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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级口语学习:折扣和佣金六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dialogue 2  9 L3 l7 {3 b9 Y. N3 w
' @  P  G: p- O) A9 u! ^A: Mr. Kirkman, I’ve considered the offer you made me yesterday. I must point out that your price is much higher than other offers we’ve received.  & `; v* M7 A: P( V$ O) U1 Y! O
1 M' W4 t2 \0 Z/ [. i- _B: Well, it may appear a little higher, but the quality of our products is much better than that of other suppliers. You must take this into consideration.  - f+ E* ]8 @0 O: X3 ]3 l
3 j6 k9 T+ j" w4 k; P. T4 YA: I agree with you on this point. That’s why we like doing business with you. This time I intend to place a large order but business is almost impossible unless you give me a discount.  0 ^2 f1 k; z  V- h
  9 N; o  u( t/ M% Q' z
B: If so, we’ll certainly give you a discount. But how large is the order you intend to place with us?  + W( {# b1 l+ P: A" I$ Y8 N/ l
( M- F6 {3 P0 WA: 80,000 sets with a discount rate of 20%.  % T. q, R% J. T
+ H4 m9 ]+ K  j( B' L% E9 N4 \B: I am afraid I can not agree to such a big discount. Such a discount won’t leave us anything. Our maximum is 10%.  
8 t7 w" A% M  q0 t/ o! W- ?; t  
. v6 m6 B- L" S8 `-- 柯克蒙先生,我已考虑过你昨天的报价了。我得指出你们的价格比 我们收到的其他报价高很多。  
3 I) |* Z. W3 i/ q  
. n; S' @* B" I' i9 x; _* t' m-- 可能显得高一点,但我们的产品质量要比其他供应商的好。你应该 考虑到这一点。  
$ o) T( N( q9 z, T+ X  - J: g! N2 c9 a8 i! {
-- 这点我同意。那也是为什么我们喜欢和你们做生意。此次我们想下 订一个大订单,但你们要给我一个折扣,否则很难成交。  
2 s5 o2 k  B$ Z; U$ f! J& j, `  
6 V; W5 n1 ], g( N-- 既然如此,我们当然会给你们一个折扣。但你们要订购多少呢?  
7 w  ]. X6 D# Q& }/ s- L7 W8 l  k  7 @. X1 Y$ a& A  U2 r! ^9 x6 G; Y4 G2 O
-- 八万套,折扣百分之二十。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


-- 我恐怕不能同意给这么高的折扣。给这样一个折扣,我们就无利可图了。我们最高给百分之十。  
# c* m: h9 X2 p  / p  E: q; n- X3 V5 }8 `
A: Oh, Mr. Kirkman, you see, with such a large order on hand, you needn’t worry anymore. You don’t have to take in new orders. Think it over. We are old friends.  
. [$ S9 C4 l+ j) e" g  
9 F& R; V* A/ n# g6 L% CB: Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall grant you a special discount of 10%. As you know, we do business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.  
! E( K4 w! ?+ S  y- f9 t  3 i/ i% }" G0 g( Z+ a' V
A: Yes, I also hope we do business on mutually beneficial basis. But 10% discount is not enough for such a big order.  
  T+ y' D6 ^/ c$ Q! b7 m% D" H+ Y  
/ D9 }+ ^% _" o7 W% c' DB: Only for very special customers do we allow them a rate of 10% discount. Besides, the price of this product tends to go up. There is a heavy demand for it.  ' k4 |. X) d# l8 f$ {5 t
  ! c( K. \3 a$ Q) h
A: Yes, I know the present tendency. Anyhow, let’s meet each other halfway, how about 15%?  & S+ r3 T9 a- n  Y. N6 U
! W  ?  s) g/ O8 Z3 OB: You are a real businesswoman! All right, I agree to give you a 15% discount provided you order 100,000 sets.  
