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[BEC中级] 商务英语辅导:中级口语训练第15课-款待来宾

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  “商务英语口语”适合已掌握英语基本语法和常用词汇的商务人士,或者是英语水平较高,但口语水平较差人士。将和外商谈生意时可能碰到的情况一网打尽,内容包括迎接客户、如何招待客户、推销产品、陪客户参观工厂、解决纠纷、顺利签约、完成交易、国外出差、订机票、旅店、途中处理突发事件等最常用的商务术语与词汇以及贸易实务常识、欧美国情、基本礼仪,让学员成为博闻多礼,潜力无限的经理人才。/ H# C/ d: x6 S6 p6 }7 z( S. {
  Unit 15 Entertaining visitors 款待来宾
7 v+ i8 z2 w- ?3 D  KATE MCKENNA: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention.
4 Z- ^" K% A( n# p  凯特.麦凯纳:女士们、先生们,谢谢大家全神贯注。% W8 Y# Z7 j9 W
  But...I would just like to say a few more words...I promise to keep it brief.
( K4 w+ M# N5 C9 [  但是……我还要多说几句……我保证很简短。
+ {1 T2 b: m- j) }: S, j1 g  I know that one or two of you have to leave now, but for those who can stay, it' s time to relax.0 [, x1 b& p$ x' v* p9 {
  我知道你们中的一、两位必须马上离开,但那些可以留下来的人,现在可以松弛一下了。/ u) j2 h2 `9 l5 K7 h' a, B
  We have prepared some refreshments so that you can talk informally about how we can work together to make Big Boss a success.
# x2 U5 |  ~6 Y8 E2 a  我们准备了一些点心、饮料,大家可以随意谈论一下,我们要怎样共同努力才能使 "大老板"获得成功。% h. p+ n3 j4 J$ G+ N
  The table that' s over there has plenty of food on it!1 M5 J) H1 ~9 q1 [! n
0 e8 t: k4 Y/ z0 B. P! N0 B  And I hope to be able to speak to all of you before you leave./ P2 j$ w2 x$ a  t9 N0 z: L
' e( x6 {2 f5 h2 d1 z* e! r  And once again, thank you very much for coming.7 w7 [  i7 d5 L/ |, A5 z6 S
+ E/ _2 m: H9 R5 F$ L: _$ w  CLIVE HARRIS: Don, what are your plans for this weekend?
. `0 c1 O2 c- I. w3 _' c  f8 l  克莱夫.哈里斯:堂,周末你有没有安排?
  a5 k+ ~6 D( _) Y* ]9 V& y! F' N  DON BRADLEY: Nothing special. Why?
8 L3 m( P+ g. z0 Z- `1 N: ?) L  堂.布拉德利:没什么特别的事情。有什么事吗?
) o" t6 z7 U( k1 M, m# h  CLIVE HARRIS: Sakai is back in London for a week before flying home.
$ `1 u2 V- E" P, F' _% y: K9 c  克莱夫.哈里斯:酒井要来呆上一周,之后才搭飞机回家。
2 o3 L1 X3 N9 g( p; |2 I& G( h& L  He still hasn' t decided which company he wants to deal with.- j' v) ^% @( z% t4 K
) v# U5 X4 {/ f& F  He is interested in Dealer Dan.; _( b" L  ~9 L+ h9 X
; w/ i! @* H& \! v1 E. g  We will have to work hard.
9 V) V6 \0 d# w+ K0 V) c! q$ I  我们必须努力才行。
5 ~# r$ E  J9 X% D+ ?# }8 H  We have to close this deal.% p. k9 y8 P2 ], a
  我们必须要完成这份交易。- P8 U9 q# d6 {! G) B2 M
  He may be free this weekend and a friend of Sakai' s told me he' s a keen golfer.2 _8 n: j9 o5 r0 J7 u
5 x6 @. W- J, z2 ~  Will you be able to offer him a game?# j* D9 ^! |4 T0 T  @
3 |( V8 Q, q0 a" l& q  DON BRADLEY: Yes, I could call him at his hotel.7 r. {( y4 G" f; z+ x
% F3 a" B, r) R: X! w9 I' ]  KATE MCKENNA: Yes...we know how important the American market is.  R& {, t% W( [* F# X
% J2 q2 E; o+ ?! n  In fact our Chief Executive appointed an American as Director of Marketing and Sales.; x+ h% ~% D8 y/ l1 x4 s+ \- }: ~
& N% |* {) K! H4 P% n  Well, you know Don Bradley...he' s born and bred in Los Angles.
