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[BEC中级] 商务英语辅导:范例度量单位

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  One of the difficulties of dealing with the United States is that the old non-metric measurements are still used in some industries. Here are some common abbreviations printed in bold type. What do they stand for?% l8 R5 h; O, d  G, _% Z* m* Y
  1. 1 h.p.=746 watts
) C1 \1 Y8 q- {7 Z6 \. T& P1 L  2. 1 U.S.gall.=3.785 litres[but 1 British (imperial) gall.=4.456 litres]
! Y9 D8 w% \2 w6 g  3. 1 yd.=0.9144 metres
4 A; P+ V9 V* H0 S: \1 v$ M* q  4. 1 yd.=3 ft.6 \, U# G0 O1 B5 w, ^: _! d$ P, _: u
  5. 1 in.=2.54 centimetres! X  t$ O9 \9 h) f- |/ k
  6. 1 oz.=28.35 grams
+ G  {9 ~# z% G- \* c5 x  7. 1 cwt.=45.359 kilograms, Z4 D, h% U) m2 `0 I0 k; Q9 U0 U
  8. 2.205 lbs=1 kilogram; |* g8 q( D1 ]# G) S
  9. and, though not really a measurement, 1 doz. boxes=12 boxes! V) i- {5 O% T! t  X
  1. horsepower' `  G6 U1 G. L
  2. gallon
4 o# x/ D0 _0 g+ M; O, c  3. yard
: q4 ]( m! ?$ {  4. feet
1 x/ I' Y: G. y) E4 q  5. inch
' ~+ Z2 G! b  y  S$ @  6. ounce# M/ P; d3 b) g8 @2 h2 |
  7. hundredweight
( K3 |8 \0 Q! i" x' V  8. pounds4 q  h1 o6 [: m3 }' t
  9. donzen

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