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[BEC中级] 商务英语辅导:中级口语训练第11课-分析竞争对手

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 M2 z% H9 v+ g! Y0 v" y  \! e  DEREK JONES: The technology is the same as ours.
3 x! V5 l+ E" e: u- z1 l( F  德里克.琼斯:技术和我们的一样。
( L2 S0 i# v2 {! t3 m, V" b  I have never seen two products which are so similar., H) N( e8 k# U2 F1 G: a* J
) j8 A$ W, F% ]3 X" `  In concept and design there are no basic differences.9 a2 I* {% h0 l& f
7 p+ K( n8 S. y  s% C  None. However I have examined the components and the xr590...; ~1 c% }3 @+ W" f: Z+ S% |. A9 E
  没有。但是,我检验过部件和xr590……4 X5 `- a7 b  `
  KATE MCKENNA: What is the xr590?
, }: d4 H1 U( i9 W1 ?4 L( e5 H& E  凯特.麦凯纳:xr590是什么?
5 T( r: V) {$ d8 M8 f; D" f/ M! P  DEREK JONES: The xr590 is the power source which drives dealer dan.
5 f' f  V4 U$ J, Q5 b5 e  德里克.琼斯:xr590是驱动"商人丹"的能量源。( P$ J% _) b6 p. i
  I think it has a few weaknesses.
! v3 u- E  K' |6 j. n! b  我认为它有几个弱点。
8 J' b* J" l; e: n& S3 K5 U! o" @  It' s not as good.& H7 T; A) d6 j$ x
  还不是很完善。8 n2 T: G3 P: G: g, G
  In my opinion it' s not reliable enough for children.
' y1 C) [& c6 H' Y. e6 O' S  我看对儿童来讲还不足够可靠。0 F! p8 z+ |6 w
  don bradley: Exactly how unreliable is it?- c5 S7 R+ W6 t9 o
  堂.布拉德利:具体讲,怎么个不可靠法?1 [' T  }% M/ m& }: @3 {
  DEREK JONES:Ican' t say exactly.* C& {3 ^6 Y, Y" f/ [! F5 L
7 J! ?7 h) W  y' U  I haven' t completed the tests yet.
& @* z8 z2 j" b; e6 N/ `; T6 y  我还没完成测试。
  [' o" k, B0 z1 A+ T" w4 ], j* p6 d  It' s too early to say.4 W: k# s& N' [  E9 F) f4 |) L
3 c4 h+ c+ ]8 H9 ?& _  KATE MCKENNA: Will it affect their sales?/ x  l- w  D3 s5 K
  凯特.麦凯纳:这会影响他们的销售吗?/ k, W) i+ g; W, l& V# m3 r, M" C# F
  don bradley: Derek?
. [8 p& F) w' b9 G/ r  堂.布拉德利:德里克?6 x, ]+ I* b" r# o5 q: F
  DEREK JONES: Not much in the first six months, i suppose., `. a3 G  K0 |- {
7 V0 z9 s6 b% ]/ Z9 ?  KATE MCKENNA: It' s the first six months that are important.
% `, j' j( v2 R& f" p  凯特.麦凯纳:最初的6个月才是重要的。
7 q  q* ~7 H% h4 W# T3 S  don bradley: Edward, what do you think of their packaging?
6 Q7 |; O6 [3 Q3 e  堂.布拉德利:爱德华, 你认为他们的包装怎么样?, ]* H4 F( i9 e# e, g
  EDWARD GREEN: Well, plenty of bright colours.
5 ]& k" G! g5 ^, e* e1 h& m1 h  爱德华.格林:色彩很鲜艳。  b2 Q; e5 E: t& b- l( J
  It' ll have a lot of impact at point of sale.
/ H0 V+ v  N/ ^! c. p  在现场销售时会有很强的冲击效果。
- A& O6 U- x- T  GERALDINE: I' m afraid they are all meeting at the moment.9 x& C' P' Y( K9 v
  杰拉尔丁:恐怕他们现在都在开会。$ ^9 |7 v7 J8 U, ~, ^) Y9 k- H2 d7 s
  No, I' m sorry, I don' t know what time it will finish.
