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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(29)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC中级词汇精选(29), J& s% P% ^; u+ p. N0 H
7 w; `4 B! d& S& C% P7 G, ]+ l) K' p6 R
3 e2 G  d. K7 O/ f  x& xn. 大灾难,大祸1 _' V: X. P9 t' O2 H: W; A

* a' _: i: O, M7 vThe food was cold, and the guests quarreled-the whole dinner was a catastrophe.
( f  r/ x5 r# h$ z) t. K食物是冷的,客人们又吵了起来——整个晚宴是一次彻底的失败。
2 G- M: g: J6 vcatering4 T) V! Z  L8 O, i- F9 w4 q

7 q2 H/ |1 u7 m3 M% X- kn. 餐饮服务
5 F0 Q) B: B$ u+ I1 ~& x' U短语
& _3 E. @& X7 ^1 p* g, Hthe catering business/industry 餐饮业
0 t  X1 l6 p" T: B: Irestaurant catering 旅馆膳食供应! w8 J7 I) \9 L) h5 B$ b

8 R# h; R' C1 I; ^Catering at major sports events is becoming increasingly profitable.
( [9 n8 w9 V% b3 n- e为大型体育活动提供饮食的盈利日益增加。
' Y* h! X$ ]. |9 s5 [% e, u# D& scaterer
- t' |, ]: ~# [: R- m5 R
6 w$ S. [& D" \. G0 Mn. 饮食供应商(为大型活动提供服务)# t0 L) P, q5 D# y' C! \, u8 |. `

  |: {" ]: f( T2 y2 W" m# ?! g% tThe caterers arrived early to set up their tables before the guests appeared.- N5 V; ?! l# E  V) e- s- m8 W
, m# B" l; v6 r; N' y  A" TCEO
" w7 F9 H) ?( y3 {) W4 O / O4 [+ T; m* d7 J6 P9 Y
n. Chief Executive Officer (美)总经理5 S6 A( @+ z$ p
certificate; @6 T  M, g  b- D

- [, \7 Z4 X1 M& Un. 证书,证明书
' n. n0 G1 t0 k5 R7 W9 ^  l* Y短语% i: M# C5 i; J
certificate of insurance 保险凭证
& Q# U3 ^6 j) T* pcertificate of origin 原产地证书6 q5 r7 j# s7 G* q7 y
- T) S- x+ `* R0 u! G
She received a certificate to show that she had attended the training course.
( K0 u, o. h- A' {, U她参加培训班后获得证书。

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