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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(36)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC中级词汇精选(36)7 b- Z) s. P7 D; h) l* Z  m
5 f/ |& U; E7 J- Y
6 ~7 Q/ ^3 K/ h$ u6 z' E. fadj. 竞争性的
3 z  w  H  n* |  h$ C短语
. |4 m; p1 D" v# d" Z: e" }3 r4 u& bcompetitive bidding system 招标制
4 Z7 m- t/ @! |, L4 W$ ?" tprice not competitive 价格不能与同业竞争: _5 C* `$ k! Q# W2 |
competitive with 可与……竞争的
  F4 e2 g0 [1 C7 ?0 n- g2 L3 k6 D& E$ I# x0 M0 G  c+ {- C6 o
The agency is a highly competitive sales representative.
- o" y6 I9 P0 s这个代理处是个有强烈竞争意识的销售代表。
, H& y9 L( ?' s5 n% E# rcomponent
6 B- o. h4 O4 Y! j/ h
, b# A+ z* c# z* @4 U+ `n. ①机器元件、组件、部件 ②部分" a0 \  ^% Y- A5 k. w$ [
. A  |( e& K- J: hcomponents of cost (各种)生产费用
' R% m9 c3 T  b# y/ wan electrical component 电器零件7 U: g+ B* T- b9 e6 X/ |' I8 \

/ N. R& h5 E; N. K* p5 [' }Each of the components is useful in its degree.
4 u4 Y2 U0 e- j% F每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。" v- K- ]: K8 k
The factory supplies components for the car industry.
* S  Q/ [, S# e; _该工厂向汽车业供应零部件。6 `- r& h  w2 }& `! _# q0 ]
concentrated marketing: {0 N3 ]0 Y! ~. U

4 b' i0 Z& x. I  l8 q# _集中营销策略1 J; j5 `2 m( N9 {& b$ I
' y! q% O; g4 H8 M6 |- N
" Z) n& C3 `7 G0 [2 d+ Tn. 条件,状况2 G' C/ m/ T! _: z' G1 Q" y
[pl.] 付款方式,付款条件# v1 T  ]. a9 ?( E
短语0 n3 j# f: h" F5 ~
economic condition 经济景况2 ?7 q' X  [" F7 [
adjunction condition 复益条件0 B; c  k0 l( A% |, S8 h& x3 q
admissible condition 容许条件) W- H; ?) k2 ^% `: g
1 J' e' s- M( w9 ?4 B, Q
I can let you have it on very favorable conditions.) }: c4 H  f" c
+ T' X, c0 M1 O7 P  C, D+ ~: VConditions in the office made concentration impossible.
5 T6 c0 |5 |* p办公室的状况根本不可能使人专心。9 a$ @* [" h9 b# `; k2 E- W* {
: t- G7 y6 H5 N- k/ Z% q2 ^; h7 }  V
$ R' \  k8 l0 z5 M$ G, e, }. A9 r0 hn. 设备的结构、组合
5 b; D% q, f4 c# ^0 B5 G短语
- W# Q7 ~+ E. i6 n& ncomputer configuration 计算机配置
' j2 E3 d; e, w: h8 hfixed configuration 固定的配置

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