9 j' M- \0 n8 Z7 V) J  你认识堂.布拉德利 …… 他在洛杉矶出生、长大。5 c. X" r, C( d
  DON BRADLEY: Ah, Mr. Sakai, this is Don Bradley from Bibury Systems.
8 u, N  q4 G3 O4 Z- g  堂.布拉德利:啊,酒井先生,我是Bibury系统公司的堂.布拉德利。8 o$ O9 W1 m) W2 Y# D0 j
  MR. SAKAI: Ah, yes, hello Don.
! f6 @5 e4 _- x  酒井先生:啊,你好,堂。
0 U3 r2 |5 T; n1 [% a0 _; |3 `  DON BRADLEY: How' s your trip going?
. h+ {& E7 r/ o" J& Q  堂.布拉德利:你的旅行还好吧?8 G, ~8 y) ^0 G
  MR. SAKAI: Very well, thank you.
5 }0 \- S( U  _7 e3 G- P  酒井先生:很好,谢谢。" j+ \2 b3 @/ p5 P" p8 o# M7 ?
  Hard work, but very useful.+ U# N  D  \4 h6 Y  K
0 y1 ~/ p+ r- Q" o/ H* ^5 p  DON BRADLEY: I hear you play golf?
8 x+ g2 \6 w0 b! A8 l; ]" U  堂.布拉德利:我听说你喜欢打高尔夫?
! F# e  N1 z1 O1 R; \  MR. SAKAI: That' s right. I do.& }: w4 v$ s; h+ G
  酒井先生:对。我喜欢打。% \0 R* l: w/ f3 X1 t+ G
  DON BRADLEY: I' m a member of a very good club that' s not far from your hotel.
8 \) a- L2 n2 S  堂.布拉德利:我是一家不错的高尔夫俱乐部的会员,这个俱乐部离你的宾馆不远。5 R# ]  A! s0 V6 s/ M7 k. v( `
  Would you care for a round tomorrow?- T# m3 H4 f' B$ D- l- v( O5 y  f
# ~$ U8 n2 w; Y  MR. SAKAI: Thank you very much, but I have just arranged to visit some tourist sites tomorrow.4 x* |# ]- O2 @+ d. C
  酒井先生:非常感谢,不过我已经安排了明天去参观一些旅游景点。# g; V8 A3 J" M2 d: A* {" U1 M
  DON BRADLEY: Then how about on Sunday?6 o4 h' G6 L+ A, Z( G( b
/ i2 U; S  j* z& {- B; J) W' o) H  MR. SAKAI: Yes. That' s fine.
; z4 r* ^0 [% d1 P! ~4 p& g4 k* b& W  酒井先生:好。星期天可以。
) W% I8 R5 z  x2 n( e  h  DON BRADLEY: Can I offer you a lift?
) c' [% S. x  l: U  堂.布拉德利:我来接你好吗?I' ll come to collect you at your hotel at 10.30.1 ^7 s* X) G- v3 e6 \3 j
7 ?* I8 S6 @* E$ r3 U, ^" |  MR. SAKAI: That' s very nice of you.4 A+ H; a% g: b' x5 u8 x
. `/ q7 o8 J: z  DON BRADLEY: Let' s meet in the hotel lobby.! n5 T: v" V4 g* ^, \
  堂.布拉德利:我们在宾馆大堂见。' H5 f: _$ Y7 E9 k) x  z8 n! Q2 t' C
  MR. SAKAI: Fine.4 H* i: J$ m; O( I' O
  酒井先生:好的。- c3 b+ C5 D8 F) F4 @
  KATE MCKENNA: Would you excuse me?- x' X4 K& p4 B( Q
0 J' p2 o4 `8 m( v7 L4 k  I must just have a quick word with George before he goes.1 m" Y& V9 @" ^0 i) F6 {) Z
  乔治走之前,我要跟他说两句,很快的。- o1 k+ ?4 w4 g- |
  George, thank you very much for coming.
! w, h3 x6 o! r& h  乔治,谢谢你的光临。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  I hope you think it was worth it.# t$ w6 E. R  s0 ~; ^3 k) _8 D
  希望你觉得没有白来。  a. W5 ?3 t8 Z1 r' N) _" s: d
  US SALES AGENT: Kate, it has been a great presentation and a great evening.
