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[BEC中级] 商务英语口试指导:出差

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1.Airport pick-up 接机
# |- ~3 W% w1 K5 E4 b# B# B  A:Anybody picks you up at the airport?/ G+ X6 G+ G9 G7 a( Z
  B:My secretary arranged it. I just hope the chauffeur will show up.  S' w' d1 b, K( G2 i! B+ l
2 H1 D% C( \; I. e2 P- B2 [! U  B:我的秘书安排了,我只是希望司机能到。
/ w$ W& N* W7 n  2. Book a hotel 订酒店2 a9 P- G- }6 f1 I7 M
  A: Who booked the hotel for you?" B9 |8 l/ l) ?* ]- t
  B: Ms. Wang did. It's Shangri-La.  R/ J* S; r' E' p8 [
9 W6 L- F+ i- T4 S4 }( h. k  C  B:王女士定的,是香格里拉。! i% @2 s& ]9 G& a
  3.Expense standard 差旅费标准4 |/ X, A: ?5 j/ m
  A: What's the expense standard for travel?& R2 N* j2 y# h' m0 \4 u9 j4 d" {9 ~
  B: I have the information. I'll email it to you.
- R. D  ]" K; K  A:差旅费标准是怎样的?
. H2 g* y9 M" b+ n1 }, e  B:我这有,我会发电子邮件给你的。
+ u/ J$ \. O. I3 G& s; f& W3 |  4.Kill time 消磨时间,打发时间: `" o& ^; |6 r7 V5 A
  A: I have about one hour to kill. Any recommendations where to go?4 W( E! N2 t, x) q, X  M. P
  B: You can get on the Internet in the VIP Lounge. That's the best time to kill time.
0 B$ m9 Y5 [' Q4 I  A:我还有一个小时没事儿干,能推荐什么地方可去吗?6 c0 R# |( y0 D
# \2 z" J1 O* k! h* o  5.On the road 旅行,公出. w# p: p& f! |$ E- u1 L
  A: I'm on the road a lot recently.
3 y' U+ D) }; y  B: That's not bad, you get to see other cities.4 I: _, u" x0 _* K6 ~& B: P
. A) |; X  Z0 @5 H& O$ u  B:那也不错,你有机会看看其他城市。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


1.Out of town 出城,旅行,出门
5 l- _" |# v+ u$ a2 l  A:I'm going out of town.( j/ T/ B# r* l  Y
  B:Business trip?7 n0 B" O) \" [9 a; n
  A:Yes.: R4 M9 `: e* r
1 a9 c& W3 k5 v( O  B:公出?; Y, ?5 ]) `) V! d. e
  A:是的。8 B( E; S! {- g) I
  2. Receipt/invoice 收据/发票
) N& y4 Z( X6 f5 {9 m- ]1 B  A: What's the difference between receipt and invoice?
. a# o# ]" L- \, c! b- c' {2 i  B: Invoice means the receipt with paid tax. Receipt has wider meaning than invoice.
1 K' k2 ]1 X; r; x$ b! a2 S  A:收据和发票的区别是什么?* V2 {0 P: P- A1 y9 Z8 M3 j
  ~/ A$ m. ]0 V0 w3 R, X# w& g  3.Rent a car 租车. Q( K5 r' Y4 ]7 N) W2 y4 y
  A: Where can I rent a car?
" R3 C1 y- N7 Z. n- R9 ~! v  B: The car rental counters are over there.
  \& _' o& t) W5 Z& t  A:我在哪里可以租车啊?
* ?& j& }( L" @1 S' h  B:租车柜台在那边。
$ r' O6 \: \9 `  4.Sleeping car 卧铺8 A1 ]& K' T( d
  A: There is a direct sleeping car from Changchun to Beijing.: f3 P5 `( Q* p0 W: e+ h0 d
  B: It's so convenient. You save on the hotel as well.
, A2 Y, p8 b; U  |  A:从长春到北京有一趟直达卧铺。. l+ U" ~7 ~8 A& T
  B:太方便了,连宾馆的钱都省了。2 j- x* k, |) l) P7 S
  5.Take a plane 坐飞机$ j" @4 m; o- X' X4 M6 F
  A: Are you taking a plane or taking a train?
+ e  ~/ S; V3 h+ H& H  B: I'll fly. It will take two days for the train.% X) y& {8 {$ @0 W$ ]
  A:你要坐飞机去还是坐火车?, C* Z) j: Q6 T% o% |
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:56 | 显示全部楼层


 1.Taxi (飞机)滑行+ H) i. i& n& x9 |6 f( L8 A
  A:Ladies and Gentlemen, the airplane is about to taxi. Please fasten your seatbelt.
5 R7 G% p# R! G0 e  B:Flight attendants, please cross check.5 T/ h3 R- ?5 Q0 s+ w2 q! D! Z' q. l
; [, f& N, S4 \8 t& d& `. f2 m  B:空乘人员,请交叉检查。
; |, N5 y- l( V% U" x  2. Tip 小费
3 C  d7 e/ \: |6 H7 M  A: To whom do you have to pay tip?8 b1 C! v" R% {' ~
  B: Waiters, taxi drivers, and hairdressers.
: ?7 H8 R& [1 q( ~! V6 t  X# `; P0 [  A:哪些人你得给小费?  \6 J; A0 f7 |) r7 K0 d8 E
  B:服务员,出租车司机和理发师。8 I' b) A7 C! D1 }' K0 D
  3.Travel regulations 出差制度
* z% }" H# j* G% ^0 J  A: What are the travel regulations of our company?
+ d/ J8 V) m6 z" k  B: It's in the employee book. Let me know if you can't find the book.
3 I) ~. p* a& e. ^6 [* `% }  A:我们公司的出差制度是怎么样的?
" q" w1 L1 n; P( C5 |  B:都在员工手册中呢,你要是找不着就和我说一声。
' d, ]/ i/ F' F3 d/ E  4.Travel agency 旅行社
  L+ X0 r# e8 B2 ]' [( O4 x! n  A: Do we use travel agency for tickets?
' f+ a4 E5 b8 p! K; ^/ e- Q  B: We do. China travel.7 P% j* a) \( {5 t
  A:我们通过旅行社订票吗?! S1 z. Y2 c, L! M4 g6 c! L) K+ p
  B:是的,中国旅行社。* n. k* q6 H+ T/ v" Q0 f2 Y" ?
  5.Travel route 出差路线4 x5 i0 [& ]+ a8 x' R
  A: How do you define travel route?
; l6 ?. {# Z, P, ]. T/ d( O  B: The shortest possible route.
; Z! w- c5 S! d4 f- c  A:你怎样选择出差路线啊?
  U* p; j# p- p  h/ E. G- s  B:最短的可行路线。
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