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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(21)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
black adj. 违法的,黑市的n. 宣布抵制,顺差短语black market 黑市(非法经营商品、买卖货币或劳务)blacklist 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单Black Monday 黑色星期一 (1987年10月19日全球证券暴跌)in the black 有盈余;银行账户上有节余例Our account is nicely in the black this month. 我们的账上本月颇有盈余。The company should end the financial year in the back.公司在财政年度末应该有盈余。Don’t release the goods until the cheque has been cleared, Mr. Smith is on our blacklist of slow payers.史密斯先生在拖延付款的黑名单上,所以支票未兑现之前别发货。相关black-market vt./vi. 做黑市买卖 adj. 黑市的block release 短期脱产班祥解雇员在一周或几周内脱离工作到校学习例We’re short-staffed at the moment as two of our team are on block release.我们目前人员不足,因为队里有两人脱产学习。blue chip 蓝筹股(公司稳健,风险小的股票),绩优股例She put her money into blue chips.她将金钱投资在蓝筹股上。blue-collar adj. 蓝领(工人)的例The jobs of many blue-collar workers are now done by machines.许多蓝领工人的工作现在已由机器替代。blueprint n. ①蓝图 ②详细规划,详细行动计划例Here’s the blueprint of my new design.这是我新设计的蓝图。It’s not finished yet; we’re only at blueprint stage.这还没有完成,我们仅在详细计划阶段。

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