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[BEC中级] 商务英语辅导:中级口语训练第12课-商业信函和介绍

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  “商务英语口语”适合已掌握英语基本语法和常用词汇的商务人士,或者是英语水平较高,但口语水平较差人士。将和外商谈生意时可能碰到的情况一网打尽,内容包括迎接客户、如何招待客户、推销产品、陪客户参观工厂、解决纠纷、顺利签约、完成交易、国外出差、订机票、旅店、途中处理突发事件等最常用的商务术语与词汇以及贸易实务常识、欧美国情、基本礼仪,让学员成为博闻多礼,潜力无限的经理人才。8 f$ v2 t& @3 p3 `
  DON BRADLEY: We haven' t decided on a plan of action yet.
0 I+ D3 I( y& H8 @& y/ D+ ?  堂.布拉德利:我们还没决定行动计划。
2 `5 {( H& Q8 Q- F" s  We must outline a strategy, but first let me summaries what we' re said so far.. {: K" b$ p$ H- A9 K/ a/ s
  我们必须定出行动纲领,下面我先总结一下大家的发言。& `8 i2 T  A7 ?
  This is a critical situation.
: v. p$ Y$ X  n" L  这是个非常危机的形势。
; {- m4 Y2 s+ ~" Z- n  We know that J.K. Toys are playing to win.3 _( P% d4 _4 F, |+ |3 d2 q& i" M6 ?( v
6 M  o7 d& D6 k: ^; Y; e1 ?; E  And we know that right now they have the edge.
3 D/ F" i; @2 {  我们知道,目前他们占有优势。
8 u* @1 n' u. l9 q$ a9 U  So, let' s look at the down side.$ `; o: m' U/ g" {  f
2 e4 u/ k# f8 b0 v- ~' r( O$ @  What are their advantages?; B* e2 P; w! S6 A% f
  他们的优势是什么?) f$ a# _  [9 [4 \
  They have a larger market share;/ ]! v: v! S; |7 C8 C
  他们有更大的市场份额;9 m1 t+ `" [: D3 x
  they have a cheaper product;" ^" o( n4 o4 R
8 E2 P! A: ~4 I2 {4 @  j  they have an earlier launch date,
' M% v4 K5 l+ q! p7 s' N/ O  他们产品上市时间更早,% ~% |* Q8 y) Y2 l1 c
  and we think they have a larger advertising budget.
1 F* D0 A, W! S3 k: Y  并且我们认为他们的广告预算很高。
; R0 g+ w7 S: j. I% N- y2 u& a  KATE MCKENNA: Their strategy is very clear:1 m; _8 ^1 i$ w1 i4 m: }
  凯特.麦凯纳:他们的策略很清楚:1 D. J; M6 M2 o6 c$ i" \, t
  they want our share of the market, both the European market and the export market.1 ?, v5 I* t9 S9 F. J/ R, a; J. [
  他们要的是我们的市场份额,包括欧洲市场和出口市场。. ~* p. w/ m. g* Z
  DON BRADLEY: We cannot let them succeed.
$ d$ e4 v" j/ E- _2 X. m# N  堂.布拉德利:我们不能让他们成功。1 T5 F9 s/ d8 X
  We have to consider which of these factors we can influence.& `2 ?: Y% n7 y( K& D
  s  u4 O) Q$ X; n% f0 [  Kate, any ideas?
  t( Z5 Y8 P% |# m- S' b3 C6 ~1 V  凯特,你怎么看?
' V1 j' F! ]& z# n3 e% F/ a0 E% e  KATE MCKENNA: There are two immediate things we can do:
" H$ {* N' ]: E; ~  凯特.麦凯纳:有两件事是我们可以马上做的:$ O+ z3 D6 h2 m6 s- T" U
  we can increase our advertising budget and bring forward the launch date.
& I$ ]! \: A# ^+ _  我们可以增加广告预算、提前上市日期。
: O) z) |0 v$ l/ O  DON BRADLEY: Derek, is that feasible?/ @2 b& {9 s1 O9 s
4 D, b' v  P3 b5 T; [! x0 m  DEREK JONES: I don' t think so.
" G9 J9 `, N" n6 ^  德里克.琼斯:我看不行。
' [  ^0 a& t- c5 H& l8 G  CLIVE HARRIS: I' ve got some news for you all., o+ t+ _- ]) [, ]/ w+ s
  克莱夫.哈里斯:我有些消息要告诉大家。) U' X0 M) |1 ~  c$ P, c7 E, l
  DON BRADLEY: Okay, just a second.I' ll switch on the speaker.
; D9 A2 Q8 a) `; J  堂.布拉德利:好的,请稍等。我改成扬声器。* N# p! v3 N( r. i
  Okay, Clive, go ahead.
