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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级新闻阅读(16)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' C5 @4 U3 q. T  “It was a matter of using non-traditional means to approach a traditional industry,” Ms Chen says. “Before, everyone just did simple trading. We used intangible assets and skills to help [state-owned companies such as Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, and Angang New Steel Company] get loans and to reform themselves to prepare for IPOs.”
# f& u# ~& S8 p1 d) y  陈宁宁表示,这些服务都是免费提供的,但它们有助于建立关系,并使她对这些公司有了深入了解。到世纪交替之际,钢铁行业开始在中国经济发展的推动下复苏,当时,嘉鑫处在将中国钢铁制造商与外国铁矿企业结合的良好位置。她表示:“到2003年,中国大约15%至20%的铁矿石由我们进口。” 3 o/ Z6 U- K3 l3 V4 p3 @3 S6 I
  Those services were provided free of charge, says Ms Chen, but they helped build relationships and gave her an in-depth knowledge of the companies. By the turn of the century, when the steel industry revived on the back of China’s economic growth, Pioneer was well-positioned to bring together China’s steel makers and foreign iron miners. “By 2003, we were importing about 15-20 per cent of China’s iron ore,” she says.
/ a( g! T; I' P6 Z8 y5 ^* V( T  陈宁宁承认,作为中国******高层官员的后代,身份对她有所帮助,“但只是人们知道你来自一个有名望的家庭。我的外祖父从没贪污过,我母亲经常教导我不要令我外祖父的名声蒙羞……我有关系,但我从没用过。”
& ~6 y3 L, s" X: h% i9 B/ M  Ms Chen admits that being the descendant of a top communist official has helped, “but only in the sense that people knew you came from a respectable family. My grandfather was never corrupt, and my mother always told me not to shame my grandfather’s name?.?.?.?I had the guanxi [connections], but I never used them.”  " M$ v& r' F$ s5 v! |; a' |
6 `8 i+ B% |4 b* V8 D3 ^' H; {/ Q  Ms Chen says her offer to China Oriental’s shareholders represents a “final effort” to revitalise the company. She claims the group, one of China’s few publicly listed steel companies that is completely free of state ownership, failed to make full use of its access to modern financial markets as a Hong Kong-listed company.

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