0 s  F; g! K  `4 h+ h# E9 d) J  
+ L3 W  h$ t  O1 `* c( JA: Ok, I accept.  $ C3 u/ W  }& F+ k
  . V8 X: M  g8 V9 w! J9 \
-- 柯克蒙先生,手头有这么大一个订单,你都不必再担心了。你们都 不必接新订单了。好好想一想吧,我们都是老朋友了。  * Q$ m+ @; {; n+ p  {* H* f: j1 I
& O  Y% [$ d; T. B; s-- 考虑到我们长期的贸易关系,我们才给你百分之十的特别折扣。你 知道,我们是在平等互利的基础上做交易的。  
* }7 r, l( @# T8 _  l7 K7 r+ Q  
0 K9 N: W7 `: x6 U" j-- 是的,我们也希望在互利的基础上做交易。但是,这么大一笔订 单,百分之十的折扣是不够的。  ( A. Z% v4 Y& Q( I% s
( x# Y: d) I" v7 b# N. a-- 只有对十分特殊的客户,我们才给予百分之十的折扣。另外,这一 产品的价格日趋上升,需求旺盛。  : K) L  b' d" K
-- 是的,我知道目前市场的趋势。不管怎样,我们互让一下,给百分之十五怎么样?  9 T/ B) ]" |0 {: [' T0 [+ x
  9 ^- @& }$ l, M' v7 O
-- 你真是个名副其实的商人。好吧,我同意给百分之十五的折扣,但你得订购十万套才行。  
" {* c2 z8 j4 I& {' v- Q- }; F  , d$ U8 B4 ]7 G0 f5 k0 I# h
-- 好,我接受。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:56 | 显示全部楼层


Words and Expressions  0 O4 w* M" F  D$ m% _, ~
; U3 s- U' {3 g' A1 K4 E  : `' J9 ^. J  U% F
commission [kE5miFEn] 佣金  
5 f+ L; N: }. d, E- s; ?% V  
( b+ {2 `  J/ J9 n* r8 V3 p2 Cconcession [ kEn5seFEn ] 让步  / {1 N. W& \' S' k. K
) n2 {3 ^$ m+ Oconsignment [ kEn5sainmEnt ] 货物  
# O! N) `6 j- Z  K  
0 a8 f0 p: K* E# r- ndeduct [ di5dQkt ] 扣除  
, ^' M1 o  g1 `/ J& Y, i: _  
( `4 J6 }8 Z2 V/ f) J, T+ D+ Fembarrassing [ im5bArEsiN ] 令人为难的  
6 Z8 j; n  k8 P  ]/ R+ [  
# x* L# l4 r) O2 M& W7 o/ Ygrant [^rB:nt] 许可,答应  
+ Z3 p* Y( e/ V* y  
- q; f% D. T" ~8 F7 Whead office 总公司  4 u9 u# q6 O& O' M: {
  6 y" C4 g4 ^7 a. Z7 L; S: v. D: [
make a compromise 妥协  
* s  I* I2 p) ~  G  _* b  
- i* W* X% ]" dmake oneself clear 表达清楚  4 y$ v( M4 C3 z! E5 x* R3 Z+ H- c
4 {3 Q0 ?4 |+ w3 X3 t- \1 Ngeneral practice 惯例  + M( j* S. M* _+ C: o
  2 T8 q9 J: z' H6 D" J; p- J0 Y# M
profit margin 利润率  9 o+ z6 ]3 f' B) A  S/ j2 T# J4 v
2 y0 G. [6 L9 p# f: x2 W8 gdistributor [dis5tribjutE] 经销商  
) N5 U7 L: N* J2 [( chand-tools 手工具  
/ d! W+ n+ a2 `9 k- \3 ocommission agent 佣金代理商  
* y7 C, T! w' c3 q) }credit inf.mp3ation 资信情况  7 v7 H$ l/ S4 H& y& p9 b
/ P  h  E& H- z  L! j5 Y" ^Notes  
1 X3 |" Q' F# N, V4 s1. potential production capacity/potential market 潜在生产力/潜在市场  
9 x( G1 N  F  `/ h, d8 e  $ T9 G: a( L+ n
2. It’s really impossible for us to make any concession by allowing you any commission. 我们真的很难在佣金问题上作出任何让步。  ! c& h* v4 ]! ]6 O' y: i% o! [
  6 [7 b' E5 z7 t: d  \) U5 u
make concession 意为“做出让步”  
: M3 l4 |! f: i5 a  . g8 I7 ~: s: O- Q# V- u( `: P- v
例:I don’t think I’ll make any concession in this matter.  
