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[BEC中级] 商务英语写作:商务信件全攻略之检查(图表写作和report)3

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  柱 状 图 形 的 描 述* Y- k  T1 X: ?' k
  转换为线形图形的描述9 M: o& i8 A/ ~4 N
  饼 状 图 形 的 描 述
, E, Q4 {- m& k9 W, M  c: v# [  对于百分比进行描述所使用的句型:" @/ u! O: H  q. D: D( m
  …… % the …… is/has/have/are ……
! I  M, t5 T9 H+ b3 O) W. m  …… accounts for ……% of the total
* i9 k4 b0 M" l( ^- m) W  …… takes up ……% in the whole chart
9 l$ W7 B! [; g* g) i  趋 势 的 比 较
1 }9 ?2 ]5 Z; I/ s1 a  1. 表示相似的句型 (实例) :
" V" A! w  T$ g2 m! W0 s  Both share prices rose sharply in January.
  [" n) @7 C5 x3 v5 }- e) z1 ^( {( x; R* N  Neither company has made a profit yet.
. s; B6 ^; _$ l7 Q* u% U! T3 ?  Like X, Y fell in June.0 }/ C5 T, U6 r
  X rose just as sharply as Y.  c( ~) T5 S& a- O7 _4 P1 a1 x, `# `
  2. 表示差异的句型(实例):
2 Q% e+ M3 a6 @( H3 F7 J' C% g  X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.
. R3 b8 Y0 s/ `* ~3 R. C0 ?( m  X fell quickly compared to Y.
0 \& \' A0 l) ^: ~- D9 Y  Unlike Y, X rose by 10%.
% c7 |6 }6 f* Z* S  I  X rose far more dramatically than Y.
- U- B: [  o( R) c* a, [7 h  3. 表示倍数的句型:
; y" R. o  w, x$ W  the …… doubled/tripled in …… compared with those in ……
* e0 `* w; A$ I* G+ }; ^  4. 客观比较的句型:
) f7 _* Z: l9 j: N  …… is …… in contrast to ……4 Z" t  r+ t) x6 m
  数 据 的 修 饰+ Q; ~# [0 m' H6 \- J4 g' X
  1. 表示不足的词或词组:$ A# E7 ]' R% R
  up to, w" T  J% c7 s7 P0 b( A% {
1 b; s7 N( y  [2 P  under; S: }$ d% w1 B5 p7 W: v& l
  almost. V. W* I, s' `
, ~6 M) Y: C6 R$ B# a  2. 表示超过的词或词组:
4 C2 W, o$ E" V+ u5 b  over! s) B& D7 s+ [
  more than
9 v. J- w& E$ E$ s0 z  just over
7 N2 p+ V& X7 e! ?2 s# a  3. 表示大约的词:( f/ V5 B+ m2 ~, a  O
  about2 M) R3 N. s8 B  `( x) x& ]
  Appendix Three:
" {7 |8 I( g5 ^& C' |  Exercise One
! l1 S( \: M- T  ~' g  Part One5 r4 K" Z5 ]2 z+ k# b( F+ f
  Questions 44
, Q. A) |' y# k, F1 q  You are the Manager of a small printing company. A new employee, Mark McCabe, is joining your company on 10th May.3 @( F: X: v# J; H
  Write a short memo to your office administrator:
: K9 h& p6 ^1 a  ?  Saying who is starting work and when;中 华 考 试 网4 z' j# c. u4 r; H
  Telling him what Mark McCabe’s job will be;
' ~0 o0 o+ A9 O7 k% h' U% t  Suggesting where Mark McCabe’s desk should be put;! u. N9 |& I9 O8 Z+ a/ u
  Write 30-40 words on your answer sheet.7 ]# Z  U# l" x! E4 c9 S
  Part Two
* m" F. g. O/ N  V  h0 t/ d  Question 45- h7 o- L8 _! ^& K: @  |  R, ?
  You were sent on a residential training course for five days. Unfortunately the course was very badly run and there were a lot of problems with it. The advert below shows the details of the course, together with your comments.2 N8 q% u' o6 L7 H  ^7 a, w
  Write a report for your manager on the course (100-120 words). Describe the problems with the course and suggest what your company should do." w8 u2 a0 \) Q
  Write on your answer sheet.
0 u8 Q5 D( X* }9 `! B; D  Improve your computing skills' N$ R! D) _. u: @9 I
  Join our 5-day course- |8 r9 G# r4 H6 q% Y% P8 i
  LTE Business Computing Courses
/ z+ |, R" N# y1 g: S* X  For the young professional
1 I* Q+ c+ y% I! ^  Our 5-day courses have been developed over the last three years and have been designed specially for all levels of office personnel.
4 z, \# x4 c3 w$ Y" b6 F5 a  We provide:) d( z* J3 E& b
  Highly experienced and qualified trainers (only one teacher – this was his first course)
$ A, S3 t) K' }0 A. m% M# a3 _  The most up-to-date software running on the latest hi-tech personal computers5 l) |. k  ~+ [. i
  Groups of no more than six students ( nine students – some of us had to share computer terminals )3 }- a; i+ D: _, ^6 X7 l
  Opportunities for individual instruction every evening ( the one around in the evening )
2 P  N! [" w( _6 r( Q5 g# p2 g  Comfortable teaching rooms in a modern hotel
4 V' d* H, k, [  G" d; h( A  By the end of the course you will be an expert in using a word processor, a spreadsheet, a database, and electronic mail. ( only did word – processing )
! C; z) f; U! t3 f  Phone Jane on 122 2323 for more details. ( & not enough food! )

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