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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 K. }/ g# l! t3 E8 z0 RThe script of this programme 本节目台词
; T, L* d* [% U" K5 w# ~Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. My name is Neil.   @0 ~7 [. A1 w0 m/ b& O
Helen: (Sigh) 大家好,我是 Helen. 中华考试网; r2 B& L6 B( A! F$ a
Neil: Oh Helen, that was a heavy sigh. 1 G' Y% j4 |/ G
Helen: 很重的叹气? By heavy, you mean a big sigh! Well, I suppose it was. It’s just I’ve been trying to lose some weight but my diet is not working. . }7 [. O2 `4 y7 C# h
Neil: So how heavy are you exactly?
$ F( r+ `& G3 e- R# E) R- `* QHelen: I’m not going to tell you my weight! 考试用书/ N& B) F8 h$ ^# T
Neil: OK but my advice is to cut down on the biscuits, eat more fruit and stick to the diet!
2 T) w' X8 h& n  V; ]Helen: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
5 N) p8 N, j* @) m1 D* b! z' i* hNeil: Sorry, am I getting too heavy?
1 O6 m- Q9 l& l6 T5 ^7 E+ P6 w0 v) UHelen: Heavy 沉重? 难道 Neil 长胖了?Are you putting on weight too, Neil?
& q$ {6 I4 J) P/ L7 d) ~2 M6 qNeil: No no! Heavy can have another meaning. Used informally, it can mean serious or intense. # a5 F: F$ @+ x+ O$ I
Helen: Ah! 单词 heavy 在非正式表达中,带有严肃或者强烈的意思。
" q- r% H  I# h  T  RNeil: Have a listen to this: $ M( z; V1 f$ c( ]) k

) n& m1 d4 c; z4 `Our relationship’s getting a bit heavy. I think we need to go out more and have a bit more fun. & h+ s4 D1 c% N! Z# `4 J- j
% ?* X' d* b$ _2 [! T. Z2 D( t1 D
Neil: And another informal use of the word can mean difficult: 2 H) L9 R  N. Y/ ?0 T2 C( P

5 z+ b" t. e. x4 a8 ZThat was a heavy lecture! I had trouble understanding it all.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


Helen: A heavy lecture 那么 heavy 的另一个非正式含义是难度高的意思。I’ve been to a few of them! , m; m( a8 {) }. b
Neil: Me too. But Helen, the word heavy is also used in more a formal way to mean intense. Listen to these examples:
/ C2 }  i/ t% @% j
4 U& p/ l( B1 VThere was such a heavy fog I couldn’t see where I was going. 4 M% p. N8 l  w5 L  i/ V! Y5 N) p8 ?
The flooding was caused by days of heavy rain. ) Q% G& O8 a7 F
Heavy fighting broke out after the government’s announcement.
* S9 b% [* H. {1 B. v" @
4 ^- D  ]: p; D3 oHelen: 刚才我们听到的 heavy 是比较正式的用法,意思是很强烈,很激烈。And what about a heavy drinker or a heavy smoker? What does that mean? ) Z3 n) {% P8 j  _3 o* P( Z( n
Neil: Heavy here means to indulge to a great extent.   
2 B6 d! E( D* ~* z* o: a- JHelen loves heavy metal music! 2 @  d, s# k) B
Helen: Heavy 在这里的意思是太多了,过度了。一个人老是喝很多酒,那么就成了酒鬼了。Well, that’s not me – but there is one kind of ’heavy’ I do like to indulge in.
( J, k# I/ M2 G5 I% h9 B5 Y7 rNeil: What’s that? $ Y$ ~$ [9 J+ L1 T3 G
Helen: 重金属音乐! 来自www.Examw.com
% a" Y  N3 n  h6 _(Turns on heavy metal music) 1 B6 E) z" b$ v/ l% D% w3 ~
Neil: (shouting) Heavy metal! That’s a little heavy for my ears!
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