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[BEC中级] 商务英语辅导:友善助人的律师

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Friendly Helpful Lawyers友善助人的律师  O' n' {' ?. p  O3 ?! p  ^
  Tom:Hi,Pam. Thanks for coming.: G* B- b% p' P" b6 v9 R5 [
  Pam:Hi,Tom.It's good to see you again.- c) {* d) D7 w6 r
  Tom:Have a seat and let's get right to it.
: A( `7 u# q) D# Q9 J  Pam:Okay,shoot!! \. k: |( _$ b0 ~/ x* a
  Tom:I've never used you.....) _2 q+ E5 A' B3 t$ t) X
  .....(此段对话详见3-13)$ e0 R! [" R, \& b
  (For Your Information 背景介绍): ~- Z3 e# y# s+ }: u
  This book has information about layers and their priorites. It covers how they look out for themselves and their clients, why they say there's no conflict of interest, and how no stone is left unturned for client, regardless of cost. The attorney is tireless in checking every angle. This is basically because they are paid by the hour. The more time they spend on the case, the more they get paid.: b  U- c" ]# A4 `& J" U: o7 I# @! v
  这本书谈到律师和他们处理事情的轻重缓急态度,也谈到他们如何善于维护自身和客户的利益,以及他们会不惜成本,强说事情没有利益冲突,或坚称客户的情况会很顺利的原因。在仔细调查事件层面时,律师从不感到疲倦,这是因为他们按时数计费,他们花在案子上的时间越长,赚的钱都多。www.examw.com+ a$ U% y" k; b  S- ?3 q* ^9 t
  The fact that an in-house attorney handles similar situations faster and cheaper than attorneys paid by the hour is one of those mysteries of life we mere mortals will never understand without the help of an attorney.
3 F' e( J8 U" E: ]: _  f1 |5 G  当企业雇有专属的律师,处理类似案件的速度就会比较快,而收费在比以外面按时计费的律师低。为什么公司内部的律师处理案件的速度比较快,恐怕不靠律师帮忙,我们这些平凡百姓也不会懂。) v* s. E/ h  H* C
  The only way to avoid prolonged legal sessions and get your lawyer to do things quickly to hire one as an employee. Then, the mindset will immediately change to that of normal employee. The only problem is American lawyers don't work cheaply, and many companies don't have enough work to keep a full time lawyer busy. So most of us are doomed to hiring a large law firm and paying through the nose.
; p) f& t) E) v% G/ E  t( e1 J, ^  要避免冗长的法律程序,让律师处理事情的速度快一点,只有一个办法———就是雇用他为员工。一旦他成为你的员工,他的想法就会立刻改变,变得和其他同事一样。惟一的麻烦是,美国律师的薪水都很高,多数公司没有足够的工作,可以让一位全职律师保持忙碌。所以我们大部分的人没有其他选择,只好雇用大型大型法律,多付很多的金钱。

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