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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对包装的建议及要求七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
601. The packages should be marked with the same numbers as given on the order sheet.
; a4 J: {& y$ h8 f6 A& V0 c8 e& [包装盒上应注意同订单上一样的批号。
9 m% }: d% P9 S, W602. As regards markings, please note that the port of destination, Shanghai, should be clearly stenciled on each case with the case number for easy identification." p3 l" c. F. ?1 K7 J5 z2 j7 e
0 h0 `! y9 C+ [& t# k5 f8 e603. As these machines are precision instruments which cannot stand rough handling, the wording” Handle with Care” should be also marked on each case.
# d7 g- B2 b4 _  P4 G: Z由于这些机器属精密仪器,标不起野蛮装卸,所以每个箱子上都要标上”小心轻放”的字眼。
" U+ U+ M2 r9 U# E1 X6 X+ q604. Please see that the cases are marked “ Fragile” or “ handle with care”.1 P! \, o9 e' B, \: r+ y/ v- V
/ `& ]& y/ V) h  `' T9 t605. Port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurement and shipping mark shall be stenciled conspicuously on each package.
' S# N/ i  |" @* @# Y6 j5 N) j* u每件货物上应刷明到货口岸、件号、毛重及凈重、尺码及唛头。

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