理的意向。" d4 e8 c# H6 P- o  I- w1 j
399. We are not ready yet to discuss the question of agency in the present moment.3 Z$ d# o( F1 O
7 h2 |; n7 [) u$ t% [2 c400. Since the market situation is not known to us, we are not going to take the question of sole agency into consideration for the time being.2 N) g# F+ E6 w6 r$ v

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