" G3 M# s9 U2 W' T/ O8 r/ D! c, m  好了,克莱夫,说吧。
# a' P( x2 Y) o  b$ G- q  CLIVE HARRIS: I' ve got some useful information from Peter Day:' z4 n% s/ x6 x7 B3 w4 Z6 h
  克莱夫.哈里斯:我从皮特o戴得到一些有用的资料:) k+ [6 w3 ^& S& b' c% J
  first of all, I think they' re moving too fast.
6 t1 h+ a" y+ S" a. f  首先我认为他们走的太快了,
" M% P6 G: Z( \  They haven' t done their sums.
9 a$ H/ I4 P: g9 z: n" \( A. W  他们还没做好准备。. F' K. G, c. C
  DEREK JONES: Clive, this is Derek.
6 F. s0 D5 g# B& t8 R  德里克.琼斯:克莱夫,我是德里克。
, [( w( Q9 k$ @3 n4 S  Do you know how large their production run' s going to be?; n2 J% y9 K% m* y
  你知道他们的产量会是多少吗?* ?1 P" {5 y$ ~* M
  CLIVE HARRIS: It' s going to be around 300,000 units.
- u! Y% Q! V( o% X0 A$ ^# s  克莱夫.哈里斯:约30万件。www.ExamW.CoM, f& T4 ?) z3 r
  DEREK JONES: That' s about what we hoped--more than 450,000 and we' ve got problems.
/ u1 R8 d& W: c2 O2 ~$ k  德里克.琼斯:和我们想的差不多--45万多,我们有麻烦了。
, i' c5 M- [% P, h  KATE MCKENNA: This is Kate. I' ve got a question.
( m* M* U( J+ g/ c  凯特.麦凯纳:我是凯特。我有个问题。
( t1 g+ f& g" u; S  CLIVE HARRIS: Go ahead, Kate." v% A: b8 A7 e: {  p9 x1 S# i
  克莱夫.哈里斯:说吧,凯特。7 }; ?9 v3 A" d" m
  KATE MCKENNA: Were you able to find out anything about their overseas marketing strategy?
6 E5 I, s6 T3 W+ M  凯特.麦凯纳:能查到他们的海外销售策略吗?5 }6 k2 \& R& D3 ~
  CLIVE HARRIS: Well, I' ll tell you this, Kate:
) ?4 u% v, ?' N1 P& y( L& }- C' j0 u  克莱夫.哈里斯:凯特,我这样跟你说吧:
. _8 r! p$ z4 b  they won' t crack the American market--we' re a few steps ahead of them there,4 |, i7 N: ^9 a/ L- f
, u% S4 u# ?/ l; Q+ r  and I want you to exploit that advantage--you need to get out there fast.
# x/ T% S/ u: J$ `; a6 r' F  我要你利用这个优势--你要尽快抓住那里的市场。
0 H5 Z( K* m/ @: f' K) u$ C  Look I' ll ring off now.- ^: R* R* J& M- w
" e1 f5 c, t# W4 H8 a4 u  ' ll get back to the office as soon as I can.+ `" s* z0 E/ m$ k7 q& D  A
8 u+ ?/ {+ ]6 p5 q  DON BRADLEY: The most important thing now is to let all of the sales force know about this change in our game plan.
) @6 h. c/ M, E4 y: W7 c  堂.布拉德利:现在最重要的事就是让我们的销售人员了解我们在销售计划方面的变化。
! H$ G* e- H( C: T8 @) _/ j  Jenny, we need to write them at once.. X# V/ x3 f0 I' x7 H  `% R* L  x: s
: V" }3 R( ?8 F3 i) g' I+ p  We need to give them some of the background to this--about what J.K. Toys are planning,8 F, F+ c7 P7 g
5 [5 k3 b% C- C& ^0 G  and about our new marketing strategy--that' s 1. the launch date 2. the price cut.
* G3 U5 K8 Z1 B0 _' F- ~2 I  有关我们新的营销策略--也就是1、上市日期 2、降低价格; K" W( \9 o- E
  And 3. the increased advertising budget.) `1 M7 U# `1 [, J% A$ v
  3、增加广告预算。0 j$ L( A* \- @2 q6 H$ s9 E
  KATE MCKENNA: We need to make it clear that "Big Boss"is an absolute priority.
' t; W& \) N9 Q( ?, r  凯特.麦凯纳:我们要清楚的表明"大老板"才是绝对的首选。* P! ]; i$ `' K0 D
  DON BRADLEY: Jenny, could you make a draft of that) l' t& ]1 H. L% D- T
  堂.布拉德利:詹妮,你能草拟以下这篇文字吗?) k1 r+ ?5 o( u9 ?% Q7 W6 X
  and we' ll get it out as soon as possible.) \$ X6 S% H4 L+ b3 W
; ^; I) i' q0 }1 Q* V9 g% j8 A, ]  Edward--you' re been very quite--what else can we do in marketing?
