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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级口试指导(41)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Be 100% open 完全推心置腹  r( M3 f" B& q, C0 X6 v2 j  E, \
  A:I will talk to Lisa on the relocation .
( G, M' V! o$ [' v  B:My advice is to be 100% open with her, tell her all your concerns and all your questions.
9 R( T3 F% _7 g% z* b  A:我会和莉莎谈谈搬家的事儿。0 ?" `, o* D& L9 W$ n$ X
  B:我的忠告是完全和她推心置腹,告诉她你所有的顾虑,提出所有的问题。   2.Don't bother 别管它,别在上面花精力
& ?! v5 d# ~* X) z+ |7 ^  A: I think Mary was mad at me.% Q- A4 J' J5 h2 k9 l. t" T3 i4 k: o
  B: Don't even bother. She's like that to everybody.
) @- p' o# B8 o7 K  A:我想玛丽生我气了。
4 j# A2 _; x+ }9 u0 Y+ P2 n9 {3 }& u  B:别担心,她对谁都那样。
. \  [( u- F" X* I  3.Get back to 给……回话7 A" Q% f- X7 t
  A: Are you going to check on this issue?
& p, S( T; \- v- w, o7 S/ P, y  B: Yes, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
" o0 M# H& D; c  }3 D2 r% A  A:你会跟踪这个问题吗?
" L! a8 m1 K: k, h2 F7 t) J3 Z  B:会的,我一有消息就给你回话。
9 K/ `% O8 x1 j; M7 H  4.Give it a shot 试着做做: d2 @1 a- y( a2 v
  A: Do you think it's going to work?
$ r7 b- f: e5 g  B: Why don't you give it a shot?
' f6 V) }; m; I0 k' q2 K  A:你认为这行吗?
/ n! ~3 u; W  q( P. W1 b  B:你为什么不试试呢?- {$ ~3 F$ b. @6 F8 J! V- \
  5.Have you had a chance to ... 您得空儿……
; C( C3 }: V) |, q( j% W  A: Have you had a chance to look at the report?' p8 e; X8 Z1 V
  B: Yes, I did. Let's talk about it.0 m5 o; x' b" \
  A:您得空儿看那个报告了吗?; x7 ~; u/ j# S, u4 [

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