# Y, x3 }) ]7 q  }% A$ t& W% Z  美国销售代理:凯特,这场演示和会议都很棒。( z; @% d3 y1 e1 F' o, r' d! d
  KATE MCKENNA: Well, please stay in touch and let me know how the campaign goes.% d" I0 O3 x# [; e) x
  凯特.麦凯纳:请保持联络,让我了解广告活动的运行情况。8 H" w  d# g7 N! T/ I/ y, `
  MR. SAKAI: How often do you manage to play golf?( K# O; o& H$ ^, h- q/ Z# B" Q
  酒井先生:你多久打一次高尔夫?1 a& k$ z0 W0 E; a( ^
  DON BRADLEY: I like to play twice a week but neither Clive nor I have been able to play in the last three weeks because we抳e been too busy.7 G9 g* w. x& }: T/ `# l
  堂.布拉德利:我希望可以一周打两次,但克莱夫和我在过去的三周都没打过,太忙了。* R1 }& k' U" f4 I% Q( Q# L+ _
  MR. SAKAI: If I could just touch on business for a second...4 h; `; S# ]- W+ z* E
  酒井先生:我能否说几句公事…- b  y0 B5 L! `" t* Q1 L7 e
  DON BRADLEY: Please do.
$ e$ n+ T, Y! Y& I5 Q6 [  堂.布拉德利:请说。8 [! D8 X- e7 _% Z$ p! p
  MR. SAKAI: Let me be open., {* B3 M. \+ }1 n+ n1 U9 p
  酒井先生:那我就直说了。) e0 D: D- T2 @5 K, ~; _
  A rival of Bibury Systems is not only marketing a similar product but is also launching it around the same time.
  ]7 T: H" x! ^. T  Bibury系统公司的一个竞争对手不仅是类似的产品,并且上市的时间也几乎相同。
1 B7 T# n5 H& m; x: h: L) g2 K- @  DON BRADLEY: Have you seen the rival product?" l4 v! D$ B: W3 Y
  堂.布拉德利:你见过他们的产品吗?MR. SAKAI: Yes, I have seen Dealer Dan.& M6 B% U9 k7 Z
% |2 y) \0 Q5 [5 f  DON BRADLEY: Which product would you prefer?- W! c2 j0 ~6 g7 H$ [" b
+ g; G; h, a8 A+ k$ I" j  MR. SAKAI: Personally I like the Boss better.
1 Y5 v% ?( H$ ~" P# V% w  酒井先生:我个人更喜欢"大老板"。
* {1 @! Y0 a! ~6 ^( T% L- \  MR. SAKAI: Why did you come to the UK?" t* M9 }$ I- p+ t  W
  酒井先生:你为什么来英国?$ `6 C8 L7 s6 a
  DON BRADLEY: My wife is English.
  e' Q$ z1 S+ G, i8 }  堂.布拉德利:我太太是英国人。- F% `% k; b5 `; A% K& j) n9 y: T
  We lived in America for a while, but she prefers living near her family.. {: z; ?! ^: ?% g! Y
  我们在美国住过一段时间,但她更愿住得离她的家庭近些。9 \+ ]0 a2 ]# D* s: y
  MR. SAKAI: How did you meet your wife?5 Z3 T& l7 |0 b+ I; D; x9 g
  酒井先生:你是怎样和你的太太相遇的?* C5 `6 z+ W6 V$ {) P' C! {
  DON BRADLEY: After university I came to Europe to have a short holiday.
  z, O7 J# x- H$ Y  堂.布拉德利:大学毕业后,我来欧洲度个短假。
% ?! F, w5 A$ t; D3 C' |- v5 s  At least that was the plan.
& G( B' G" ~+ Y  至少当时是这样计划的。
/ O9 u. E" [( A  Within six months I was both married and working for Bibury Systems.
* K' n4 F% B3 `+ p  但在六个月的时间里我结了婚,并且开始为Bibury系统公司工作。
" x, J) ~  o' i; y  And I' m still here.9 g5 i$ _' \4 k3 Y( d. s9 L
$ Y. k- G4 U6 |" b- |+ E) p3 H  MR. SAKAI: You must like living in the UK, then?6 ]  n1 V$ @5 h$ j7 n' F
% B. L; G5 j# L, f  DON BRADLEY: At first I thought I would never get used to the weather, but there are lots of good things.