, Y: a; W* u! V" E6 k  w  爱德华--你一直沉默不语--我们在营销方面还可以做什么?/ ], s4 G) Q; |+ y; f
  EDWARD GREEN: We must get into Smith' s catalogue--he' s chosen"Dealer Dan"and he' s decided not to include "Big Boss".
/ S$ l2 o3 M" J" x* n2 G  m  R  爱德华.格林:我们必须出现在史密斯的产品目录--他选了"商人丹"而没选 "大老板"。5 m4 y5 w! i$ E  d/ I' s
  KATE MCKENNA: I don' t think he' ll change his mind now.
) e8 P$ T+ F& }+ x  凯特.麦凯纳:我想他现在是不会改变注意的。
' e+ A; D* v# C" \  CLIVE HARRIS: I' ll deal with Mr. Smith--I' ll write to him straight after the meeting and let you have a copy.
  b  T0 x% p. A0 I  克莱夫.哈里斯:我会处理史密斯先生的事情--我会在会后写信给他,并给你们一份。7 O8 B, \: v' @( V% D! b: G
  CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, I' d like to dictate a letter which needs to be faxed as soon as possible to Mr. Smith.
+ c4 z. Y( w/ k: s3 s3 d, c2 s  克莱夫.哈里斯:詹妮,我要口述一封信,请你尽快传真给史密斯先生。
5 U, b* r+ e6 V  JENNY ROSS: Right, I' m ready.
8 c" \& p- |8 N, T# {  詹妮.罗斯:好的,我准备好了。1 \1 j8 F  D5 s% h4 B
  CLIVE HARRIS: Dear Mr. Smith...I have learned that you have decided to select Dealer Dan for your catalogue, instead of Big Boss.
- g* x# p0 t2 `7 _  克莱夫.哈里斯:亲爱的史密斯先生 ……我了解到你决定选用"商人丹"进入你的产品目录而没选"大老板"。
( L* B' T) F/ ]  ~6 r" x  I understand that your reasons for rejecting "Big Boss"are as follows:! U3 Y! c  p* p3 P. K# k
8 z/ }  B; ^: ]. {  d9 [  1. That the unit cost will be 30% higher than the rival product.
0 ], z  M2 p3 T& F* y" D  1、我们的产品比竞争对手的单价约高30%。$ J3 _+ q8 u# y5 s
  2. That the launch date of Big Boss will be three weeks later.& M' Z5 v7 U, P$ C8 D+ w( e
* a9 a8 F' I2 N" o) _# F  3. That J.K. Toys, the manufacturer, will mount an extensive advertising campaign to coincide with the launch date of the product and the mailing date of your catalogue.
1 Q# o8 @* m  [( \1 e' l% ~) T  3、J.K.玩具公司将在产品上市日和你的产品目录投递日展开大范围的广告攻势。
  q. o: C" b4 G  I would like you to reconsider your decision in the light of the following:" |; k8 W& R4 c% Z- e6 m
; L( N! ?, @1 e: V8 t  1. Bibury Systems have rescheduled the launch date of Big Boss to January 15th--one week before the planned launch of Dealer Dan.
$ q. d; I% ~3 z4 n* }' N  1、Bibury系统公司已把"大老板"的上市日期重新定在1月15日--比"商人丹"的上市要提前一周。5 m' R9 w4 s* r" @6 E/ I& s" l
  2. Because of the market profile of your catalogue, we have decided to offer you an extra 2.5% commission on sales through the catalogue in exchange for exclusivity.
0 @! s/ K# T& B$ Y% e3 P# o  w  2、由于你的产品目录的市场概况,我们决定通过你的目录而购买我们产品的,我们会给你额外2.5%的佣金,交换条件是我们产品在你的目录里的唯一性。/ y, A! y$ L) D2 c
  3. In addition, Bibury Systems are prepared to offer your customers a discount of 15% on the recommended retail price.$ M) F* B! d4 A! ~
  3、此外,Bibury系统公司准备向你的客户提供在建议零售价基础上给予15%的优惠。4 V0 Y3 Q8 y( f- m
  I am sure that this new information will encourage you to reconsider your decision and include"Big Boss"in your Spring Edition.& a& E4 c' B: B4 w8 ~
" v0 Z# C% i: D. Z  I look forward to receiving your thoughts on this matter.
! Q. c% ^8 G3 E8 R: T. U" d  期望收到你对这件事情的想法。
7 w/ M( S8 a4 B9 d/ G' \, S  Yours sincerely, Clive Harris MD Bibury Systems.
8 X# S- |  g2 [5 Q+ @  你真诚的朋友,克莱夫.哈里斯, MD Bibury系统公司。

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