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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读指导篇三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
据商业部周三的报道,由于九月份欧元区债务危机引起的大规模削减,截止到十月,欧洲在中国的投资呈下降态 ; J5 Y8 b% f, i" _3 R
8 y- J8 G  Q) V2 M9 m* V请看相关英文报道:
6 K8 J3 ]  Q: N/ B# BEU investment in China up to October dropped, due mainly to a massive cut in September caused by  
1 C! g7 w; E# U) jthe eurozone debt crisis, the Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday. 2 m2 w4 p# ]+ c. m, {
* ^5 h9 K/ |+ ^$ f' _% t在上述报导中,“下降”用"drop"一词来表达,而其他常用来表达“下降”之意的词还有“fall”,“decline
" E, `  }2 f2 U”和“decrease”。 , A" v4 |+ W8 V! [1 d* P
例句: ) B' n, U) `" z4 h# ]
  " V/ E  c8 Z0 k
Investment from the 27-nation bloc dropped 1.8 percent year-on-year to $4.18 billion for  
' X0 d$ J( y% v2 ktheJanuary-September period. % U0 d( K) J8 }
  : L! n6 y2 Z" J  c# [' S
: ]+ g5 t/ o; Z5 Y6 O  * z2 q9 w; B- }, ?8 K
The water in the river has fallen two feet. " g% ^+ c. u5 S% h/ K. l
4 W' k0 r* {, G2 K. _河水水位下降了二英尺。
9 _8 `& a. c; w  ( y# Y1 B$ g2 `5 I0 d7 _3 }+ p
The role of the railways declined in the transport system. ; V7 S1 V) h4 C. F
  4 y8 W8 a- z- o" }6 F( |5 I. e
在运输系统中,铁路的重要性逐渐下降。   I; Y4 M  y$ j
4 W- \# G* s: Q0 V. g; ^: _+ bInterest in the sport is decreasing.
& x( Q$ m, G+ G5 c3 I8 r& {- [* C  6 u' Z# T6 ~& T  e& |

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