9 q# Y, q3 ?0 R9 a5 |% L  不, 对不起,我不知道会议什么时候结束。
1 u7 p! K& ^3 D% {! u  I' ll put you through to mr. harris' s secretary, and she can make an appointment for you.( s6 d" |% p0 f) N
9 x2 [3 @6 o$ c  Please hold the line.
( I  {4 x, C# V: Q1 N% q  请不要挂机。% A, V9 Y$ |* Q# \5 W
  CLIVE HARRIS: Nice to see you again, peter.
& R$ D4 e/ D$ F/ U/ d  克莱夫.哈里斯:很高兴再见到你,皮特。
* f, o8 \/ k; M9 l6 Y3 M# x  It' s been a long time.2 O) h2 }" D4 q5 ]/ p; m& H. F( V
2 P7 U- n$ S( d  PETER DAY: How are things at bibury systems?
  F9 q8 c  H- a5 L  皮特.戴:bibury系统公司运转的怎样?www.ExamW.CoM
+ h* b7 {3 V5 j5 R* c/ o  CLIVE HARRIS: Very interesting at the moment.
0 f" l9 e2 F2 F. k& p" s  克莱夫.哈里斯:正处在非常有趣的时期。
( R  l8 t6 L1 @# i6 z% W  PETER DAY: I' ve just heard you' re going into partnership with a rather good japanese company.3 c1 S9 t. H& j
  皮特.戴:我听说你们要和日本的一家不错的公司合伙。% K+ K$ @" \/ K+ z9 N+ T
  CLIVE HARRIS: That' s not exactly true...peter, are you still doing consultancy work?6 ]2 g6 J& Y$ R9 [* X
  克莱夫.哈里斯:也不全是这样……皮特,你还在做顾问业务吗?) r( y' v" |' I/ p$ k
  PETER DAY: yes. I haven' t retired yet!) l; u6 `+ ?% ^& x" o* x* ^
: u$ o; l" R; z  CLIVE HARRIS: Look, can i give you a lift back?, ?; R8 _! }0 Y- C% p8 `
  克莱夫.哈里斯:那 ,我开车送你回去,好吗?
! ]: v, r& @! y% k  We haven' t had a chance to chat for a long time.  j. k' D4 k, z, [
. c8 S0 g& P6 |9 z+ ]* c  DON BRADLEY: What have you found out about their marketing strategy?" ?/ J, V5 h+ U, h3 Y, r1 `
: {0 r' V: B- g' Y" n  KATE MCKENNA: They have already scheduled a television advertising campaign.
' G8 j1 I8 k0 K& y2 I8 t: s  凯特.麦凯纳:他们已经安排了一场电视广告推广。
- G, g6 e6 a% E" s+ r( v  DON BRADLEY: Who with?
6 L- B" z) `; U- p2 o3 q% X+ I  堂.布拉德利:和谁一起?
* w5 b" Z) t) U1 }" M- S  KATE MCKENNA: e.g.n.c.
" t! K; r8 @( J& d0 V: F  KATE MCKENNA: E.G.N.C. The company that they always use.9 y1 Q( L, G5 _: j
  凯特.麦凯纳:E.G.N.C.他们一直用的那家公司。9 g1 ^* C# ]; L; l9 S
  DON BRADLEY: When is it scheduled?
& D; o, ], ]' c6 f9 n  堂.布拉德利:定在什么时候?% Q: w, U& W7 X% s# ~
  KATE MCKENNA: Something next month, but I haven' t found out the exact date yet.
% u& j) X, \7 U' @  凯特.麦凯纳:下个月的某个时候,但还没查到具体的日期。' n/ Q8 A# R; H
  DON BRADLEY: Have you heard what they are spending on TV advertising?  B: p9 B3 Q5 H  H5 @9 [& n
  堂.布拉德利:有没有听说他们在电视广告上的花费是多少?1 |$ H+ F6 w: }8 k
  KATE MCKENNA: I don' t know.% N/ b; O! O$ }1 U
5 p9 B* C. D# e# `/ E  GERALDINE: No, I' m sorry, they are still in a meeting.
