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[BEC中级] 写作指导:2011年商务英语考试写作讲议第二讲(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
连贯和衔接  |/ K& K4 V& T" R
  (一)连贯 (coherence)9 \* G# J; _! z0 S4 w! ~" t( ~0 e
1 E9 n6 L  ^! ~( U2 K3 K  1. 表示罗列增加
, u3 L8 n2 s  E! ?/ k" q  First, second, third,
: n; O2 F' [8 Z0 }$ z  First, then / next, after that / next, finally
2 O2 k9 V6 M' k$ G  s# j( O  For one thing … for another…,
. r* u. e7 T2 ~) E3 q% E4 F% Z# V  On (the) one hand…on the other hand,/ n! K& K" \3 N6 I" F$ b
  Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,
; e6 E2 Z7 |! A! E* @: J  Especially / In particular,
, H( o: o4 i+ w1 h+ Z$ h: F  2. 表示时间顺序8 H% ]: m  b3 U' C, M9 N: [
  now, at present, recently,
% _* x7 R8 m- u7 z2 L5 x+ k$ P  after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,  Q5 \8 F1 y6 O* J" G' L( t
  at first, in the beginning, to begin with,0 T# H  _& h( Y$ ]% ]" m
  later, next, finally,
7 c8 {9 y: [3 r0 e  immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment8 Y. C$ G& M! ?7 Z3 q
  form now on, from then on,/ t; C$ H0 Q% C1 m) U
  at the same time, meanwhile,6 u3 M+ L1 Q1 U/ y  l
  till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during,
- r- X' p0 q$ P: k1 x  Y  3. 表示解释说明! Q  P2 w+ Y( N0 t
  now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover' P! v& O% r# N: ~
  furthermore, in fact, actually
( {7 L' D+ t& O1 Q" a! i  4. 表示转折关系
7 s4 ?6 B: Y" s# s  t8 Q9 U  but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other4 \5 g/ U( u4 {) J! ?5 O
  hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,6 S& h/ Y" G+ J# {, |5 P: {# }0 t
  5. 表示并列关系
: c; u+ Y' a9 Q( B/ N  I! O# h  or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor
9 ~: D* |; }$ W- x( P' r  6. 表示因果关系
  T) d; }  ]* O( M' U* |: g  because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to…, due to…, therefore, as a result (of), otherwise, so…that, such…that. q% {4 u( b' K
  7. 表示条件关系+ b6 b6 r3 z$ ]5 U: M. O# u
  as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless$ ~. r. O* D1 ^( t- R
  8. 表示让步关系
# U  j" i# N0 P7 m: a5 a+ u  though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however, whoever,
7 G' \* S- ^5 U  whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom)3 B6 X6 U/ `2 _
  9. 表示举例2 w6 h! T7 ^3 \4 s- R# C5 {( p
  for example, for instance, such as…, take… for example6 f8 L: |, Y" H5 i  R' ?" C  W
  10. 表示比较
8 r4 a+ T" Y5 u% j8 D- k+ W: ~- x  be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…just like, just as,* V9 n" Q5 O( X& N( {* P# r
  11. 表示目的
+ U( F2 L6 y/ W; k% O  for this reason,, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to
) V2 E4 B4 u& V2 E& k8 O9 h/ r" D  Q  12. 表示强调
- A2 P- i! `* e! h' c8 S3 N# ]  in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all,& \  t; b- U  Y
  13. 表示概括归纳
. `; G3 Q+ P, `0 g  in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all know, as has been stated, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion,
! ~! S; S5 L; w/ ]; t- T9 V' p1 j  (二)衔接 (cohesion)3 M# a/ S/ K  D* o0 r+ @9 N( x5 ]
  1. 返指(referring back)
6 s& w- Z5 S! R9 @5 E1 A  例:Davis opened a door. “Here is your room. I am afraid it is a bit untidy.” He picked a dirty handkerchief off the floor and stuffed it in a drawer.
0 ?: R8 y+ h: {& L  The keeper came loping softly up the lane with the dog padding at his heels and we watched them through the hedge as they went by.
