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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; Y, W0 w! L- Q6 f- m! }$ RThe script of this programme 本节目台词9 f# ~# I: G, [6 z9 N: T. _( k
Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Neil.中华考试网% |/ w4 M! U  k8 H
Li: And I'm Li. Neil what are you drinking? Neil 喝的饮料听上去很提神,很诱人啊!
5 @5 G0 S# {7 p$ x( v% v5 dNeil: Ah yes it is, Li. It's so fruity and refreshing.  w' X! I$ G' V
Li: What kind of juice is it?
. D2 n* R1 m8 M2 |Neil: Oh it's not juice, it's a smoothie.2 l! u. `+ ]' a0 |8 K4 L3 u
Li: A smoothie?, [- n" p( t" [$ Q8 D1 ?
Neil: Yeah, a smoothie. The fruit is blended rather than squeezed.
0 G/ G5 G' y, Q& aLi: Oh I see. A smoothie 就是把新鲜水果搅碎制成的一种饮料,这和挤压的果汁不一样。4 s- s; ~* A* u' [/ y9 r) A0 ^
Neil: And it sometimes has ice, ice cream or yoghurt in it too. Try it Li.
* l5 m3 g$ ~1 T* uLi: Oh thank you. Oh it's delicious. 里面还有冰淇淋和酸奶,真好喝!
+ C9 ~' s+ |. k, V( D& aNeil: How would you describe the texture?4 x, m8 Z6 w2 ]
Li: Well, it's very thick and… smooth.Exactly. And that's where the name comes from.
& R, g& f$ [1 z5 d) qLi: 口感吗?滑滑溜溜的,用英语形容就是 smooth, 这就是为什么人们叫它 smoothie. 汉语中有人把它音译为思慕雪或鲜果奶昔。( q9 U1 |, r. e1 b7 \

. x" \9 j' j# ~9 H: G* OA: Right, who wants a drink? I fancy a cup of coffee.
2 m7 Q! E% m0 Y6 s3 f) GB: Yeah but it's way too hot for coffee. Can I have one of those smoothies? - e1 V5 S- k; `. n5 v
A: Oh that's an idea. I think I'll have one too, if I have enough money.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Neil: Well, it's all gone now.  I: v2 g, a( R
Li: Oh that's a shame.1 E" j, s- r8 A! |* u
Have you ever met a smoothie?2 T. f4 ~1 L$ t6 |$ j9 @) \0 P

: e3 B" M" z4 ?% nNeil: Yes… No more smoothie... Shame…
  u1 [+ k9 h& m! iLi: Oh well.
  j$ h. c. Q* S# U3 J" |$ XNeil: (Pause) Li, have you had your hair done? It really suits you.
5 C% _0 x- w2 v8 d; ^  SLi: Oh thanks, Neil.' l8 m0 L- |( m/ m' ]# \% ]2 q
Neil: No, really. It suits your face. Actually, you're looking great at the moment. I like that outfit.
; L- [8 [' u/ Y* y( I# }; Z  m+ C# oLi: Oh Neil…
5 x; y1 p5 F* f$ kNeil: I'd really love another smoothie, but I've just run out of money.
" M/ g  X7 C9 f: P( `' mDon't worry, I'll get you one.
% B3 Q7 b5 J9 G* xNeil: Oh thanks! I can be such a smoothie sometimes…
# p$ _5 F# W1 M  ^Li: Yes you can… Smoothie 看来思慕雪不仅是一种饮料,它还指一个善于施展魅力,甜言蜜语让别人为自己做事的人,我说 Neil 怎么一个劲儿的捧我呢!! Q1 e" ^/ x2 F% S8 ~: _6 k
Neil: A smoothie for the smoothie, please Li.4 m1 z* z8 }- k4 s) ?
Li: 好好我给你买…
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