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[BEC中级] 商务英语辅导:中级口语训练第8课-参观公司

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 “商务英语口语”适合已掌握英语基本语法和常用词汇的商务人士,或者是英语水平较高,但口语水平较差人士。将和外商谈生意时可能碰到的情况一网打尽,内容包括迎接客户、如何招待客户、推销产品、陪客户参观工厂、解决纠纷、顺利签约、完成交易、国外出差、订机票、旅店、途中处理突发事件等最常用的商务术语与词汇以及贸易实务常识、欧美国情、基本礼仪,让学员成为博闻多礼,潜力无限的经理人才。: R* G. o. ]( I' z  \
  Unit 8 Showing visitors around the company 带领访客参观公司5 j! C& M7 x+ y6 m
5 O" Y0 a) P! m" p1 ^  为了让更多的经贸人员尽快适应我国对外贸易迅速发展的经济形势,原版英语从互联网为大家精选了这套商务英语口语视频教程,帮您学习商务英语口语,进而驰骋国际商务交际圈。
$ o0 q2 |8 w( x1 Y- w  “商务英语口语”适合已掌握英语基本语法和常用词汇的商务人士,或者是英语水平较高,但口语水平较差人士。将和外商谈生意时可能碰到的情况一网打尽,内容包括迎接客户、如何招待客户、推销产品、陪客户参观工厂、解决纠纷、顺利签约、完成交易、国外出差、订机票、旅店、途中处理突发事件等最常用的商务术语与词汇以及贸易实务常识、欧美国情、基本礼仪,让学员成为博闻多礼,潜力无限的经理人才.3 f. @8 u, e0 Z& ~/ t: x  X
  EDWARD GREEN: Phil, thanks for coming.
( N% X/ b% }, q0 U& l1 s) M  爱德华.格林:菲尔, 谢谢你的来访。
9 q& t8 y8 ^! ^0 p4 d* ^/ B  PHIL WATSON: I' m sorry I' m late.
+ h& K, z. I- B- }2 V) Q1 S. |  菲尔.沃森:对不起,我迟到了。
2 y: L3 ?* i9 `9 {( G+ V  EDWARD GREEN: No problem.
  A. z. j: l8 N8 B% Y  爱德华.格林:没关系。, d9 c8 O# q! D) |" M
  PHIL WATSON: The traffic was very bad.9 K$ a; T. s& Q5 T  w
  菲尔.沃森:交通太糟糕了。8 N3 D" G7 g$ _8 b1 v
  EDWARD GREEN: You have been here before, haven' t you?
: x) z' Y" b* ?! Y; ~# S  爱德华.格林:你以前来过,对吧?
( E) M9 \% S4 `& ^  PHIL WATSON: Once. A very short visit to Don Bradley' s office.) M) Z) K0 S) w' q1 B& f4 w9 ~1 }
/ p- c& J$ I# x  {' q2 N) }1 L! K  EDWARD GREEN: Perhaps I could show you around after the meeting.; b2 Y. j( R/ ^' M
  爱德华.格林:或许会后我可以带你四处看看。, p# b# N' ^" Z) ^3 F7 b4 s% R0 `
  PHIL WATSON: Yes, please.
8 P# L/ o4 \) Y! ]5 \5 J% X  菲尔.沃森:好,有劳了。" m1 N0 H2 ?+ J2 {9 _" H
  EDWARD GREEN: I' ll give you the guided tour.3 e2 E% T1 \0 [* H( O
6 @& k' k. V3 j7 V5 {  CLIVE HARRIS: Thanks for going to Southford Components yesterday.( T* ^; G& ^! a1 b9 W' Y0 d6 A
  克莱夫.哈里斯:谢谢 你昨天亲临Southford Components。
$ Z0 Q7 L, k- N3 I5 q  DON BRADLEY: It was no problem.