; e" J( _3 R5 H% q  杰拉尔丁:不,对不起,他们还在开会。
: C; [% ^( I9 s  I don' t know how long they' ll be.( G; _9 z3 V+ K2 P7 Z8 V1 r
  不知道还要开多久。6 _* b. D7 {1 P( _" G
  Let me take your number and I will get one of them to call you back.
* h* _+ f1 I) U" A# C0 o! ~  我记下你的号码,我会让他们中的一个打回给你。
$ o! \8 B# A8 i( y2 _# _8 N  PETER DAY: It' s good of you to give me a lift.
) O" r& v, G0 N0 U8 c; b( J  皮特.戴:你真好,开车送我。* ?& P9 g7 J1 T* @( B
  CLIVE HARRIS: It' s no problem.5 J- E9 J7 f% @# N! _) ^) L
  克莱夫.哈里斯:没什么。. G4 l5 g$ s7 P
  Are you still doing consultancy work for J.K. Toys?1 i; J7 s* a' O( e7 @2 i+ C8 j
2 ?- x4 \6 i1 z+ g% R  PETER DAY: I wondered why you were going out of your way to give me a lift.2 {" W7 [* w2 V, l5 b* J. x
  皮特.戴:我正在想你为什么大老远地送我,又不顺路。  \- `; ]3 x3 a6 \
  CLIVE HARRIS: Well, are you?
% S( ?3 R+ q) @7 j$ b  克莱夫.哈里斯:嗯,你还在做吗?1 A  |8 ]& u; r% I# `: i, m' F
  PETER DAY: Technically no. I' ve just finished.
! B% [+ B. G5 }# l. ~2 x1 b% Z# K  皮特.戴:可以说不做了。我刚做完。2 ]/ H) F9 T4 s- o, T
  But that work was confidential.4 q  _- I$ E: T6 z
  但那项工作是保密的。- ?8 u# Y" L6 x; v# V9 B. t$ f
  CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, of course.
- A9 t6 Y4 i: Z# }* i0 o$ ~1 m9 e  克莱夫.哈里斯:是的,当然。
0 `" K+ X- h+ J2 Y6 k( a* t7 M  You could be working for us, you know, I might need a consultant.
) l. X1 q( [/ h4 X; g  你可以为我们工作,要知道,我们也可能需要顾问。; Z( m  ^9 i8 N$ r! a
  PETER DAY: Really?; B$ m& v; N2 I% d1 g' m
+ C8 I0 j6 T9 W2 o# g  CLIVE HARRIS: Well, perhaps.
2 p+ Z% s) K' R1 _' n  克莱夫.哈里斯:嗯,或许。
8 i" u6 _* i5 C* \  I might need an idea of the best way to react to Dealer Dan." M! h% W$ p& L# g( P7 v
  我需要一个反击"商人丹"的最佳方式的点子。PETER DAY: How did you get to hear about that?
- s+ @9 @! _2 X  皮特.戴:你怎么知道的?
  _* m1 B. x/ ]& {  CLIVE HARRIS: A customer.) {* R3 J  W3 Q  j$ Z6 P1 s; T7 q/ v
  克莱夫.哈里斯:一个顾客告诉我们的。. O! n0 u9 W' k+ @
  Do you know that Dealer Dan is very like a new toy we have developed?2 Y/ f7 Q  {: R* e
8 g1 x1 \- i6 d6 a  r9 \7 ]' L  Dealer Dan could hurt us badly.
