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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(30)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC中级词汇精选(30)" n( r" \& L! n
certify# @- Y, K: r$ s& ]

; @$ L+ C7 H/ b- z0 h8 Uv. 以书面形式证明# H  w0 ]1 y/ b/ ]0 h" }% k
9 ?% J9 C5 v! v3 k  vcertified accountant 注册会计师
, b9 t2 S4 R  k0 |$ f, ucertified copy 经验证核实的副本
, l4 C1 j, d. x2 O# [5 Q5 N+ A- `+ p  l7 \" s; ?2 F& g3 q
The student asked the college to certify a copy of the examination results.# Y) x3 ~! K3 w  W) D, B! d* V
" C- w8 ~* Q8 r& S6 V& sThe accounts were certified correct.
7 P) ]7 ~3 o% B账目经查核无误。" U5 k- n. i+ @- Q0 P- S
+ O4 ]6 ~: F& d& q
* }  \0 b$ F" p* W0 ^n. ①连锁店 ②一系列# G) c( G: G: X; c, b, S, ?
2 b7 k# P# N5 o6 a- X! dcontract chain 契约连锁店
+ ]8 b& S. g& u7 M! M  geffective network chain 有效网链% g$ ?$ x" T3 j4 |5 R
store chains 商店连锁% O% N; {3 {1 O8 ?2 u+ T
chain store 连锁商店
( `% u" a# ~, H& }, F( u. @( |; H4 B8 Q* g
He owned a hotel chain.- ~4 [2 E' H5 R9 \5 G9 _6 l
他拥有多家旅馆。( N9 b2 e3 |! x
It's a chain store, so you will be able to change the shirt in your town if it does not fit.
+ w% n+ H: W/ n2 x9 H这是连锁店,你的衬衫不合身,可以到你所在的城镇去换。
6 n3 S! S: n) zMarks and Spencers is a chain store.
( J; A9 F, v. X" |6 s" U2 \玛莎百货公司是连锁店。3 t; n9 c& U- Q2 Z
$ I% J6 h* v. V3 G. U4 D) |# P
, v+ O0 T6 ]0 f% h6 f& g8 A  {n. 挑战者# q# h2 q8 u& l) @1 e
短语  i: }4 V* q5 U/ V
a challenger of established authority 向确定的权威挑战的人4 S+ i9 ^$ v; S3 L
channel; [% j0 `* W* k+ i6 Z% ?6 m$ r& J7 c
8 I0 D( g+ G6 L0 k" K
n. (商品流通的)渠道
$ H" n) B$ b# J短语" W0 h* ^, r: A7 {9 C
through (the) proper channel 通过正当的途径,办理规定手续/ G  V1 p5 J- q1 p0 q1 \
black-marketeering channel 黑市交易渠道" s/ h: p; [) j1 `" q
commodity circulation channel 商品流通渠道
- h% t: |$ b0 a* ^common-user channel 共用信道; Z  i/ B& k# }3 z1 X3 k  M
4 j4 D2 f$ Q/ i5 l- z: V
Jean got those files from a reliable channel of information.
/ {& b! G7 o. @9 S简通过可靠的信息渠道得到了那些文件。! [1 O! j! r% r3 n1 a4 v
: F0 @9 [2 ^7 F" ^; \5 [6 x
8 J- z: @/ ~8 h! y/ x$ q% fn. ①价钱,费用 ②控告
0 c, ]: N- @3 M6 r+ i: U+ Nv. ①收费,索价 ②控告
6 h8 A2 H' x+ Z2 o& @' e短语
! A" ^. [# Y  u( sin charge of 管理,负责;具有对……的控制或责任的
0 F+ O' E/ y: h+ Xcarrying charge 与房地产有关的费用;(分期付款购货的)附加价格
- V# W/ D9 y/ K" Lcover charge (某些国家餐馆或夜总会的)附加费,服务费' o+ r! n* `  X0 q- q9 ]
advance charge 预付款' L& a/ F7 W6 P
4 U5 |- {' _2 v
What is the charge for left luggage?
  i8 Y; h: i9 p4 k) W4 A* H6 U寄存行李收费多少?6 v/ J# Y  E3 ~; u6 z4 K
Cheques may now be cashed at most hotels for a small charge.: N: H1 u1 s; X: o' S9 I2 ~
/ h/ W7 P4 C. V/ R) sThe treasurer is facing a charge of theft.
: F7 [. U/ x+ J& R% T司库面临盗窃的指控。$ z8 |: o2 H, f; y: S
That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.  l8 z4 H1 c3 `( S! l9 ^
那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价。1 b8 t/ N- q4 h3 ?+ g& f
Don't forget to charge the money of the shoes to my account.
4 n+ T: G7 D+ F! v* M" ?别忘了把鞋钱记在我账上。" S3 u4 x* r2 p; g/ w
The police have charged them with fraud.
1 P; Z  F) o9 |  a警方指控他们犯欺诈罪。

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