3 x5 V" Y$ ~1 v% M& N' h- n  堂.布拉德利:没什么。' ?) P# {  y, F( R! F# [9 e
  CLIVE HARRIS: I want to keep Derek working on Big Boss.2 Z0 I. z7 t6 b: ]6 Y
  克莱夫.哈里斯:我想要德里克不要停下“大老板”。* t3 v& n( S7 ^( T
  So what did you think of the Southford set up?% u3 D8 y, o. f
  你认为南佛的布置怎样?- @1 r& v, Y% y: T) k$ z: x# E5 o
  DON BRADLEY: This is their sales brochure.! {* Q) m' X+ ?+ m) D# j/ {7 v
  堂.布拉德利:这是他们的销售手册。& R2 n) I3 R& E1 R3 N" d
  They seem quite competent.
; s* S" |/ D( X( ~2 M7 U2 u  看起来很有竞争力来源:考试大的美女编辑们! F+ t8 D4 r. w6 D# ~
  CLIVE HARRIS: Where is it?4 F" @  u, o) j
  克莱夫.哈里斯:在什么地方?7 c: {# F# G& J: H+ R1 |" A, a
  DON BRADLEY: It' s just by the freeway near intersection eight.  ~3 V$ m7 f3 B6 h; ^
: s! i; A, ^  R6 c6 t* Z  It' s in a large Greenfield site in a new development.
3 n8 q0 J+ ^$ {5 F5 |6 G4 E$ C2 ]  就在新发展区的商场。
. w( p. j' h1 {" E" E7 G  CLIVE HARRIS: Who did you see there?3 X9 V) d* n, q* Y8 z1 d
5 X1 @, N6 g  s8 c* |  DON BRADLEY: I had a long meeting with the C.E.O.
* s- X; ?8 t! M! j8 O7 j/ Y& l  堂.布拉德利:我和他们的总裁开了个长会。' C& @4 x: B$ U3 k, T
  They have excellent robotics and a hi-tech production line.
1 J# d) C$ X( H! E. g  他们的机器人技术很棒,有一条高科技生产线。7 e* W1 y$ D9 s9 s' ?- u
  CLIVE HARRIS: It looks impressive.& ?3 n- u! z$ i4 R
6 H- b7 R* O* q0 ?& S  DON BRADLEY: There are their R & D laboratories.) C. v1 B' o2 l: y
  堂.布拉德利:他们有研发实验室。4 R! X5 v1 _4 g% ?$ ^7 f
  They have a very big budget.3 k4 T# \& z6 e
  预算很大。1 |$ N& R  K* s+ [
  They commit five percent of their profit to that department.  X2 ~, h& Y; \% E6 I% |
  他们把5%的利润都投到了这个部门。/ x) N) a% H% `
  And they' re doing some very innovative work in solar energy.
. h9 Y: y" n: |1 _  他们在太阳能方面做了些创新的工作。; w: H( W0 D1 _" @7 w( {
  CLIVE HARRIS: Okay, so what' s the down side?  a- i# z- `; [  ^6 |5 b- p
  克莱夫.哈里斯:好的,那么不好的一面是有那些?+ H: @0 P2 Q$ j* g6 r/ ~
  DON BRADLEY: Well, I' m slightly unhappy about a couple of things.
  Y0 m* I! O. ]  堂.布拉德利:哦,我对几件事不是很满意。
- d( N( z9 [' o' l( N  They are expensive.
  Z4 s) ]7 B' V. \/ x6 C( n  他们有些贵。
. _! U0 c% R0 I! l, T9 `  We could buy in components cheaper from another source.
0 {- ^% ^# d5 ?6 v0 n5 c# u6 L8 p  我们可以从其他供应商那里买到更便宜的部件。
1 H$ g: R0 b' K4 q; L" T  And they do supply a lot of companies, including one or two of our rivals.
0 O. Y: g/ q, Q8 G! k# c  他们确实为很多公司供货,包括一、两个我们的竞争对手。
0 [$ O; E3 v$ s4 L2 s  However they took me out for an excellent lunch!
+ f+ \; t9 r, E4 S" g  S7 b3 E  不过,他们带我去吃的午餐确实不错!