9 T& p$ ~6 q. q: ]6 T& n4 q  "商人丹"可以重创我们。
6 |  N* I& B# e" v2 P: s2 N  I don' t want any secrets.! p% C9 v' f  U6 W/ L1 S3 }
  我不要任何秘密。: }1 E" F2 ^  g+ z* J4 G' b( u$ w0 @3 g+ t
  I don' t want to compromise you, I just want some general information.- y! q7 U. [1 i, T+ T0 _2 @
. D& L. K9 r+ W  PETER DAY: How general?6 j- v) _1 n8 u) X
  皮特.戴:怎样才算大面上的信息?! G$ T: [1 Z! @$ Q4 p4 m7 T
  KATE MCKENNA: We know their selling price, but what' s their unit cost?6 o+ s) W  f2 g! J. }+ U
$ n  ]8 F6 ~; s/ X2 m* y) J7 z# ^5 |' J5 G  DON BRADLEY: Derek, what' s your estimate?2 L' j, D# @& S' q. F! X
9 y+ M- S% I( A" r! o  DEREK JONES: I can' t say.
) X. W+ S" h+ v, n. f& h. v" h  德里克.琼斯:说不上来。' O& C5 S7 F) g% ]3 X6 A
  I don' t know what their production run is.# a. T# u6 |  ^- _) x- |
) o9 N3 A/ n! \0 D; q2 J  We haven' t had that information yet.
  Q! b6 A9 a# V  我们还没有这方面的资料。
6 U7 @* x% b+ x9 C. t  DON BRADLEY: Well, Big Boss' s production run is three hundred thousand.) D+ X/ o# W# {8 M! {! P$ ?
  堂.布拉德利:"大老板"的产量是30万。4 N$ V4 i+ V+ _
  Will they produce three hundred thousand? Or more?$ @+ s4 I% D- E
' Y( U( j; _5 A! F! S, ~- i1 y  DEREK JONES: I don' t know the answer to that one.* Y0 S. A, I# O" \; Q2 T4 H$ a
7 P8 b- E  e7 M4 _+ T  At that retail price they have to sell a lot of toys.
) b+ R& o7 k1 [3 j( o# P+ A" I  以那样的零售价,他们要售出很多玩具才行。* V# L: O8 p1 n( ?& j$ a' m" X
  DON BRADLEY: It can' t be less than 300 thousand, can it?7 m+ H) Y: O* C( Y
! y9 ?' F3 }9 f2 n6 m  PETER DAY: Thanks for the lift, Clive., M! H8 t& [' m7 i, X, Q, ^
  皮特.戴:谢谢你送我,克莱夫。" L. m, @0 w" L( T* G
  CLIVE HARRIS: You are something of a specialist in the Far East, aren' t you?3 K0 B# R% U( L  S
" [# ^" B' a# n; M: u3 x  PETER DAY: You could say that.% t: O% J( o$ m
  皮特.戴:也可以这样说。& O/ n0 A* a. Y% j8 o: }6 m! L
  CLIVE HARRIS: Well, when this deal with this Japanese company is settled, we might need your help.
! u% T. [3 \0 }  克莱夫.哈里斯:我们和日本公司的交易完成后,我们或许会需要你的帮助。
. o/ ~- @; b. j, \+ S& L& l0 y  We shall need a consultant to help set things up.
, c. p: _$ Q3 ^! V2 k" P+ }  我们需要一名顾问处理事情。: S- I& R5 D  z; N; `
  Of course, the success of Big Boss is a very important part of the deal.) v& v$ l, h7 ^4 T. p
  当然,"大老板"的成功是这项交易的一个重要部分。3 U) k$ j; |/ n8 O6 v+ ?6 _
  PETER DAY: When might this happen?$ I$ a0 T9 t1 i6 a0 Y
6 e1 {- v; y4 Z- G  CLIVE HARRIS: That depends.
% ]  h7 w4 o- y% Z' N1 U4 q! t0 }2 e  克莱夫.哈里斯:这个要看情况。
3 `4 m1 n& X+ y+ X0 q  PETER DAY: The production run is 300,000 units.$ ]3 d  c. D4 }- ?
0 d9 ?" @3 L/ T% q8 q5 d# L, r  CLIVE HARRIS: And the advertising budget?# _1 D$ w" i( w
& m; f; P, V  S( V  h! }  PETER DAY: Clive, I don' t know.$ R& \, G! g: y% g
  皮特.戴:克莱夫, 不知道。* C. ^) y; P- N4 V  Y
  Really, I don' t know.
& C6 B! m' K/ y, T4 d  真的,我不知道。

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