& W# J& X! c' ^* Q3 [8 Q5 T! O  堂.布拉德利:最初,我想我绝不会适应这里的天气,但也有一些好的方面。
" @' \* k2 S8 a: Y$ L/ R  I love the countryside and I really enjoy going to the theatre.
. r" J; h6 E* V' u  K' E* z5 W  我喜欢乡村风景,我很享受去电影院的感受。8 T$ n4 l1 y" `* m
  MR. SAKAI: Ah, you like the theatre.
, I6 M* w; o4 N6 T6 P8 ]5 ~# |% T+ _  酒井先生:啊,你喜欢电影院。. S9 m" t7 M/ @# v
  DON BRADLEY: I love the theatre!
4 f$ Q$ L6 {: c+ o& `: k  堂.布拉德利:我热爱电影院!/ [* P8 q2 u# @; x2 A# u  `
  MR. SAKAI: That' s good.
: v: a7 _7 L# O$ U  酒井先生:太好了。% F% Y4 a8 j5 n5 K  g, P& v
  I was planning to go to the theatre to see 'welfth Night'.
% G/ @5 p5 B/ R+ M. g  我正准备去电影院看《第十二夜》呢。: F* @9 H% V- R) ?- d$ n, [. ~3 [
  Do you have any plans for tomorrow evening?; s9 |  Z/ `% @9 x# V4 N0 B$ S
$ O5 V; \: S6 P! H: v( a% }  DON BRADLEY: No, not really.
. b7 G9 V5 g% p$ P9 w  堂.布拉德利:不,没有。
6 l# h) w6 F2 i) n  MR. SAKAI: If you can spare the time perhaps you and your wife would care to join me.  F9 x. O9 b, z: F
' L5 s8 C7 n# y& U2 n  DON BRADLEY: Well, I' ll have to check with her, but it sounds like a wonderful idea.2 V1 t. g- }# ~) }% b7 x
  堂.布拉德利:嗯,我要看一下她的时间,不过这确实是个好注意。9 e. |  v% U* y. y
  And after the play you must let us buy you dinner in return.
! L' _/ |5 P8 n5 u  看完后,你一定允许我们请你吃晚餐作为回报。
# i( i2 x* f8 v5 s* \" L% K  MR. SAKAI: See you tomorrow, Don.0 |6 F1 U) N* w8 P
1 B) r. Z0 ^( v7 `( P0 |  DON BRADLEY: Bye-bye.
9 u! l3 \% [( @4 n# X  堂.布拉德利:再见。3 U! O5 Z1 |' D5 F
  MR. SAKAI: First of all I would like to thank you for your hospitality, your excellent presentations and your patience.8 ^9 _: `1 _; `
  酒井先生:首先感谢你们的热情款待,精彩的演示和坚韧不拔。+ J& Y& H( k! Z0 R+ N; t  h+ t9 ]8 _1 O
  I' m afraid it has taken me a long time to decide on a European partner,
- I( N% X& \3 \1 b  恐怕我花在选择欧洲伙伴上的时间有些长,
0 R# {, M3 s: Y" n) b  but I am sure you will understand that it is a very important decision for Detmore Systems.
: W& H+ d# c) E! H7 z4 b  但我相信你们能理解这对Detmore系统公司是个很重要的决定。
. Z* o/ z' t3 E3 G9 H  I have looked at all the options, I have talked to my staff in Tokyo and we have decided on Big Boss.8 Y9 b$ l' |& A) Y
+ ~5 L  Z* y7 A/ e- y2 w  Ten minutes ago Clive and I shook hands on a provisional agreement.9 e* [, I. B/ K& B( O! F) j& }2 b
  10分钟前,克莱夫和我就已经临时协议达成一致。( z4 e7 `  K6 ?
  There is still a lot of negotiating to do, of course,but I am looking forward to successful partnership with your company) h; ]1 D% \- ?$ q, Y; s
  当然,还有很多方面要谈,但我期望和贵公司的合作是成功的,* b! q6 K" E! [
  and I am sure we' ll get to know each other very well over the next few months.
2 K9 _! f  @: ]  a; P  我确信在接下来的几个月我们会彼此更深的了解。
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