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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级新闻阅读(14)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英国零售商协会警告称:“许多雇主,特别是那些在零售业等竞争激烈、普遍处于通缩市场上经营的雇主,发现他们的薪资结构受到了挤压。因此,那些出钱培训员工、支持员工再教育、并希望能够认可并奖励员工新增技能和技能提高的企业,无力做到这些。”  " C) P2 i: j( l) H& w) o9 ~. _
  It warns: “Many employers, particularly those who operate in fiercely competitive and generally deflationary markets such as retailing, have seen their pay structures compressed. As a result, those who invest in training their staff and supporting further education and who want to be able to recognise and reward new and enhanced skills are un-able to do so.”
$ }6 G6 p" L1 j6 E6 }  d  薪资福利专业机构IDS 2005年年底进行的一项研究显示,在引入最低工资制后,超市已削减了薪资等级的数量,在一家超市,已“引入了单一的副主管薪资等级”。
; h' }9 k0 t7 _9 z  C$ z8 g  A study at the end of 2005 by IDS, the pay and benefits specialists, reported that supermarkets had reduced the number of pay grades and in one case had “introduced a single sub-supervisor grade” following the introduction of the minimum wage. 7 v. X; d3 C" N) b( }% Z+ A1 i% _
3 @- N* N( Q& E5 j0 ?6 R; j! U  The BRC said: “If the minimum wage continues to grow at its recent average rate, employment will fall and employers will find themselves unable to reward skills, preserve wage differentials and provide valued non-wage benefits. These effects are already being felt in several sectors, including retail.”
7 D0 w& B: N8 ]; [  然而,英国职工大会(TUC)秘书长弗朗西斯?奥格拉迪(Frances O’Grady)表示:“最低工资标准已发挥了作用,因为这个标准由低收入委员会确定,该委员会将雇主和工会代表组织在一起,讨论对英国经济最为有利的政策。用机械的指数来替代这一成功的合作过程,将是愚蠢的。” 8 _% k  G$ q' H& M& l
  Frances O’Grady, TUC general secretary, however, said: “The minimum wage has worked because the rate has been determined by the Low Pay Commission, which brings employer and trade union representatives to-gether to discuss what will work best for the UK economy. It would be foolish to replace this successful partnership process with a mere mechanical index. ! Q9 w, X, e6 f3 }& m
3 Y1 I: D& M1 V+ L3 n1 l, J! C  “The BRC has consistently predicted that every increase in the minimum wage will be a disaster for the retail sector. The truth is that employment in retailing has grown to record levels.”

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