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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(27)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC中级词汇精选(28)2 `3 s3 c, W/ O+ S( N
cancel* |* i) _) J& u
6 ^4 p3 }0 z& n6 o7 M  s
v. ①取消,注销,撤销 ②废除$ b! N) S$ W+ h/ B! {
: c& B2 i. b* v6 T
Owing to a strike by railway workers all train journeys have been cancelled.( w. V: U1 }+ _
% }3 g; Z. n9 tIf you are dissatisfied with the goods you have a right to cancel the order and receive a full refund.! f# V+ s1 t! G/ U+ P4 e, x
如果对货物不满意,你有权撤销订单,货款如数退还。( {) z. E* r7 s2 B+ p, J( D. i
candidate0 l/ a* ]3 Y8 b4 x. j

8 {! a5 L5 |5 t* L1 U1 qn. ①求职者 ②候选人 ③申请人
6 {- g) g% T1 g1 D短语
7 K% m4 V3 L5 e7 omaster candidate 候补大师
% R# J8 O7 z+ w, a4 ^# Wpresidential candidate 校长候选人
) |$ q9 I* c, V; R' _, |相关8 Z% [$ T: p* V/ Q  T* F; q
candidateship n. 候选(人)资格/身份
* a1 }+ z) P# P8 k8 ~, s: m/ _" b5 y! N. d1 _/ o
Tom offered himself as a candidate for a post.
5 r& k0 m& W4 q. @5 L8 [7 b汤姆自荐为某职位的候选人。: d* t8 ^; Y; _6 [- B) l6 w
The company is being forced to reduce staff and I fear I am a likely candidate.$ x1 r: B; p9 Z8 g+ s' V/ ]9 j
公司被迫裁员,恐怕我是其中之一。9 Q: j: S; }4 b( o( F2 r; l: x
There are six candidates for the post of senior clerk.# H& F+ ]% b8 s7 @1 B
有六个人申请高级职员。4 I% ^' {  Y. a4 Z; R3 S& w
9 N# B0 ?" d6 c5 F 8 z: U! w+ W3 n( {& E4 B* b& v
n. 职工食堂: a  V) \3 d  W9 Y5 |- ^' C2 Z' R  S

6 }1 z5 S9 Y" h8 OThe canteen serves meals between 12 noon and 2 pm.
5 Z$ t8 _0 ^$ z职工食堂在正午12点至下午2点时供应午餐。
2 w) _5 M. e# ]canvass
* g* U& \0 w7 o& o : x" {* T/ K6 P: O# y2 ^
v. ①向……拉票或拉生意,拉订单 ②细查' q! ~0 L4 G# c
短语, O( ]6 z) V" d" a9 d) e7 P
canvass for subscriptions 招徕订货+ y& V- N; l6 c9 ~  a; t

/ z  p( L* P: h" q. P" l4 dHe canvassed the papers, hunting for notices of jobs.6 C4 s: d& v: |* X5 d
他仔细查阅报纸,寻找招工广告。7 L( }% z! E- D1 F4 \: {6 E6 G5 Z
* T  f2 ~9 a9 j8 u
/ G8 Y) R5 g+ k" E$ un. ①生产额,(最大)产量 ②职位,资格. h: t/ H5 j- g5 j( T' w1 t
短语3 @+ v) S, B  C' t7 d
at full capacity 全力) g- j2 q- V; y) p, Q* r3 Y! q; H
in one's capacity as/in the capacity of 作为……;以……资格/身份/职位' {- Z: ]( Q4 F
purchasing capacity 购买力
/ j7 [1 I/ |. z
5 @4 S3 ]. n8 p% c. ZTom will visit factories which were operated below capacity.: ~0 H# h$ d7 l

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