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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读理解练习13

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How do you improve white collar productivity? 6 K0 h$ j' `0 ^  }
For many years, technological development was thought to be the key to improving productivity in the office. In the 1980s cheap small computers first appeared on desktops. (example)________ 2 i, S8 D) ?( k
The power of personal computers has increased dramatically, and the uses of software have expanded too. Companies both large and small have spent large sums of money on improving office computer facilities.(8) ________.It seems that business has failed to apply the developments in technology to greater effect, to increase the amount of time which office workers have available for non-routine tasks. To do this, we need to understand how information is processed in business ventures. 3 T% V0 L+ C& i5 C% |2 |/ T
Typically, information is first gathered, then processed, and finally produced in its changed form as output.(9) ________. Increasingly complex programs have been invented, to feed ever more powerful processing systems. 0 h9 X$ _- ]0 }; L9 j
But what about output? A recent study by an American management institute shows that the processing of documents takes up 60% of office workers’ time, 40% of labour costs and up to 10% of business income.(10) ________. In fact, the international companies studied for the research show that this breakdown is true world-wide, wherever the company operates.
6 \# c* q5 K0 k* O: C# H9 UTaking these findings into account, the management of documents has become extremely important. Documents support nearly all business transactions. They are increasingly the way to communicate with customers, suppliers and employees. It is therefore upon document output and distribution that we should focus. (11) ________ 5 a1 A1 X$ u9 G9 z" x; ^3 _
Unfortunately, technological developments in equipment for document management seem more impressive than they really are.(12) ________ New technological solutions are needed to tackle the problem, to help drive businesses forward to improve their productivity and output.
$ W) G2 R4 P0 q+ K  iOnly now are we beginning to study business objectives and to structure technology to suit them. Our company is attempting to understand how people use technology and how it can be applied to business problems.8 j$ a" @9 n5 ~% R2 K9 y
A.    These new methods of handling paperwork have already greatly improved efficiency.
: h9 w( p6 P% H8 y' YB.    This would be a key way of improving white collar productivity.
1 h9 I" x& l5 e3 b/ |& LC.    It will help them to make better use of all office employees." _) v* P$ l4 u. j

6 s5 b( o( A$ x; C: |5 DD.    However, this enormous investment has not improved productivity as expected.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>E.    Laser printers have many limitations, and photocopiers have few applications.1 g* u9 ?) Q  X0 {! A
F.    Most technology has concentrated its attention on the first two of these stages.
/ C- Q2 U% f; l* N# QG.    These figures are hardly surprising since documents convey nine-tenths of all information.* T* K( a! a1 k
H.    Nevertheless, it is an important way to improve business processes and workflow.0 B. J% J  `$ L1 T. h
I.     Since then, these machines have caused a revolution in the way we work in the office.# `, C, k' d" k5 o2 U0 S; |/ F
答案:8.D            9.F         10.G 11.B      12.E
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