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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(2) 8 f* T0 v7 i$ o8 @2 n' C# E8 E
Neil: What’s wrong Helen? You’re looking rather sheepish. ) i+ j/ V* {# h) I; d6 x) W$ J
Helen: Sheepish? 像只羊?我的毛衣是羊毛的。 / P/ X' N# Y+ [- I
Neil: I don’t mean you look like a sheep. I mean you look sheepish, which is quite different! + F9 I. ]3 H# \' K. m# D9 v! M7 S' F
Helen: 当然了,looking like a sheep 和 looking sheepish 是完全不同的两件事儿!
- j: W9 n: v% q" }$ }$ ?  _3 lWhy is Helen looking sheepish today?
5 F  e8 [3 v: O8 p" rNeil: Yes. If I say you look like a sheep, it means, well, you look like a sheep. But if I say you look sheepish, it means you look embarrassed or ashamed about something. % W7 K$ c) I* A" i* U3 X
Helen: To look sheepish 意思是看起来难为情,局促不安,好像做了什么亏心事一样。 6 ^7 I. m: d9 x: n
Neil: Yes! www.ExamW.CoM( v' T) E# N& r+ V
Helen: Ah, yes.
( a& d/ R, B! r9 C/ E" ENeil: Listen to some examples: $ `5 Q6 s5 y$ U" Y- S, E1 T$ g
Tom walked into the room looking sheepish.  ( Z" f) ?5 P$ w  A( ~6 n1 f
Emily grinned sheepishly as she closed the door behind her.  
% {% u4 G8 `1 N3 i) T) sJames gave her a sheepish look.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


Neil: So, come on, why are you looking sheepish today?
* T5 l( N) F" ~Helen: Ah, well...
) I, O. ~( T$ c: eNeil: Yes? 7 Q/ R, N: ?6 {! C
Helen: Well, 你还记得你借我的那本书?
& U+ g4 @/ o1 D8 j  e& z' gNeil: My favourite book of all time – the original edition of The Private Lives of the Greatest Cats in History?
- |+ l9 e1 p% U2 ]: _3 _$ qHelen: Yes. 2 f; B3 s9 k- c0 u
Neil: OK Helen, now you’re looking very sheepish indeed, so you’d better hurry up and tell me what happened to it.
5 J' I+ {. q  F$ x1 w, XHelen: 我不小心掉了。 - Z' u! \" X: q, |, A
Neil: You dropped it? Well I hope it’s not damaged, otherwise I’ll have to - & N* t3 V) ^, O/ m* Q: U; F7 [. ]
Helen: ...掉在河里了。 中 华 考 试 网. D) ?3 ]$ w+ j: ?9 @* n
Neil: In the river! You dropped it in the river! . p0 S' ~: ^/ N1 c5 n) `
Helen: 我不是故意的。   ?; F  q1 y3 r
Neil: Oh no!
" O7 E" {, N2 I4 a2 ]/ [( pHelen: 非常抱歉。I’m so sorry! That’s why I’m looking sheepish.
' u  k& j! D& y9 L0 f! INeil: You should be looking even more sheepish than that. In fact, I expect you to look sheepish for several days. It was the best book in the world! ’Sheepish’ doesn’t do it justice...
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