' ~% ?# C5 b: u4 _4 D% B# T6 p  
7 a  _, ]0 X& ]! M* ~8 Y我想我不会在这件事情上做出任何让步。  8 D! k4 D7 Q: N* l1 z$ l
  ; R4 M8 B' ^8 k
0 q- a$ k( C- t4 g& v3. pay  1 h# l% V; l; H. @
  5 M  D1 D5 F6 }% E1 ~
, S( c% _" X# {  7 X5 f: s# j; j: Z: R( r
We believe you will pay our draft on presentation.  
, c- G7 l4 Y, s' Y+ H# B  
- f/ M6 K5 l& u/ V" Q我们相信你方在见到我方汇票时即照付。  1 a& X5 T* ^) S$ z* d. ?9 M
  1 `2 b4 S& Z0 |. p6 z
b. 合算,划算  
" U) q0 ?: w; S/ G    Y  |( E% g2 U! ~" B. z$ d$ G8 h
It doesn’t pay to buy in small quantities. 小量购买不合算。  
( D6 t- d# p% f! {( k& E  % w2 B- ~) t* f; U: f) h
c. 给予  
$ T  N  m& P6 G" A/ L* k; k# O. }  + C: I6 k6 m8 s, |8 V, r- C
Special attention should be paid to the outer packaging. 要特别注意外包装。  ; W& g- U% v, z, g
) u2 a# N0 J/ h: a9 P7 O 4. agree  ( |3 S+ L+ Y" X2 M
) z" A& G- u, a  @9 k, Ba. agree to (to 为介词)对建议、办法、条件等同意或接受  
4 r' Y2 ^# @$ @" z  # s3 D6 E. G! t# ]% Z6 ]. W
We agree to your t.mp3s of payment. 我们同意你的付款条件/付款方式。  ) u; }4 t  s3 O; [  Y% h- |
  $ ]9 p& E/ [4 C/ h' M
b. agree to (to 为不定式)
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:57 | 显示全部楼层


We agree to open (establish) L/C at once. 我们同意立即开立信用证。  
' d" ^+ @7 t9 l9 {4 q6 e) Rc. agree with 同意某人的意见,一致  
7 i* |7 ^4 z) C6 z- i+ C. G) A) N) WHe agrees with what I say. 他同意我所说的。  , V# X5 y+ z* U; d
d. agree on (upon) 双方同意或商定  / j1 V: g+ c/ ?/ h
We agreed on sharing the expenses. 我们同意分担费用。  
+ n# {* i+ p( K  C7 j% `* c9 O. h( W9 ke. agree (后可接 that 从句,其中 that可省略)  - X6 c1 L' B; X* j9 ?
  2 m+ r  X  h7 N' c
We agree that extra expenses are to be borne by both parties.  $ F" W; b0 G: \$ ]
  ! D) _& q, k. D! X. s
我们同意额外费用由双方承担。  $ \; Y. U& W0 w1 d9 \% \
* C# S8 n! l  w: c0 sA Specimen Letter  * H/ i* i# k9 h% C$ s6 \
  " `- x- p" z8 y. [2 z. C. x6 M) _
Letter One  
% }: N5 s! l/ L, y+ a7 q; [  6 W1 i+ q2 T6 R6 ]- @5 N
Dear Sir:  
* X% y+ X& w9 @) L9 _  
, Q8 e2 b7 [9 y8 FWe have received your letter of Jan. 12th, regarding commission on the sale of the above-mentioned goods.
8 C3 {) K/ y$ k: X) @9 u% r  0 c1 F1 p2 e; I" Y% v/ J% y! m- P
As a rule, we usually grant 3% commission on this particular article. However, considering the difficulty you may meet with and your efforts in pushing sales of our products, we agree to raise your commission to 5%, in order to help you open the market at your end.  : Y8 L5 W4 F( }. l5 C
0 d- @. g; V0 R3 X9 g, Y3 AYours faithfully,  $ \8 t5 @, d" U* S
  % S/ n. G# w; R/ s' ?. X
9 g" Y# E. u$ C  ( r# ?: W, X9 v6 {) [' {
: @8 a% v& N) M$ E2 y" U  . x+ q. C) ~+ r- K9 v
! F* y" l! v3 T7 x  
; @4 G) j3 B1 m1 }" g8 |+ F通常对这种特殊商品,我们只给百分之三的佣金。然而,考虑到您可能遇到的困难和在推销我方产品中做出的努力,我们同意将佣金提高到百分之五以帮助开拓你方市场。
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