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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读指导篇一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% W& L. a0 d: A5 @" c( h存在不正当削价竞争行为,并且破坏美国的就业机会。 + ^, e3 d/ d5 t7 r' [5 n$ O( P
/ p) l1 X' n* l( SOn Wednesday, seven US solar manufacturers asked the Obama administration to impose duties of more  & s% V! E9 y4 w6 @% w3 n7 }
than 100 percent on Chinese imports, which they said were unfairly undercutting prices and  
( \+ Z: e: r+ x/ j; Adestroying jobs in the US. / m8 @: O) i0 r& {
【解析】 ( ]" p' H% P# @) m1 K
报道中的"impose duties"即 “征收关税”的意思。这里的“关税”是我们常用的"duty",大家很意外吧!除此
- ~2 \+ {/ M# B之外,一般还可以用"tariff","custom","impost"等词来表达“关税”的意思。
% J- _9 b5 r% n% ]  v8 ^例句:
- ?; v' `7 w+ W$ r. p' ]  q1 `  
. ^4 r  l' E" n5 ]1 d( O" `In general, tariffs can be divided an import tariff and an export tariff.
# A* E8 b$ n" _$ S# E: L  k  2 u* z8 v% A; B- C9 M4 z$ ~9 T+ d7 b
4 K2 ]+ G& n7 P( J: l   
+ l6 @* E: \* G& G8 H& o/ ~I pay $20 in custom on the $100 Swiss watch.
& Z/ W; I0 ?6 @1 Z6 ?  
! s+ x5 y+ l% A" K% S; v我为一百美元的瑞士表付了二十美元的关税。
& @! b6 L0 _5 {, E% L9 `   0 q1 ~. v& D/ I2 }7 r7 g8 Y% y) T
Although tea’s unpopularity was usually attributed to its high price, its popularity remained low  
3 |$ q1 F* o8 o/ u+ x1 weven after temperance advocates succeeded in getting the impost halved. 5 k6 i! w6 p# j/ X% D* q* H
. K' C- K: U8 e8 J( S  H" n- \) c" e8 V尽管人们很少喝茶是因为价格贵,可即使是适当禁酒主义者通过活动把茶叶关税降低了一半后,喝茶的人还是不
7 M6 W* o- Z6 v* ~/ D# t* b8 ~多。

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