) D. |8 Z# X! r, d& q& J( {! `6 h1 `  CLIVE HARRIS: So what do you think?+ s" v. T$ A4 D  j0 F+ f: U. b
  克莱夫.哈里斯:那你认为怎么样?4 ?: R, M# i' }, m+ g) ]+ f9 A( o
  DON BRADLEY: Well, I can see that they' re a strong option,
# g+ q) B# d0 G# }2 K  堂.布拉德利:哦,我认为他们是个强有力的选择,! ]4 M8 e+ t$ W+ l! [( Z* P& G
  but I am seeing a couple of other suppliers next week.' \0 V$ ^3 f+ v# `. i$ C0 [6 l
  不过下周我会见几个其他的供货商。考试用书1 p# [9 U8 c, N; ~" k: C" h/ L- `5 }
  CLIVE HARRIS: Well, let' s wait and see.
& \( K4 G( |9 S  克莱夫.哈里斯:那就等等看。4 z3 S2 \# `3 W& h
  CLIVE HARRIS: Come in.% O$ v1 X0 C6 }( i9 V1 {
  克莱夫.哈里斯:近来。& P; h$ l: E: c6 c
  EDWARD GREEN: Sorry to interrupt but Phil is here with the designs.1 J! A6 y; o3 x+ e( l& j
  爱德华.格林:抱歉打断了你,不过菲尔带着设计过来了。/ R, ]3 B) l, {5 G9 c7 F1 j" j0 p
  DON BRADLEY: Okay, I' m coming right now.
$ I" }9 Z) w4 b; L6 f6 i2 I: Q' x  堂.布拉德利:好的,我马上来。
) i9 J! D' C7 U" e; R# I  HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: I' m very sorry about Ms. McKenna' s booking.
1 J) l- @) r9 m& ~  宾馆接待员:麦凯纳女士预订的事,我很抱歉。
9 T' g4 v" n% E( l1 |$ h" @  It' s my fault.
0 e! V5 N+ L0 @2 Y' X; Z4 @4 a  是我的错。* D# V- ^! {1 ]/ S+ ^  F
  How stupid of me. I didn' t check.
) U$ O* |2 l2 n. B% X; k/ n  我真笨,没检查一下。7 B- }& i$ S% f( f
  ASSISTANT MANAGER: Don' t worry about it, Samantha, but please be careful in the future.2 y/ ]# `+ _- a6 u" Q; b4 i. O
  助理经理:别担心,萨曼塔,但今后要细心。: N: i, ~2 E# f4 M
  KATE MCKENNA: Sorry to interrupt,
: v- _" W; [* v; h  凯特.麦凯纳:对不起,打扰一下,
3 ]' ?% ?0 F. Q5 w  F+ K5 \; u  but before I go, I would like to speak to someone about conference facilities.
; I) \# f5 [! v/ }' t% K  在我离开之前我想了解一下会议设施。- a( B% z1 ]: m$ ^* _
  ASSISTANT MANAGER: Of course. Let me show you what we can offer.4 |, W1 {  G% A1 Y* i, h% q
2 }8 [" p1 X1 K" }5 g% N  How many people are involved?
- }$ ~! n2 O% J2 m  有多少人?7 g4 A6 |: Y- ]: P
  KATE MCKENNA: I need to arrange a day' s presentation to about sixty agents.6 ^2 h" m& L$ y9 B' g: O+ k  Q