8 F6 |6 Q# B5 S8 p, J3 ]9 f  I held her very close. My cheek was against hers.
0 |/ d8 o% M: B6 V0 [: M/ T  例:The women were asked to leave. Some of them refused.
# c1 J5 C& p( V. q( \9 _  The earthquake killed 24,000 people and insured 77,000.. o. }3 B/ e, C& c) P
  例:A man and a woman were struggling up the dune. The man wore shorts. The woman wore a print dress.
" I7 M5 {1 l$ F, s/ m  2. 预指(referring forward)
; K5 S5 Q& [% l6 @1 ^: U  有多种方法可用来指代将要提及的事务。
/ F+ l  P; ?0 b; q8 t  s  例如:This chapter will follow the same pattern as the previous one.4 q2 c5 ]+ }3 B( v9 i
  In the next chapter, we will examine this theory in detail.$ e% }8 g- j7 _8 ?1 n1 k) l" N6 ]4 d
  The overlap can be seen in the table below.
: f4 c0 Z: E( L0 H: V8 @( [1 @  3. 省略(Ellipsis)
6 E+ k# B2 @% A; ?  例如:They can distinguish finer detail than we can.4 X0 n+ N) w* K) C! E$ e* a
  例如:They would stop if they could.8 H/ ?8 q( o3 [. ~2 }% q2 N
  I never did go to Stratford, although I probably should have." [4 Y" B  P2 \& ?7 S( \
  例如:I think we want it more than they do.7 j. e* x- b* m
  例如:At last he agreed to do what I asked him to.& Q7 X) L4 S4 b4 E
$ Q) T4 \( y! w" P7 H- U2 s5 H  非正式文体. q% w4 D. e4 @! m! {1 c
  Thanks for your letter. I got it 14 Sept. I’ve sent a copy to comp HQ along with a memo re your financial situation. I’ve set a meeting for 3 Oct at 11am to talk about another bank loan. So, please let us know if you can make it a.s.a.p.
' i" R5 C) \+ ^7 a$ L& z& f  But we might ask you a few things to do with your inc. and exp. before giving you a loan. Also I need to get in touch with the GM to okay it. Plus, we’ll first have to think about the last time you didn’t keep p with payments.3 z0 f4 j' v( [( O9 ^
  Anyway, in the mean time, you need to fill in this business plan. Bring it to the meeting with you.
( f/ a; ?1 _% d# V$ S8 w  正式文体# N# v, z1 B6 I: u0 t
  Thank you for your letter received 14 September 2002. A copy has been sent to the company headquarters in addition to a memorandum concerning your financial situation. A meeting has been scheduled for 3 October 2002 at 11am to discuss your request for a further bank loan. Therefore, please inform us of your availability for this meeting at the earliest opportunity.
5 S! n$ G0 N9 L. O# ?  However, a number of issues concerning your income and expenditure may be queried prior to a loan being granted. Furthermore the General Manager needs to be contacted in order to authorise bank loans of this nature. Moreover, your previous failure to meet payment arrangements will first have to be considered., f# w) k4 S, G/ z! E9 m6 E! {: r
  Nevertheless, in the interim you are required to complete the enclosed business plan, which should be brought to the meeting.
, |: T9 L: F' E$ j  e.g. I’m keen on British history
, @" `' W# j7 E/ A9 ?& W0 B  I am particularly interested in British history.
* x) A" p. S1 q3 t, N  e.g. I’m sorry, I can’t come.5 E8 q  t4 l  W
  I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend.
7 X. y9 L* L. |# E; W  关于文体,还应该注意:
1 h, s9 w5 P/ J- B# C5 E0 e8 k- X  从来不要用And引导一个句子。; r' Y* [7 A! K1 s; f1 |9 Q
  不需要括号- K! e  _5 n6 m( J  d/ y: U0 D
  不要缩写' Z! i0 [( y6 H" x- ?
, A. w% K7 W8 ~9 k  不要one-word sentence.$ k" {1 }' N* q$ k( @0 c
  不要使用口语谚语、不要使用比喻  q! ^! }; P/ ]) n- o
  不要使用修辞性的句子。" L' I# s: `6 s/ J' e: ]5 p4 I

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