# o) C& F# s; b) c" n7 g  ASSISTANT MANAGER: Have you time now to look at our facilities?
5 r! t2 X: z& x4 T6 P! u, \  助理经理:你现在有时间看一下我们的设施吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  KATE MCKENNA: I' ve ten minutes.Could we do it fairly quickly?; \% i: r5 S) h1 ]
  凯特.麦凯纳:我有10分钟的时间。我们能不能行动快点?8 i1 _* E: y4 R( {" e
  ASSISTANT MANAGER: Of course. You say you need a room for sixty people?' p0 }& [  l* N1 B/ ~! e/ T
  助理经理:当然。你说要60人的房间?+ \# E& j1 c/ S! V7 x6 E
  KATE MCKENNA: Yes, that' s right.: D" _7 e9 N4 i$ |% x  s8 Z' L1 L
  凯特.麦凯纳:是的。, p3 d8 s8 I, v
  ASSISTANT MANAGER: And it' s a presentation, isn' t it?5 }! m$ U; K% R3 h
  助理经理:是做演示,是吧?$ R8 E# {9 ~; s8 I7 ]  j
  Here' s our main conference room.' P1 Y; w1 E- s- o. R
' n; X8 U: A, u& P' G$ f. X1 O  It has excellent projection facilities.2 O1 X" _4 |; e- b' ]* O  U: R
  有很好的放映设备。$ t# i3 I. W* v0 y0 g& p! v  B& _
  We have full stereo sound, video, 35 mm slides. You name it, we have it.9 W' ?: e2 k! p# A0 }1 c' M
  我们有立体声、视频及35 毫米幻灯片。只要你说出来,我们都有。: i4 @. Z( _2 l% R
  KATE MCKENNA: How much is this for the day?
# v8 O( G1 m* r& K  凯特.麦凯纳:那一天是多少钱?9 R; {$ ]5 D. Q6 b( |& j$ \$ L! z
  ASSISTANT MANAGER: We have a standard rate of $900 per half day which includes coffee and biscuits.4 Q7 o8 S% o. _1 f4 O. E7 Z& C
" {6 l4 i6 T- D! x: a( Q  KATE MCKENNA: That' s quite expensive.0 @% n/ ^# j( ?6 J: ~
  凯特.麦凯纳:那很贵啊。, e3 f" B' H9 z! B/ v& g5 m
  ASSISTANT MANAGER: Perhaps we could work something out.
& F( H3 [9 v# V! i( |  助理经理:也许我们可以再商量。
2 s# z1 Z. O4 f0 S1 x  Shall we go back to my office?/ E, v8 O! ^! {# c7 D
# @% y! q' ?- M4 N$ ]  PHIL WATSON: This is the outline design concept.* M1 r  }9 [) u
) i. f0 f& I' G7 X- v  This goes with that and this copy goes on the side of the box over here." I2 V6 V) X# S, q3 ]* z
7 L3 U  j" J0 V  So, what do you think?
6 p4 y( ?' O; s' K: k# K7 r  你认为怎么样?
" {: i" k1 b. M, h  B0 J) @  DON BRADLEY: What do you think, Edward?
* t7 P8 G( [) K8 b$ c  堂.布拉德利:你认为怎么样, 爱德华?& A' F$ C4 O8 e! M* C* b
  EDWARD GREEN: I think the design is very good. But not for this product.
3 c' K" R0 N+ P) u  爱德华.格林:我认为设计很棒。但不适合这款产品。
  C/ ?# t7 S& ?" d1 l8 `  DON BRADLEY: I agree. I' m sorry Phil but it seems rather young for our market.; _1 e+ j/ K( ]+ F
, X- t# {2 j- h) P9 P7 |4 p  EDWARD GREEN: Yes, it' s very bright.5 }8 L: F3 V- D* i  C! }
  爱德华.格林:是的,颜色太艳。$ o% o, R! P" ]9 S0 t5 l' ]
  It looks really good but Big Boss is a niche product.  o/ u$ S; y$ ?' u* I
  设计看起来确实不错,但"大老板"是个利基市场。: y6 q. I- i$ _0 J) V
  We are targeting the product at the children of well-educated, high income, young professionals.+ a# M2 `* c9 t+ W
7 _- e! i. y1 J/ Z& Z  And don' t forget we expect adults to buy Big Boss as well.8 `, Z  _7 k5 {: W7 i+ h
  别忘了,我们也希望成年人购买"大老板"。" T+ R! I6 d. ~# n/ p$ S" ^
  GERALDINE: I' m sorry, deliveries are through the side door.
! `4 O/ n1 Q* }( i% R$ {; d3 p  杰拉尔丁:对不起, 送货要走侧门。4 K1 `& H( b$ @6 S! h7 u. W
  You go out of the building, turn left,+ b9 g/ ]5 X% N2 E- r( ^
  你出大厦,左转,6 {! m8 d0 C- c7 k) |8 @' L/ h3 q
  and there' s a door on the right hand side marked deliveries. Okay?
* W/ Q* g9 D# v) w  @  右手边有个门,上面写着送货。好吗?$ s1 N0 @" q7 r- \+ m. s- v% e* Y
  GERALDINE: Hello, Bibury Systems. Oh, hello, Kate...
4 R+ y: e3 L5 P7 f  杰拉尔丁:你好, Bibury系统公司。哦, 你好, 凯特……  C7 _; k, \. J
  CLIVE HARRIS: Is that Kate Mckenna?2 U- t1 \" o$ ?
  克莱夫.哈里斯:是凯特.麦凯纳吗?  W1 d8 S& O, @( R* S- y: c
  I' ll have a word.0 X0 W; w& l5 s3 ~+ B6 l
  我想跟他谈一下。3 L. Y8 v' D* R0 Q/ L
  CLIVE HARRIS: Hello, Kate. How' s your trip?...9 U; D# C$ I. T( \, i' Q  R
  克莱夫.哈里斯:你好, 凯特。你的旅行怎样?……
+ \  T1 M2 ^, c, A# H  CLIVE HARRIS: Hello, Kate. How' s your trip?...
+ @1 w7 ?' O; m* D  好…… 我们需要你尽快赶回来……
& c) t- a1 h  h$ m; X) k, D0 l  Good...We need you back here as soon as possible...
! f, o8 O5 Q- B" K- E  Good luck!2 T3 X$ ^3 s) C
' }$ L1 r  Z) L5 K+ s' h* U  x! _  GERALDINE: Sorry to disturb you, Derek.0 f" o4 g, p! a9 N0 i3 Y0 H! O
  杰拉尔丁:抱歉打搅你, 德里克。
" w4 ^$ j; m( a; z' G  DEREK: Not at all.
3 z2 L9 `& ]0 W4 b8 _0 p7 @  德里克:没关系。
, W5 Q: [+ R7 W( Z9 J8 a5 I3 Q  EDWARD GREEN: Have you met Phil Watson from RUYJ Advertising?1 V" y+ a% M# E% D+ `  s
  爱德华.格林:你见过RUYJ 广告公司的菲尔.沃森吗?
6 _/ C+ I' K) C; s/ y& {  DEREK JONES: No, I don' t think so.1 B- s" f! W% ?& o
7 {0 T. E9 q3 D9 `4 ?  EDWARD GREEN: Phil, I' d like to introduce Derek Jones our Development Manager.
, E+ e7 N% q' z! H  爱德华.格林:菲尔, 我来介绍,德里克.琼斯,我们的研发经理。, ?7 F, ?1 h' Z4 Y
  DEREK JONES: Glad to meet you.
# d5 x3 W- H2 w* X& }1 l7 D+ h  德里克.琼斯:很高兴见到你。
0 F9 c% v$ v5 S( c' Z* O" g1 p  EDWARD GREEN: This whole area is our development workshop.
- w, j5 k/ T1 J8 [; |1 H& Q8 D# F  爱德华.格林:这里整个区域都是我们的研发车间。
/ B9 O( v- Z8 ~( f6 o) s  It' s where we work on the ideas for new products and toys.* u2 x! D8 B8 G0 N3 f
  我们在这里对新产品和玩具的创意着手制作。/ K( B$ L% A+ L9 T( R
  It' s where we work on the ideas for new products and toys.
5 n3 C3 _% V% ^8 i4 F+ b  菲尔.沃森:谁提出这些创意?
9 A4 T* V; U- L. D" I6 k  PHIL WATSON: Who gives you the ideas?
. z6 O5 D  Y9 w- s# o9 L  爱德华.格林:大多数创意来自公司内部……
3 a3 a/ f2 K7 w; H; c% X  EDWARD GREEN: Most of the ideas come from inside the company...% S  s# ~' r# K8 M9 z
  PHIL WATSON: Who thought of this?# K* u7 r9 x* P1 Y' F: j& \
6 W; g# f# K7 y: m* B# a1 g' f& {  EDWARD GREEN: This product here is being manufactured under licence from a company in the States.' |: a3 {' @3 U: W, E
  爱德华.格林:这个产品是由一家美国公司提供特许生产的。* N% d( N* X0 r" T: ^
  EDWARD GREEN: This product here is being manufactured under licence from a company in the States.不是我们的想法。; q& B8 i& d$ n
  It' s not our concept, I' m afraid.  j! l8 ]5 R' e$ L
  但销售很快。9 }" r7 D7 ^8 Q# g% n4 L
  But it' s selling very fast.  Q2 I- c* D) V8 |  K, ?* I
  我们在特许交易上采取很灵活的方式。. B; Z& l& T9 V" k# R- E
  We have a very flexible position on licensing deals.
$ g6 d: Z4 o5 e  PHIL WATSON: This looks beautiful.
' S# P) w- H2 x# k& p  菲尔.沃森:看上去真漂亮。
% j1 d9 ?; f9 ~1 c" N5 f; u/ m( r  EDWARD GREEN: Derek, whose idea was this?" q8 p/ B6 v- o( {. ~; Z
  爱德华.格林:德里克, 这又是谁的注意?
% P' m! [$ W- e) R  Did you think of this one?
" g# c; y! Q; V  是你想到的吗?
/ u- u4 V$ e* D/ N  DEREK JONES: No, it' s quite nice, isn' t it?- P$ f+ V# i, m1 r+ I1 A
  德里克.琼斯:不是。很不错,对吧?: E5 \) K2 J3 Q
  That toy started life as a picture from a young girl from a local school. She sent it in to us.
3 T$ j! h" l% g8 y& |% A  这个玩具最初是张图片,是本地一所学校的一个女孩寄给我们的。7 Z7 E: ^  i2 @/ h( G
  Ah, here it is.' W! B0 [/ L5 U- |8 }: o2 U5 p8 G
( ?5 p4 J& m+ B1 {% [  PHIL WATSON: How do you do your market research for a new product?
9 P- G) C% y) f  菲尔.沃森:你们对一个新产品是怎样做市场调研的?& c, `& l& {7 Z( h9 H' P
  EDWARD GREEN: Good question.
# ~; h" b+ Q+ W6 n' v. T7 A* g  爱德华.格林:这个问题问的好。
9 A+ `0 P  T' x* @  It depends on the product.* F% O( e' D2 D: R" c4 W9 X; M
  主要是看产品自身。: `; g; c- m# x( P% ]7 s$ @- V
  We have our own research people in-house so we do very detailed assessments.  x: Y2 X- a: c8 B; c
  我们本身有调研人员,因此我们会做详细的评估。) I/ K$ B% {- y' C
  But, of course, we buy in market research expertise when we look outside the UK.
; _7 d3 `) |) H- v8 J' W% G" o  当然,我们关注英国之外的市场时,我们会买进市场调研技术。
( I% T5 B: J: J- |, b+ G; y, _) p  Marketing Big Boss is very complicated." d5 H: A3 }7 W
, b* N% K- O; R6 v  We' re targeting both adults and children.
, y- Y4 T. \/ `6 L+ z# r  我们的目标是包括成人和儿童。
6 L1 ]% O- e5 Y# R  PHIL WATSON: Nice to meet you, Derek.
/ v- B6 `. F# m7 E  菲尔.沃森:很高兴见到你, 德里克。$ b) i& N# x, ?4 p, @0 F
  DEREK JONES: You too.
; f4 W$ c- E  B, o5 _2 a  德里克.琼斯:你也是。0 l  c' H" l4 ^) }+ o3 U# U, }; O
  I hope you get the packaging designs right.
9 I" e5 h0 x, R3 F6 I( O& B  我希望你收到了正确的包装设计。
$ b+ C0 H& p2 X+ g( l: V9 p! h  Big Boss deserves the best.6 ?  n1 @* _, d6 w* G
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